Back to the Pediatrician…

Heeeellllllooooo Mom and Dad.... what's shakin' (besides my hand)

Dear Mom and Dad,

Today Nana took me back to see my pediatrician.   While she and poppy seem to be feeling a little better, and less COLD like.. I am not.    Nana wanted to have the pediatrician look at me again.  They weighed me to make sure I am not losing weight, and I was not.   I weighed exactly the same.   It has only been a week!   The doctor examined me very carefully, and I am breathing good, my lungs are clear, even though I am coughing a lot from the drippy crud in my nose and sinus cavity.   I have a double ear infection… and that is why laying down is so hard for me.   The doctor has me on an antibiotic for ten days.   Nana will be on the watch you can be sure to make sure I don’t get any rashes or have any problems taking a new medicine.   Nana says she is so sorry that I got an ear infection since she tries so hard to keep me healthy and happy.  GREAT NOW I WILL BE WEARING A PARKA IN 70 DEGREE WEATHER… OR  HAVE A SNOW SUIT ON WHEN THE LEAVES BEGIN TO CHANGE COLOR!  

Teething, snuffy, infection in both ears... geez ..... enough to make a princess... 'cranky'

Wow, it’s a bit much to handle getting teeth and a cold with an ear infection too… but I laugh in the face of difficulty…

My laughing face!

All in all, I am doing okay.  All campers busy, but Nana kept me ‘ENTERTAINED’ and with the exception of hating the little blue boogie sucker, I had a pretty decent day.   Nana knows I love Baby Einstein so she got me a new DVD to watch…  and aside from a crusty or running nose in most of my photos…. I am still clearly Little Miss Adorable, your daughter,

Yea I keep playing with my ears cause the bother me!


By Lisa

Grandchildren make all the stuff your kids put you though worthwhile.

2 thoughts on “Back to the Pediatrician…”
  1. You’re still adorable even with a drippy nose and sore ears. Hope you feel better really, really quick!
    Much Love…Aunt Nori

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