Dear Mom and Dad,
Today is Friday, and we had a quiet day. Nana and Poppy’s television broke, and Nana ordered parts, but there was no Sesame Street, and no Curious George which I enjoy in the morning. However… it left more time for you know what… NANA SONGS…. yeah that’s what I said too….
We think the part will be delivered tomorrow or Monday…
yeah that’s what I was thinking too…
Here I am just double checking if she is certain she really wants to sing that one song AGAIN….
or maybe she should rest a bit…
but alas… no… have you ever really listened to someone sing… who technically requires oxygen when just talking… because she desats… and when she sings… the deprivation causes such an interesting effect on the pitch of the song… truly … it’s interesting….
Justice, Libby and Mr. Griffmonster… I wonder where they go during song time?

Here are some pictures for you and dad, it is Nana and I, and probably the closest thing you will get to seeing Nana on here… with the one exception of my party day, where she has one photo, but says she is going to remove it… I told her no changing my love letters!

For those of you following….. uhhhmm, yes, the Griffmonster is STILL SHEDDING, major like. We have a dusting of snowy white fur throughout the house, and it is so bad that I saw the cat’s sneezing earlier today. G R O S S …. Nana says, on Sunday all of the doggers are getting tubby’s…. and I don’t mean a sub sandwich either… they are getting brushed, bathed, and trimmed. Sounds fun?, NOT! As a matter of fact, I am filing an official petition, seeing as I am fearful that my ALL HANDS ON GUILLIANNA DAY may just turn into an as many hands as possible on the SHEDDING MACHINE POOCHES. Definately NOT good. Will let you know how that goes! Tomorrow we have a field trip to take Grizzabella to the vet…. told ya … a zoo… a total zoo…. any excuse to go out though, love that car ride thing, and there is always a good chance I will get extra adoration from new folks… happens most places I go… Nana says, not to let it get to my head, and to be humble, I say… look at this… HOW DO I DOWNPLAY THIS..? Really Nana… how?

So I just have to saymom and dad, how awesome my Poppy is… he came home last night from work, and you know what he had. A present, not from him, but a patient. He’s been a good doctor for a long time and he has patients who have been so good to all of us… He has a patient as well as many of her family members, as patients, she drove all the way to Poppy’s work, JUST FOR ME, and she gave me some awesome and adorable princess outfits. Thank you so much Mr. and Mrs. L. I hope you know how lucky Poppy feels to be able to see you and your family, and for your kindness. Now,he too is a GRANDFATHER, and he see’s how that is exactly now… all this time you have been grandparents, and loving every second of it, well Poppy, HE TOTALLY GETS IT …and all the family here at Camp Nana say THANK YOU SO MUCH for being so thoughtful. I feel very lucky.

My mom and dad say thank you too, to Mr. and Mrs. L…. for making my time while they are so far, so very nice, and for thinking of me. Right mom and dad? So before I go for the night, I hope you know how much you are loved, and missed. Until tomorrow, I as always am your LITTLE MISS ADORABLE, your daughter,

Look as Nana sneaks in a kiss in on Mom and Dad’s behalf… see I told you… she gets a little crazy….. but this week I started showing off a new trick…. see, I just say RIGHT BACK ATCHA NANA…