Dear Mom and Dad,
So I was sitting back and thinking… maybe, you should get a cup of coffee, and sit back like me, ’cause this here, is a long love letter…I have been thinking that I can be a supermodel for Nikon… today’s photo shoot… OUTSTANDING, I was hamming it up for you, and well let’s just say, every time the beast is out, I now know exactly what to do… POSE. Nana has to distract me with something else or I just stare at the camera.. and pose… like a princess… here I am today… tell me… I love to hear it… you think I am cute don’t you?

Nana is so indecisive… she can’t pick just one photo and put it up, NO she has a BILLION.
She says, Mom and Dad want to see me from every angle…
I say…She just can’t make up her mind… or what there is of it…sorry Nana…but it’s true.
So, here are a few of my ‘faces’. Nana says, I am all personality… tell me do you see PERSONALITY?
Here is my ….”whatever, tell some body who cares” face….

and this… is my IM YELLING AT YOU face, I was playing with Mr. Penguin and he made me mad… so…I yelled at him… 
After I was done, I was mad!

This is my ….’ telling a story’ face… everything I say is VERY IMPORTANT, and requires the use of BOTH HANDS!

My ” I am playing” face… you see I mastered a new skill. I purposefully close the doors on my school bus, and push them back open again to see the little kitty and frog pop out to sing a song. I am so smart!

My ‘I AM an angel’ face…

Let’s just face it… I HAVE LOTS OF FACES!
One for every emotion, and every event…
these pics, are not in sequence… however…to recap for you…I was so mad at that penguin earlier!
Then Uncle Nick came home… and when he walked into the room, my mood changed… two more hands to pamper my pampered butt!
Can anyone say ‘MOOD SWINGS’….Do you think I like attention?
Notice, Mr. Penquin who just got an ear full, and Uncle Nick on my other side…
Go figure…
Mom and Dad, I have been told that you had better prepare yourselves …NOW, for age 13 ‘ish’…. because if seven months is any indication of the impending ‘mood swing’ years… YOU ARE IN TROOOOUUUBBBLE!
(Why is Nana laughing?)
So… anyway on with my day… I read a book with Nana, about mommies… and watched the video of you and daddy, which by the way, we do EVERY DAY… please send me pictures of you… cause, even though I like the video… I have watched it everyday for, more than I can count! And every time your faces come on, Nana says, “SAY HI MOMMY…. SAY HI DADDY”… new pics… Pleeeeeese… here is my pleeeeeese face…

Yep, I want to eat the lens cap…(Nikon model, huh?)
Nana takes it back all the time…
I am beginning to call her NO FUN NANA!
Here I am trying my
Pleeeeese… Nana, let me eat it face…
and here I am after reading my Mommy’s are for Counting Stars- book. I have a Mommy book and a Daddy’s are for Catching Fireflies-book,which are read to me equally… to be sure! However, she also has two more, one is GRANDMA’S ARE FOR GIVING TICKLES…and Grandpa’s are for Finding Worms- Poppy is so mad… he hates worms, and doesn’t think it is fair that Nana gets the Tickle Book… He get worms she gets tickles… go figure… well I love the books, they have so many pictures… and things hidden behind the pictures…

it entertains me quite well. When we are done with a story I do what any good princess does…

Hey mom do you remember when you were in Iraq the first time and Nana emailed you that you had a new brother…and it was really A BABY MR GRIFF, well, my Uncle Griff and I are best buds, and he looks out for me at camp…. Yes, is so good to me… and stays around where ever Nana and I are…. stuck like glue… OR MAYBE IT’S JUST ‘GRIFFY SLOBBER’ (eewwww gross!)

I have one request before I leave you for the night, but now you have seen a typical day at CAMP NANA. Nana wonders what she will do when you come home, she will be out of a job….. awe, sad…. but back to my request… um, how old do you have to be to get an iPhone?
I love the iPhone….
Look at my iPhone face…
okay, so I am looking at the back of it…
who cares…
it’s still one of my favorites… and I WANT ONE…
Here is my I want one face….
I mean look mom and dad, it does so much stuff….and it has qualities I bet most don’t know yet…

Here is the latest feature…

Yes… eating the iPhone… high tech cuisine… Guillianna style…

So now you see what a day in the life of ‘Gugu at Camp’ is like… bet you wish you could be me, huh, but let me tell you, it was just Nana and I today, everyone else had to work. So here I am, being all independent and stuff… no one to hold me up for any of my shoot… I am “tuckered” out, and Nana, well lets just say she is… ‘pooped’. (gross) Your job has you in a war zone, I know, but I am exhausted… campers here work hard too… especially me… as you can see by just A FEW OF THE PHOTOS NANA TOOK TODAY ALONE! I will leave you with one last photo from No Fun Nana, here she gave me a snack, only to take it away when it got soggy…. no fun! Until tomorrow, please remember I love you very much, and as always… I am your Little Miss Adorable, your daughter,
