Kisses from Michigan!

Kisses to Mommy and Daddy from Michigan!

Dear Mom and Dad,

How are you doing?   Good I hope.   I am sending you hugs and kisses all the time… hope you feel the love!

Today, we had an early morning… and yes … a very UP AND DOWN night.   Nana, Poppy and I are having some getting reaquainted time during the nights lately.   Slept a bit in my car seat, a bit in my swing, a bit in my crib, a bit in Nana’s arms, and the key word here… A BIT.  AN ITTY BITTY BIT… then, during the day today, I slept on and off again, but more ‘on’ than usual.   Thinking I have my days and nights a bit backwards.  Nana says, it’s cool though… she is up anyway transcribing my love letters and other camp stuff… so she doesn’t mind an itty bitty bit of company… and just like my ‘princess presents’, that only she says smell like roses

(eh, just a note to self … I am noticing that the other campers here won’t hang with me if I have any ‘rose smelling’ princess presents!)  Go figure!  Nana says it’s their loss.   Speaking of  roses though, these are flowers Nana got for her birthday and she also recieved some really awesome cards from the campers here and other friends and family.   Cards that made her laugh (hoops and yoyo a fav!)… and some that made her cry (eh hem…”in a good way” WHAT EVER THAT MEANS… I mean really, how does one cry in a good way?  When I cry, it is not ’cause I am happy, trust me, and when exactly do you begin to cry because you are happy?   I mean are there two year olds crying ‘tears of joy’ somewhere?   I know it’s a silly question, but I ONLY CRY WHEN I AM MAD, OR WANT SOMETHING, OR SCARED, never if I am Happy do you see me cry, and if I did cry when happy, then, I would cry all of the time?   It’s just a baby thing I guess, pondering the bigger questions of life… but really mom and dad, I think I will stick trying to smile when I am happy.  It is far less confusing that way.  So here are some photos of me, and I am smiling.. and happy … go figure…

Snuggle Bunnies with the campers here, and I smile!

 I smile when outside, I think we have established that on many occassions…

Outside, smiling, and biting anything and everything till these little choppers finish their mission.

I smile when I get a hold of the lens cap to the BLACK BEAST that is always in my face!   Nibble nibble nibble… I say…

Kisses from Uncle Nick, and Nibbling on the beast's lens cap! Who needs toys!

Today I had an arguement with Mr. Peanut… (my elephant)   Here I am giving him a good talking to…

If I have told you once Mr. Peanut I have told you twice... No More Elephants Jumpin on the Bed!

And it escalated..

One fell off and broke his HEAD... DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW THAT WOULD HURT?

But with a little reason Mr. Peanut saw things my way!

If you won't listen to good advice I will just squish you till you do..

Who’s the boss now… Mr. Peanut, huh?  

Today was the last day before my 8TH PRINCESS-VERSARY.   Really I dont feel a day over 7 months old though… and I feel as adorable as when I was but a ‘wee baby’.   I am now eating about three daily meals consisting of  two cereal and one fruit each day.   I am still in mad passionate love with the ‘bob’ and it’s cool since, the whole teeth thing is only just beginning.   I’ll cut back when I can masticate some real food.   HOLD THE PHONE… MORE TEETH… YIKES!

Hold the phone.... did someone say more teeth are coming NO WAY! Not fair...

Well after a long day of playing hard, I sat in the setting sun and thought of the two of you…

No matter where we are... or how far, we are all under the same sun, and when it is leaving me, I know it is heading straight to you!

I always am reminded by Nana that as the sun is leaving us, it is on it’s way to you… so we blow kisses to it, and figure the sun will shine down on you and deliver them and you will be “sunkissed” by ME YOUR LITTLE GUGU BEE!  Until tomorrow Mom and Dad, I hope today’s photos, made you smile…(NONE OF THAT HAPPY CRYING STUFF… way too confusing for me!) and remember as always, I am your Little Miss Adorable , your daughter,

I am dreaming of us, and your return home!



Remember when I told you how all the friends and family here in the states, are taking care of your Little Miss, well, not only are Mimi’s and GG-ma’s following me ON my site everyday (kisses to you  all and thank you for hanging with me at camp both on line and when possible, in person) .. but so are Aunties, cousins and literally thousands of people I don’t even know world wide… and I REALLY APPRECIATE IT considering Nana, well she is an amatuer at this stuff and yes we can say it… she has all kinds of craziness in that head of hers… but she just wants mommy and daddy to smile, and not miss a day of seeing ME.   We know how I am all too often making so much out of something silly or small, but I am helping make the days a little nicer, and a little lighter for my mom and dad.  I am always going to be their little spirit stick and will always try to help them to forget about the miles between us, or all the sand, just for a bit, and help them enjoy green grass, and my little “buns” sitting on it, in a safe place.   Speaking of being a SPIRIT STICK, what I was wanting to say –  is that today I got a present in the regular mail from my Cuz Nanc,  your second cuz, and technically my third cousinc- CRAZY!  Take a look Mom and Dad… not only do I have a jersey for hockey season… Nanc took the time to send me the best accessory to my Wing NUT outfit, I now have a complete ENSEMBLE, personally I think this may be what was missing and why we didn’t bring home the Stanley cup… (just wait, I am ready now!)

Little Spirit Stick Socks!

Thank you so much Cousin Nanc… I am hooked up and gonna be on the Red Wing Wagon again soon.   My Mommy and Daddy thank you too for keeping  me and my parents in your heart and on your mind and we all appreciate that while they are away working in the land of sand, family and friends here are all hoping for them to come home safe and come home SOON.

By Lisa

Grandchildren make all the stuff your kids put you though worthwhile.

2 thoughts on “Kisses from Michigan!”
  1. Hey Princess,

    That’s good news to hear that so many people have love for you as well. You’re so special and Mommy and I miss you very very much. We can’t wait till we get back so we can see you again. I hope the teething and sleeping becomes easier, and you start feeling better.



  2. Thank you Daddy, I am feeling better now they are through the gums, and as they grow completely in, I hope to feel even better. Hope you are smiling when you see my choppers… Love GuGu!

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