Look what I found!

Dear Mom and Dad,

Okay, so I don’t need a new pair of shoes, and am not into shooting craps, or gambling,  which is where someone would usually say that that phrase. I am just in love with shoes!

 I missed swim class today, so sorry my fellow Goldfish Mini’s, aka the Guppies.  So much to do and get ready for, and I really didn’t want to get water in my ears before flying.  I will be back next week.  I am leaving tomorrow for SEATTLE!   Great Grandma and Great Grumpy await my PRINCESS ARRIVAL!  

Today I could not think outside of the box…ha ha!

No, seriously I love delving into the drawer of shoes at camp.   In this photo I am making so many fun noises and  squawking up a storm.

With all the toys I have  it seems I am most entertained by my  lens cap and  MY SHOEBOX … by the way, I told you in an earlier letter I am the FAVORITE  aound here… I am just wearing this tee to let everyone it.

Having a blast!

‘MINE ALL MINE!”…. incase you cannot read mylips….. I am a goof ball

What goes with my outfit?   Hmmmmm, einy, meeny, miny moe...

I am loving shoes.. but mainly just want to eat them.

Hungry anyone...

We spent the day getting things ready for our trip.   I had trouble selecting which shoes to pack! 

Oh Nana, the choices we have to make, they are sooooo hard.

Oh dear…. how is a princess to choose?

This one tastes pretty good, maybe this is the one I will choose.

This one tastes just about right,

I look a bit like Elvis here don’t I?

I am sure I can narrow it down since I have to pack light….

Black party shoes? Tennis shoes? Hmmmm…..

I know, I’ve got the perfect thing…..

Comfortable, and yet stylish….

perfect for Princess travel,


I choose… my LUCKY DUCK SLIPPERS!   They are so soft and serve a dual purpose, they make an awesome toy too!

Lucky Duck Slippers  - woo woo!

I hope you and dad are both happy and know that today as always, I am your little Miss Adorable, your daughter,


P.S.   I may not be able to write you as I travel tomorrow but rest assured Nana will get my love letter to you ASAPP.  (As Soon As Princess Possible)

Hanging out with the Campers!


Me and my baby blues wearing blue!   Rare...

Dear Mom and Dad,

Today was just another day at camp.  What kind of news can I share?  Well I wore ‘blue’ as you can see, which in my wardrobe of mostly pink… is hard to come by.  I had a little lady bug on the dress at the bottom, that I just tried and tried to play with all day!     Speaking of ‘lady bugs’, momma will be so happy to know we have a special lady bug outfit for trick or treating just like she told nana on the phone… I cannot wait for her to see me in it!  That is in OCTOBER which will put us sooooo close to our visit.

Today Nana has your 9 month Princess-versary present ready….you have to click on the link below,  and you can preview it.   It is a montage of these past months that shows how lucky I am to have you and daddy, working so hard at giving me a free, happy and truly blessed life you given me.   All of these are photos of the places I have seen in these past months, a few from you and your first tour of duty in Iraq, but for the most part all taken by Nana or the campers with MR NIKON, aka ‘the beast’.   As far as the photos of ME… well they are in a chronological order, from the day I met “the beast” to August 31, 2009  I HOPE YOU  Enjoy every second, because I MOST CERTAINLY HAVE ENJOYED EVERY MOMENT WITH YOU AND DADDY AND BEING ALIVE with so manyfriends and family supporting all of us!  (eh, tissue please)  Don’t forget to clap/LUV it if you do?


Thank You MOM AND DAD, *CLICK HERE* –  Happy 9 Month Princess-versary!

Today I hung out with Uncle Nick and Aunt Alyx.  All the campers are returning to school this week.   It will be so crazy here at camp and Nana and Poppy and I are traveling to see Great Grandma and Grumpy.   I AM ONE BUSY PRINCESS.  To top everything off, I am going to be nine months old.    Can you believe it….. ? I say, in honor of being 9 months, let’s play ….

 How about some shuffleboard… I have the perfect angle to win… see…

Shuffle board anyone? Can you see my reflection… so cute… just slide these little things across the table, and knock off someone else… I can do that, I love dropping and throwing things… LOOK OUT UNCLE NICK… HERE IT COMES!  How about some bubble hockey…

Hey, I see litle Red Wings in there, how do I get in?


I had fun today, and really love playing.  I am so so busy.   Still no top teeth, but boy oh boy, they must be close.  I am SO SICK of teething!   After our playtime, I hung with my Army bear and we chilled together… you can see a bit of the bug on my dress in this shot, and let me just tell you, it does not come off.   I TRIED…….. AND TRIED. 

Me and my Army bear in his ACU's

Until tomorrow, please know that I am missing and loving you both, and that today as always, I am your Little Miss Adorable, your daughter,

Me and my ACU bear!
