Resting at Camp Nana’s!

Camp Nana's February 18th, 2009Dear Mom and Dad,

Today I get to laze around after my VACCINATION day… I am feeling great.   I do not have a fever, or any side effects from the medicines, but I am very happy just hangin out here at Camp Nana’s.   Hey, make sure you tell cousin Cody I miss him, Hi Aunt Sam, and to my Mimi & Grandpa Richard, as well as all the California gang, I hope they will visit my site, while we are so far apart, and I hope it helps everyone who misses me, PRINCESS, get through these next weeks.  

Hey mom, I have  one thing to say about MICHIGANIANS, or MICHIGANDERS,  Do you know why this state is shaped like a mitten?  It’s not so you can point on your hand to show someone where you are from, its to remind you that  if you are going to visit here in winter, you better have a pair of darn mittens.  My little fingers can get cold so easy.    Ha!   The house is nice and warm, however the outdoors leaves something to be desired.   No wonder Great Grandma and Great Papa spend this time in the south…. 

Rumor has it, I will be having a date with Great Papa Alan this week.   I am excitied to see him.   Today Great Grandma Sally called me too.   I feel lucky.   Lots of love here to be sure, but I dream about you and dad.   I took a great nap this afternoon.   So Nana put up these new pictures, we won’t know for a few days how I will do on the new formula.  Nana said you wanted to know the name of it, and it is Enfamil, Nutramigen Lipil a Hypoallergenic Infant Formula.  It tastes good and I don’t seem to notice any diffence when I get a feeding.   The doc says at least three days to a week before we know.   Hope your day was great, and that my letters help you remember how much I love you, and how great it will be when we are back together again.

Love and kisses,

Little Miss Adorable, your daughter

See my happy face!With a happy face…




I can’t wait until bath time later tonight.   I love taking a bath!

By Lisa

Grandchildren make all the stuff your kids put you though worthwhile.

2 thoughts on “Resting at Camp Nana’s!”
  1. Hey there princess its mommy! I am so glad that you are doing so good. Mommy and daddy are so proud of you!!! I love you so much. I cant wait until I see you again. I am so happy that your enjoying your time at camp Nana’s because Mommy feels so much better when you are there – than the daycare. I love you princess… very much…muah!

    Love, Mommy

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