Campers registering for Fall Classes….Time Passing!

Hi guys... I miss you!

Hello Mom and Dad,

Today at camp we took it easy, as tomorrow is a BIG GOLDFISH MINI DAY!   Me and my Goldfish Mini Partner are going back for a swim class and I wanted to be rested.  I am still teething … and really, I am experiencing totally terrible teething time, little princess’ get to have, like a little fever, a little crankiness, yes, I said cranky, but with good cause, two little teeth are making their way through at the same time.   I can go from happy to angry in seconds… and back to happy again providing Nana is silly enough.   I am hoping the first two are the hardest… and the rest of these little things will come in a bit easier… or that I will just get used to it…who knows?  

Thinking about blue skies, and white puffy clouds, you two and me!   Ahhhh happy!

Today, I was a ray of sunshine in an otherwise dull day.   Nana’s kids, all the Aunties and Uncle are preparing for fall. (yes, I will say it, SCHOOL!)  We have a huge schedule at camp and it shows what times everyone works, or has class, five in college full time, and me….. with my camp stuff like appointments, or swim class and other ‘SOCIAL’ engagements I’ve had, or plan to have.   Believe me, I have had a bunch, I mean, first there  have  been my regular ‘FRIDAYS ARE FUNDAYS’ with GG-ma and Great Papa.  Then things like brunch or dinners with Nana and Poppy and the campers, places like Ms. Sydney’s, or Ms. Pat or Ms. Sandy’s.   What about that I was at a picnic at Grandpa Ray’s one week  or Great Uncle Dave’s another!  Baseball games and all kinds of other stuff that make a princess need a calendar!  We don’t say Camp/Zoo Nana for nothing… ya know… it is truly an interesting place.   Poppy alone needs computers to schedule all over town and doing a bazillion things.   Uncle Nick who had not gotten back from the South Pacific in time to take the LSAT, is in Culinary Arts School and preparing for the LSAT.   Aunt Mikayla is starting her senior year as a History major, with an English minor, and hopes to begin student teaching after this fall, but is taking 16 credits per semester.  Aunt Alyx is beginning her third year of pre medicine/biology classes, and will be preparing for taking the MCAT next year, while taking 16 credit hours per semester as well.   Aunt Allyssa is entering cosmetology school in the fall and continuing her studies in journalism as a Sophomore at the university as well  – and will be taking classes at both schools, with Aunt Arrianna beginning as a freshman she too is taking 16 credit hours per semester.   Each in different classes at different times through the day from 9 in the morning  until 10 at night.   All  the campers are working too… and Nana trys to keep track for packing them lunches, or making dinners for them to eat on the run or between work and school.   THE CALENDAR IS COLOR CODED, AND LETS JUST SAY… it’s a crazy RAINBOW!   Nana says it will all make my time here go by faster for me.   Taking care of getting it all together, well that is what we did today, we had to drop off forms, and finalize schedules, register for classes, and all kinds of school related stuff.   Things you and daddy will be doing with me before you know it.  Imagine, me on my first school bus…registering for classes… choosing a career, WOW.   There are so many things we have to look forward to.  These days it may be hard for both of you to think about anything other than missing me, but STOP, BECAUSE I PLAN TO MAKE UP FOR LOST TIME WHEN YOU COME HOME.   I do!

Telling important stories, is a favorite past time for me!

I think everyone here in Michigan… and those that read my love letters are trying to help me pass the time… as quickly as possible  – so that we come to the day when we see each other again.  Nana used to say to mommy when I was but a ‘bun in the oven’… that every ultrasound, or doctor visit was a “meet and greet“.  A chance for us to get to know each other before our surprise Dec. 4th date!   I love ‘meet and greet’s’.   They give me a chance to win over new happy faces… everywhere I go… people smile at me, and say… “GUGE YOU’RE ADORABLE”.   I think to myself… if you think I’m good lookin’ you should see Mr. Griff… now there is an adorable face… not! (A FACE THAT ONLY NANA WOULD BE SILLY ENOUGH TO LOVE!)   I know I have written this several times before… BUT YES… Mr. Griff  STILL SERIOUSLY DROOLS, AND YES… HE desparately NEEDS DOGGY BREATH-SAVERS… but I am not certain that an entire package of ANY KIND OF breath-savers could actually do what they claim!   THERE MAY BE  – NO SAVING HIS BREATH… but I –  am not one to complain….really.  We all love the Griffmeister anyway!

Me being my busy self... always looking and learning...

I am counting the days until we see each other again, and really I go week to week…. a few days at a time, but have put on my website a countdown to our VISIT AROUND MY BIRTHDAY, and of course AN ESTIMATED TIME of your return to me… (IF PRESIDENT OBAMA SAYS August 2010… THEN I’LL BELIEVE HIM AND HOPE FOR SOONER)!  

Little Miss, Adorable says good nite mom and dad!

I will write you tomorrow of news from the land of many lakes and beautiful green trees, WHERE SUMMER IS TOTALLY AWESOME AND I LOVE BEING OUT WHEN THE WIND BLOWS THROUGH THE TREES.   Close your eyes tonight and dream of me, your little pot of gold, your ray of sunshine, and the day you can stroll me outside and feel the breeze together.   You may feel a lot of breeze according to Nana, because she says, you’ll be running to keep up with me… while I explore and keep you on your toes!   Until tomorrow, I am as always, your Little Miss Adorable, your daughter, Guillianna!

Look at ME!

I am so adorable, that pictures are not enough!Dear Mom and Dad,

I have been writing you a love letter every day since February 14th, telling you how adorable I am, and giving you a glimpse into my days here at camp Nana.   I try to tell you how much I love you, and miss you while you are working so very hard… but if a picture is worth a thousand words, then I want to know how much is a video worth?


Seeing me play, and move, is hopefully ‘priceless’.   I love you both very much… and am making new friends here… like Mr. Bauer and I are getting reacquainted, now that I am getting bigger… and more interested in the furry creatures at Camp/Zoo Nana!


And if getting to know Mr. Bauer isn’t cute enough… LOOK AT ME, I know my name!


From the land of lakes to the land of sand… I love you both very much, and hope you enjoyed today’s video extravaganza… as always I am your Little Miss Adorable, your daughter,

Dreaming of you and Daddy.... xoxoxoxox Good Night Mom and Dad!


Sunday, Sydney and a “Super Day”

I just had a bath... and am ready for story time!

Dear Mom and Dad,

Today was so fun, and I had so much fun.   Poppy and Nana had a special chance to visit some friends for a wonderful brunch.  Ms. Sydney, Ms. Phyllis and Mr. B. all sat out in a beautiful (VERY BEAUTIFUL) garden, and then ate a very good brunch.   Can you believe that Nana, was so busy talking up a storm she didn’t even take one picture of the beautiful garden.   And you know how I love being outside and flowers… silly Nana.   They were so nice to me, they even thought of me when they went to a ballgame, and they gave me a present.  YES, here it is.   I will get right on making them a thank you note! (you know how Nana is about that kind of stuff, being polite and sending a note, is high priority)  I will sit her down tomorrow and have her transcribe a lovely note from all of us…. they got me a pink onesie that has this on the front! After we left Ms. Sydney’s brunch, we came back to camp.   I had a fun field trip and Nana and Poppy, well it was fun for them too.   Nana misses the chance to visit with Mr. B, since she cannot work anymore, and doesn’t see him around.  So a chance to sit and visit like that, is truly rare, and so appreciated.  

Thank you for my special shirt... it was so nice of you to think of me!

Tonight I got invited to a picnic with Great Grandpa Ray.   It was awesome, all of his kids were there, even Great Aunt Linda was in from Tennessee. And you know what… Nana didn’t even get a picture there!    I mean really Nana, are you on vacation or what….either the beast is in my face constantly or “forgetful’ Nana doesn’t get a single photo…. !   After the day of visiting family and friends, I came back to camp for ‘tubby time’ and Nana took photos of my hair for you to see.

It sticks straight up!  Can you see it?

and this is me being silly… and looking at the world through rose colored glasses…. which explains why I am happy!  

Hi Mom and Dad.... it's me your little POG!

Look at this hair....So… you can see…

it is pretty straight, and it has grown quite a bit.   Nana has not gotten me a hair cut, but if it keeps growing like this… I may be able to wear bows like mommy did one day soon. 

Well, it has been a long day, and after my story I will go to sleep for the night. 

Last night I was up every few minutes wanting Nana to help my teeth… and give me a cool passy… which she did.   I think I will do much better tonight, it wasn’t so bad today.

Book time... OH.... READ THE BOOK NOT EAT THE BOOK.... darn...

Personally, I prefer EAT the book time to READ the book time… but even if I am the Princess, NANA IS THE BOSS….. and she says it’s read the book time.   DARN….  Until tomorrow, know that I love you and that I miss you both…. and as always, I am – your Little Miss Adorable, your daughter,

Concentrating SOOOOO HARD!



Hello Mamma and Daddy!Dear Mom and Dad…

I spent all day teething… and really am not a fan.   Cold teethers and biting everything was the theme of the day.  Yet even in discomfort, I still find a way to smile, and will hopefully still make you smile.  I’m cute even when I am pouting… Nana says you want to see all about me… well today’s love letter is titled  Teething is Terrible, FOR A REASON!  I had some infant Tylenol, and a whole lot of cold things, as well as a tiny bit of baby Ambesol, which I hate the taste of more than the teething pain.  This kind of toy, a fav today... biting EVERYTHING...

The Tylenol helps, and all in all, I am really doing good!aToday I will try to put a few more little video clips of myself in today’s love letter for you to see and hear!  I hope they work for you, and you enjoy them.   Nana, and Poppy, with all the other campers, send their love and hope you are both doing good.  Despite getting teeth, I still had a great day at camp. 

Out in my stroller, and loving it!

Me on the changing table…

Telling a story while being changed....

Saturdays are awesome, all the campers play with me..  I like to call it ALL ABOUT THE GUGE TIME….  and I find it is every body’s personal favorite time of all…

Uncle Nick making me laugh...

Here is a video of me from today, hanging with my Aunties, and rolling around… what do you think… cute huh?


Well, I hope you know you are missed and loved very much.   Until tomorrow, please remember, I am (even if teething) your Little Miss Adorable, your daughter,

Hugs and Kisses from the land of lakes, and green grass and trees.... Michigan sure is pretty in summer!


Oh, by the way look at my cute little slippers.Bunny Slippers.... cozy!

Bet daddy wishes he had a pair, and I know if mommy were here , both her and I, we would both have a have a pair or TWO!