My hair is getting longer!

Princess Gugu, and a photo shoot of her locks of hair... that can now blow in the breeze!

Dear Mom and Dad,

Today was a total stay at home day, and be pampered.   I took my tubby early today so Nana could get the photos right afterward, and you could see my hair right after it dries and since it is so light right now, the sunlight was important to try and capture my locks… look close, they are sticking straight up!

Kickin back at camp.... Looking adorable as usual.

And here is a close up…

Can you see them?

Nana tried to get a few that would show off how gorgeous it is… but it is hard to see on these pictures.  

But this shot... shows it pretty good!

Cute huh?

I am so cute that again Nana struggles with which photos you will want to see... I am so happy when I take a bath, and my absolute favorite part is that little shower thingy…

It feels so funny when it hits my tummy, that I laugh and kick my feet.

I love love love taking a tubby.

I usually do it at night, and then I am mellow, and go to sleep…. so I was a little mellow after my tubby and was tired after my photo shoot, but never too tired to look adorable.

A Princess duty is never done.. and I was a super star for my photo shoot.


Here … look more….

I have so much to say, and yet when you call, I am quiet ... too busy looking at the telephone!

I am hoping these bring a smile to your faces… and that you never forget I am always your Little Miss Adorable, your daughter,

Eyes blue as the ocean!


By Lisa

Grandchildren make all the stuff your kids put you though worthwhile.

2 thoughts on “My hair is getting longer!”
  1. hello princess,

    your hair is beautiful. It is so long. You look so calm after your bath. I love you and miss you very much and keep up the good work.

    love you

  2. Hey princess,

    Yes your hair is finally starting to grow and really take over. But those blue eyes of yours I hope never change. I’m glad you had a good day, and like tubby time. Enjoy the day and I’ll talk to you soon 😀



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