Dear Mom and Dad,
I had a good day. I ate oatmeal with peaches and pears today. I also am eating about six or seven ounces of formula at each feeding. I am growing, and according to my doctor, I am doing just great. According to Nana and the rest of the campers, I AM TOTALLY AWESOME AND JUST PERFECT. I am in the next size diapers now. I am quite a scooter, and wiggle worm, but no crawling just yet. I am so busy looking around that I love to be sitting up to eat my ‘bob’. My favorite thing to watch is still ‘ Baby Bach’. I really love that DVD. When I am outside, either in my stroller or being held, I am so happy. I just love the plants, the colors, and even a little teeny tiny bit of wind in my ‘hair’. I am still on the medicine for my tummy…. but the doctor says this is okay too. I go to the cardiologist at Children’s Hospital on July 16th for a check up, but have had no problems so I am thinking they too will be happy.

I like to see Barney on television, and Elmo is a total fav. I like when Nana makes her Elmo voice, and sings Elmo’s World. Aunt Mikayla makes me laugh too, as do all the campers here. They are entertaining me all the time. Nana is reading as much as she can about babies with deployed parents. Nana says she read FROM MANY SOURCES that it is impossible to spoil a baby… so she has thrown caution to the wind, and I am lovin’ that. You should hear me laugh… I do it often, and sometimes I laugh so hard I have to stop to catch a breath.

I am without doubt happy most all the time. Just don’t be late with that ‘bob’ and I am a HAPPY CAMPER.
If I could I would take off running…. any second… but they say I MUST CRAWL BEFORE I WALK…
I may try to prove them wrong!
But once I do get to get up and go, chances are you will not be able to catch me!
H A P P Y B A B Y ……

I am not a sleeper. I do not nap much, a wink here or there… but I am NOT into taking naps. At night I am tired but fight going to sleep and about 9:30 I will zonk out, but still awaken in the night briefly. Nana pats me back to sleep and I no longer get a feeding in the night. (usually) I wake up anytime between 6:30 and 7:30 a.m. When I wake up NANA SINGS HER VERSION OF A “Good Mornin’ song… and yes, I am a very happy baby in the mornings despite this singing ritual.

I love Sid, or Curious George when taking my morning bottle. My best “rest time” or “power nap” is around 10 a.m . 20 minutes or so… and then after that there is no telling when or if I will rest again. I hate to break it to you but the one draw back for you two is that I am in love with Neil Diamond. Yes, I said Neil. Nana and I listen to him quite often, and I LOVE HIM. Not so much into other musical genres yet, but who knows… maybe I can learn to like the music you and mommy like… we may just have to slip a little Neil in every once in a while.

I still hate when the sun gets in my eyes. I still love tubby time, and I have been learning about reaching. When someone holds their arms out to reach I am learning to reach back ! Cool huh! I also am learning that up means UP. When Nana says up after changing my dipe, I atempt to situp … When hungry… I will grab at my ‘bob’ with both hands and try to get it into my mouth. Usually quite successfully. I prefer when someone else holds it for me, and when I am not so hungry I prefer to hold it and play with it. Still no sign of teeth. I am happy to report no sign of an problems anywhere. Drooling I have down…and putting EVERYTHING POSSIBLE INTO MY MOUTH, got that too. Working hard on siting up by myself for any length of time.

So that is what is happening in Michigan. People may read this and say, “boooooring’, or what is the point, I mean really I am surprised Nana isn’t describing how often I get changed, or giving you details on baby “pooping”… but the truth is there is a point… the point is, life. These little things, us, the everyday person, the day in day out mondain things, it is the simple and common things, they are all so meaningful, and they are meant to be shared with you. I told Nana, let’s tell Mom and Dad, what is going on these days in my life. Today the world said it’s goodbye to a ‘star’… and it was all over every television broadcast, and radio news cast. It was huge, it was millions of people mourning loss, and celebrating a life. Yes, it is always truly sad when life ends… and even more sad, when life passes us by without having enjoyed it’s most simple treasures.

Nana looked at me and smiled, she says she understands something now, that she didn’t understand when she was young. ( Lucky me … since we are inseparable, I am getting an education early. ) She wondered how many babies there are like me, babies who are at Auntie Camp or with other FAMILY CARE PLAN camps? How many soldiers have missed a high school or kindergarten graduation? How many little things are slipping by….in a heartbeat. The world is a complicated place… where there are so many things that make us worry, or there are so many difficulties to face, but the one thing that she knows for certain, is love for each other, caring and helping each other, telling people you care, or most important of all telling them that we love them, that is what makes life worth living. That today – as always – I AM TELLING YOU I love you mom and dad, I am proud of your efforts – your sacrifice, for me, for our country, you are and always will be my “stars”, my heros, you and mom, all of us here at camp, we are all trying to make the world a better place…THE ANSWER TO THE QUESTION, how many babies are there like me, is ONE. While there are many who eat oatmeal, and love their ‘bob’, and many whose parents are overseas in a war, there is only one me, and only one who has you two for parents. I don’t know if alone, any of us can change the world, but together, we can definately make a difference. Today, as always, am your Little Miss Adorable, the one and only

P. S. Love you Mom,and xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoox!
Daddy, don’t you worry one little bit, Nana and the gang here at camp will make silly faces and I will take pictures, and send them to you to cheer you up, Nana’s silly face makes me laugh all the time… no rough days… only happy GuGuBear Days!