Sleeping thru the night?


Dear Mom and Dad,

Since the whole teething thing really began, well lets just say sleeping is not a favorite.  Post nasal drip seems to be the culprit.    My nose and nasal cavity are so full of mucus, since teething… that I don’t want to lay down.   I will fall asleep in a second if I am sitting up in Nana’s arms, or even in a car seat…. but every 15 to 30 minutes I was up last night, until Nana let me sleep in the car seat for a bit.   She too caught a few winks.   Teething  is getting better though, and during the day, like I said yesterday, I am fine.  


My teeth are so cute… I just know in the upcoming days, when they are fully sprouted, the Beast will get a shot of them so you can really see how cute they are. 

We spent the day …. CLEANING…. yes, No FUN Nana, made the campers clean again!   Seems some little camper was taking up so much space everywhere with toys, and IMPORTANT LEARNING STUFF, that Nana decided it was time to reorganize.   Now, the former LIBRARY, is a PLAYROOM for the campers… most specifically one little camper who shall remain nameless… I don’t know something about learning how to put away toys… or some non-sense.   If we take out toys… we put them back.. how fun is that… now you may be getting the picture on  how she earned the name NO FUN NANA! 

What is fun though is being outside, and it shows… here is my photo shoot for today.

Do you have any idea how much I want to go outside?

Daydreaming, and wanting to play….

Told you... being outside, means HAPPY GUGE!

Happy girl!   Green soft grass, and fresh air is all this Gugu Bee needs…. that and some ‘bob’s’, some toys, a lot of princess helpers around to pamper me, and maybe a few other things… but  really I am not high maintenance…. really…. It’s just that being outside, well –  it makes teething easier.  Look when I am outside, teething  –  well, it is just even easier when outside.


I have several approaches on this whole teething thing… above is one method, and below, well this is another princess approach at teething!

How many teeth do you have Guge?   TWO! RIGHT HERE AND RIGHT HERE...

I am quite a gardener…Look I am gardening!I think I like these purple flowers the best.


I am thinking about picking this one..


I am thinking that it would only take one second and it could be mine….



Or no… a better plan…

I could send it to Mommy in the land of sand!

Can we cut these and mail them to mommy?

HEY – WHAT DO YOU MEAN I CAN’T PICK THEM, Please!  If we pick them I can send them to Mommy for my 8th Princess-versary.  NO?.. NO?… well, fine then… I just might have to pout…

I am an outdoor adventurer.... look this is my I am seriously exploring this ... and want to know more face...

I can get pretty serious when I want to…. but if No Fun Nana, were really NO FUN, then there would not be thousands of photos of Me Princess Guillianna… SMILING ALL THE TIME… like this….

This is my happy garden face!

I had dinner at Great Grandpa Ray’s today, he called this afternoon and said, ” hey there”  to Nana and all of us campers and that he had made us a roast beef dinner, complete with ‘taters’, peas… and fried zucchini.   It was so nice of him… I of coarse, had the usual… a ‘bob’, but he really made a great dinner for all of the campers, and we had a great time out at his house.   THANK YOU SO MUCH – cause I got a chance to visit with my cuz Brit, and my Gappy (who were there too, but had already eaten).  Mom and Dad, I am so lucky- everyone and I MEAN EVERY ONE is making sure I am happy and smiling all the time until you get back!   I will write you tomorrow, or should I say TODAY AGAIN, SINCE NO FUN NANA, SEEMS TO HAVE MISSED HER MIDNIGHT DEADLINE YET AGAIN… until later..please remember I am your LITTLE MISS ADORABLE, your daughter,

Hey Momma, and Daddy, I know this is so hard for you, but look at my face... I am doing really good.   I am yours, and will be RIGHT HERE WAITING FOR YOU TO FINISH YOUR WORK! xoxoxoxox

Guillianna!  ( I should probably cut Nana some slack, since it is me who has already awoken at least 5 times since she laid me down for the night!)   IT’S JUST SO MUCH MORE FUN TO PICK ON NANA ! I mean why should a princess like me take the blame if we can attribute the trouble to another cause…?   Maybe Nana should type faster, or take less photos!   What about that idea… nah…. less photos of your little(POG) Pot Of Gold…. UNTHINKABLE.   XOXOXO Talk to you later!

By Lisa

Grandchildren make all the stuff your kids put you though worthwhile.

2 thoughts on “Sleeping thru the night?”
  1. Hey princess,

    You look so happy, and am glad you’re enjoying all the green MI has to offer. I can’t wait to see those chompers you got either, and am excited to come back in four months to see you again. I miss you princess!



  2. Those are great Princess colors on you…It was great spending more time with you and the rest of the campers.

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