Dear Mom and Dad,

Monday is always a big day, return to work and school for big campers and for me it’s a day that begins the week. This Monday is different as it is my last Monday as a little camper. By the time I see another Monday – my mom and dad will be here! And I will no longer be camping, I will be General Guge!

Yep – when Mommy was at Fort Jackson there was a wooden tower she had to climb. Here at camp I am in the final days of my basic training too- so to speak, and I am conditioning myself and scaling my equipment to get ready for the big moment.

I can tell you this – take a good look at this face. You will see I am saying nothing is going to get between me , mom and dad …. I have got this covered.

Me and my spices are cooking up a storm these days! Can’t wait to make you two mac and cheese!

Until tommorrow please know that I am as always – the little baby in red, your LITTLE MISS ADORABLE , your daughter,


By Lisa

Grandchildren make all the stuff your kids put you though worthwhile.

One thought on “Baby in Red !”
  1. Guillianna those eyes are almost amazing in pictures as they are in real life….. you are an amazing little princess and just cannot get enough Guge time! Love you so much

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