I Love Being Independent, Kind of….and Mr. Quackers, he protects me!


Dear Mom and Dad,

How are you two doing?    I love feeding myself, those little puff pieces, but getting them in the right place, and not stuck to my fingers or face and even dropping them from time to time, well it  is not easy.

Step one pick up puff, and put in mouth like toys and all other objects.

Yea, I know, not the most flattering of shots, but, the important part, is I did it, and eventually I even got the little stuff.


I do not, however,  like holding my own bottle. Or the sippy cup.   I prefer to have someone else hold it for me.  But when I want to be independent, I am…  for instance when I want to get down and crawl I kick and push until someone lets me do it.  You could say, I know when I want, when I want it.  There are other times, when I just want to be held.    I also know how to fire a warning shot when I want someone to pay attention to me.   I call out, in a fairly loud yell if someone walks away or by me that I wanted to stop and talk to me… I let them know.  I wave to to people when I am around them, and get that ‘puzzled’ look when everyone doesn’t wave back.   The other day, I was at swiming, and I was looking pretty cool, but I noticed some of the spectators were talking with each other, and not looking at me… I let them know… and in my little “warning shot” squeal, I got them to look.   It’s an art really, I know,   and special talent… which Nana says is cute for an eleven month old, but she thinks the cuteness may wear off as I grow… I say, NO WAY,  I know what I want, and when I want it… and I have no problem going after it.   Here I am giving a ‘warning shot’ letting someone know I want something….

Quackers has something to tell me.... What is it Quackers?

Getting ready to call out to someone... hey you, I want you ...hey there...


Here I am, jibber jabbering away… lots and lots to say.


Above I am holding my little army duck Mr. Quackers,

He goes places with me all the time…. tubby time, in my little red car… in my diaper bag…. he is a good buddy…I really love chomping on him!


Oh, he has a secret for me… hold on ….


What ?   You don't say.... REEEEALLLLY?

Mr. Quackers says, you and daddy do not know it, but he is wearing your uniform….and he says… he is here keeping me company, until you come to pick me up, he is my “battle buddy” just like you guys have as soldiers!  Cool huh?

Other times, I am quiet and reserved.    I am not talking, I am a little thinker… and sit quietly just absorbing everything I can around me…but one thing is for certain, whether or not I am feeling talkative, or quiet, silly or snuggly… I am always, your Little Miss Adorable, your daughter,

Sitting passified!


By Lisa

Grandchildren make all the stuff your kids put you though worthwhile.

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