Hello Mama, and Daddy…..
Dear Mom and Dad,
Nana finished Chapter 11! Now, I know now where I am from, how mommy came to know daddy, and when I am big, I will have the story from Nana… what is not yet determined, is where I am going… and I am so glad to have a lifetime with you to figure it all out. Nana says, she remembers mommy in grade school, laughing and smiling and twisting her curls. She says she remembers her growing and learning, she remembers her graduation from high school, from basic training, and all the wonderful things she has accomplished while in the military. She just wanted me to write and remind mommy and you about all the great things we have to look forward to. Riding a bike… rollerblades, tea parties, story time, birthday parties, and sleep overs, school projects, and arts and crafts, baking cookies, and yes maybe “time outs’ but the list of things is endless. And from what I understand, Nana or AKA “the overprotective one”, well, it’s unlikely she will let me do anything much here at camp besides, EAT SLEEP AND MY PERSONAL FAVORITE DIAPER CHANGES, but you can bet your bottom dollar, that anything fun, like slides, or baseball, or more strenous than peek a boo, well she will leave all those RISKY things to the two of you… she says she’s already done all that worrying… SIX TIMES OVER… so I will work on my list of things to do with you when you return from the land of sand, and you two work on yours. Together, we should have one heck of a time when you get back!

Nana and I, with Aunt Arri had “stuff” to do today. Nana went to visit her friends at the post office, and I got to say hello. They are so nice to Nana there, and I love being fussed over. We also had to go to the bank. Poppy met us there to do some paperwork, and I was adorable. Here I am today, what do you think?

I love field trips, every where I go, I get so many people to smile and I have fun. We had to pick up dipes and wipes, and then some butt paste too. Then it was back to camp, and play time with my buddy Elmo!

Nana says, she hopes you had a great day, and that you know you are both loved and missed. You are going to be back here one day soon and we will begin our ‘lifetime’ together!

Tomorrow is Friday, and we will be hanging out at Camp, learning and playing… I ate some Chicken with Country Vegetables and Rice for dinner tonight. NOT A FAN, BUT LOVED MY Apples and Apricots. Yesterday I ate some really creamy babyfood Mac and Cheese, and liked it, but really I am still majorly into the BOB. Bob and I … well it is still my favorite meal. I try new things though and do love FRUIT. Until tomorrow, let me just say, I am and always will be, your Little Miss Adorable, your daughter,

Guillianna! Here is my day in review….. hoping it puts smiles onto both of your faces!
P.S. Yes today is Thursday, and No… there was no Gappy tonight, because she is doing something very hard for her … Gappy and her daughter are going to be far apart too… and she is helping to move her from Michigan to North Carolina (so hard, yet it is what my cuz wants, and that makes Gappy happy!)…. WE MISS YOU GAPPY. Hope your trip was nice, and you and Uncle Brian, enjoy traveling. Miss you both, come home soon… Love your Great Niece…
and to my Mimi… I bet you are sooooo excited. I hope you too have a very safe trip ( not sure when you leave, but last we at camp heard you would be on your way near the Fourth of July…. I will be thinking of you and Popa!