Thursday April 1, 2010 KEEPING UP OUR STRENGTH!

Dear Mom and Dad,  HAPPY APRIL FIRST!

I am thinking we will be resting comfortably at Fort Hood by Mother’s Day… to be certain!   All the chaos of moving done, and you and daddy full time with me! 

Today is the beginning of a new month…. and this is the FINAL chapter of my love letters to you and dad… I will have one for you today, not to worry…  this is just a little note  – I just wanted to start your day with the happy thought of what  APRIL IS … it is not an April Fools joke… it is spring here in the MITTEN STATE,  a bunny will deliver chocolate eggs and candy … flowers will begin to sprout, and you and dad will be reading some of my last love letters this month!     I cannot wait until we are a family again… I can smell it in the spring air!  See you later tonight…. alas on line but if we have survived this sabbatical of so many days, we are sure to have enough strength to make it through one more month!   Love and kisses till later your sweet baby Guge!

THIS WAS US ONE YEAR AGO…. and again soon…




Only now…. I have hair… and I am even more adorable…

How are you and daddy doin’?

Catch ya tonight with a photo shoot from today!

Maybe I will look at the Beast… (Mr. Nikon) today?


So here we go…

Now that you remember what I looked like then…

My love letter for the day is to follow:

April 1rst, 2010 the first day –

of my last love letters to the land of sand!

Dear Mom and Dad,

Today was Thursday right… and usually Great Aunt Pam is hangin’ out at Camp Nana, helping Nana out on Thursday’s, but this week has been a weird one…. she was here so many days, and she brought me stuff every day.  She brought me a bunny, a basket, clothes, and candy!   Yep, you cannot believe the things she has done.   Nana told mom of some stuff going on, and lucky for Nana it is almost over the worst of it.   Great Aunt Pam has been so nice to help out and well to be honest she is more fun than NO FUN NANA!  

Here are my photos of the day… and I hope you love them as much as I loved taking them…. I know it is hard to stop me these days, from being interested in stuff besides Nana and the beast…

but now that I am a toddler, I love toddling around, who can blame me…. Nana is ….well, boring by comparison to a lot of stuff I find!

I am so busy all the time….

I have important calls to make and things to do..

You cannot imagine the stuff I have to do in a day!

Today, I ate pasta and “guge special’ hot dogs.    I had carrots, which are about my favorite veggie since I hate peas and green beans.   I had homemade applesauce and even some prunes early today cause well, let’s just say I needed some…. I was up at three am with Poppy –  pushing!    Then laughing and not wanting to go back to sleep since three…. yep it was an early day, but after all that pushing last night and early this morning prunes were still in order…  (yes Nana is telling this story and embarrassing me… but it’s all part of Princess digestion and learning to eat new foods) 

I know you and dad are so proud that I have such a charming personality, you are proud that I am learning and growing, you have hopes and dreams for me, that are beyond imagination, just like Nana and Poppy for all of their kids…. THIS LOVE LETTER IS SENT TO YOU TODAY TO SAY…. I am the luckiest… and I make you and daddy proud in all I do,  it’s the small stuff like first foods, or first steps when small, and as we grow it never stops! 

 That is what kids do… !   Look at you two!  I don’t know what I will be when I grow up, and I don’t know any of the journey in front of me, but I do know (or am being told) this…. Nana says, it will be full of laughter, and joy, and yes it will have things I don’t always understand,  things that can make a person wonder, and doubt… but that I should always listen and learn as I go, and it is guaranteed to be most certainly full of dreams…. I LOVE YOU MOM AND DAD!

I was much better by lunch… and now everything is working great!    Nana was PROUD!   See, it is the simple things…. too that make us happy.  YEA!   Hopefully this means a nice night sleep at camp for all…. Uncle Nick and Miss K, return from the Pacific Northwest today!     All is going well, and I am as usual, your Little Miss Adorable, your daughter,


By Lisa

Grandchildren make all the stuff your kids put you though worthwhile.

4 thoughts on “Thursday April 1, 2010 KEEPING UP OUR STRENGTH!”
  1. Hi Sweet Baby Girl,
    You just get more precious with each passing day. It is so hard to believe everything you are able to do. My favorite thing you do each and every day is putting a smile on my face. Nana captures the most priceless poses of you. I wish I had all the energy you have! If I were to get up at 3 a.m., I would have to take a nap in the afternoon until the next morning! I know you are just trying to impress Nana with the peacefulness of the nighttime hours. I truly think she gets it now! It looks like you had a great start to this April. I know you will continue to do so each and every day to follow. Keep smiling, sweet baby. One day when you grow up, you will realize the light you shine in everyone’s heart every day. Sweet dreams, honey.
    I love you,
    Cuz Nanc

  2. Hello GuGu!

    Your outfit today is very beautiful, and although you were dodging the beast, we were still able to see those lovely baby blues. We noticed you swapped the iPHONE for the princess phone, a very hard decision we’re sure you had to make. So the Easter Bunny is coming, and we’re sure you must be very excited. We wish we could spend the holiday with you, but we must prepare here for our return home. We miss you and love you so much!

    Mommy & Daddy

  3. Hi there beautiful Gugu…you get prettier and prettier everytime I open my computer. You are a beautiful baby who has a beautiful and wonderful Nana. Everyone should be so fortunate to have such a Nana. I hope when you get to Fort Hood your mom picks up the gauntlet Nana releases and sends us pictures of you as time goes on..don’t know how I can begin my day without seeing your big blue eyes and wonderful smile. Take care sweetie. Love you

    Great great Aunt Ida

  4. What a beautiful sweet child. I hope to meet you some day. I haven’t even met your Nana, yet but am hoping to do that soon. Of course, through these letters and the Always & Forever book I know your Nana in my heart, but still I want to see her face to face. I hope that I might be allowed to welcome home your mom and dad when they finally come home to you. I would like to thank them personally for their tremendous sacrifice and service to our Great Country. I have missed seeing you and reading your letters because my big old bad computer broke causing me to loose a lot of precious stuff. I am going to try to catch up.
    Your friend, Bill

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