Nana Takes Me To Visit …



Dear Mom and Dad,

I love tubby time so much, and after my shampoo, my hair has a mind of it’s own… the photo is not really clear because we captured the moment with a camera phone… and the light was not really bright…. but I am so cute anyway, it doesn’t matter that it is not the clearest of photos.

Oh, and by the way for any of my loyal readers, the number of photos since I have been here at camp Nana, 8869 to date.   Yes, 8 8 6 9, the woman is crazy!

It is Tuesday, and Nana had a doctor appointment today.  This means, you guessed it  – FIELD TRIP  – and I love field trips.  One – because Nana doesn’t sing at the doctor, and two – it means more people to pay attention to me.  And as you know…”it’s all about ME!”  (by the way Miss Sharon, Miss Mildred, and Dr. H were all so nice to me…. thanks for taking such good care of Nana, and thank you Poppy for the ride back to camp!)

I worked hard today on the whole crawling tunnel thing … but have to say… I prefer to just sit by it –  than to crawl through it..

Look at me in my snuggly jammers!

I contemplate the whole “going inside” thingy, and ….well find the outside to be just as intriguing as the inside.  Like this, there is so much to do OUT of the tunnel, it leaves little time to crawl through it!   Do I look like I need to go in… NO, I am entertaining myself… and not having to work up princess perspiration in the process… which makes me rather smart wouldn’t you say….

Take this for example... I could spend hours just looking at the pattern!

You can pull on it, and shake it... you don't have to crawl through it for it to be fun.

Mama told Nana, there are some at her work that say…. Nana and Poppy are – dare I say it- SPOILING ME…. so I thought I would just let you know… it is so not true… she works me hard… I mean 8000 photos, come on!   She makes me do this crawl thingy… yuk, and she is sooooo strict… (okay so maybe that is a bit of a stretch),  then there is the singing torture thingy…. which I personally believe is why I don’t sleep at night, I hear it in my sleep or something.   You know maybe this whole land of sand stuff could be resolved more quickly if  all participants knew Nana was on her way to sing!  Immediate – DONE HERE could be heard world wide!

Lucky for me Nana doesn’t think there is any such thing as spoiling a baby… and Mommy was right about me that is for sure, I love playing with tupperware, or any bowls, my lens cap and just stuff around camp more than any toy I have.   There is no doubt, that I plan on giving you and daddy a run for your money when we are all back together, but that plan was in motion long before my trip to camp Nana, bet on it, spoiled or not…. that’s just how we babies roll…. we keep you up when your beyond tired, we catch a cold when you least expect it, we laugh at four in the morning…. when you thought you had an hour more to sleep.  We like to be held and loved on, we want to have you pay attention to our every desire…. come to think about it… some of this baby stuff most likely won’t change for me as an adult… I mean, hugs all the time, laughter, fun, someone to hold you, someone to pay attention, what could be bad !   She is not spoiling me, heck no… I am just in training for my princess teen years and my high maintenence adult years…. Sereiously though, I am such a good girl, that despite how much work we are, us babies… we are well worth it.     Tomorrow is GoldFish Mini Swim Class, and my Goldfish Mini Partner will be back in the water with me since he is back from his important trip…. until after class tomorrow Mom and Dad, please know I am as always, YOUR SO NOT SPOILED, Little Miss Adorable, your daughter,

Who could possibly think this little face is spoiled?



4356!   Oh my!

Dear Mom and Dad…

Some days, Nana helps me tell a silly story or two, and all days, she tries to let you see me grow, and make me a part of each and every day that you are there in the land of sand!

Other days, she tries to help you make it to another day… and encourage what must at times feel impossible to you…

And I am not sure if her diabetes is just getting the better of her some days, but it is true some days… are harder than others, and just when she is feeling a little tired… I talk some sense into her crazy head, and get her to remember what is important –  like the number 4356!   Why you ask… well, I am going to show you some of today’s photos, in hope that they will make you smile… they will remind you of your little POG (Pot of Gold) and get you through another day.

THIS IS ME… TODAY… EACH AND EVERY PHOTOGRAPH, IS ME ON Monday, October 26th through out the day….

Exploring... and curious about everything around me!

Something has grasped my attention!

The position for crawling... I do this all the time... just not going too far.. but don't worry...soon you won't be able to stop me!

My serious face!

My  "WHAT?" face....

Takin' a Step in Aunt Arri's shoes.... hmmm, not so easy!CONCENTRATING!





In the days and weeks since I have been at camp, the love letters I have written, and the photo shoots, and costume changes I have been part of, are many… Nana took 845 photos in the entire calendar year of 2008.    MOST OF THEM AT DARNELL ARMY HOSPITAL IN DECEMBER OF 2008!  4356 is not the number of photos, she has taken since January 1, 2009, as you can see from today, every day has dozens of shots… and hundreds of written words… but 4356 is not representative of any of what has been done here at Camp Nana… BUT INSTEAD IS THE NUMBER OF AMERICAN MILITARY CASUALTIES in the land of sand thus far! ( This information according to at 10/26/2009 at 10:00a.m. EST  This does not include the 30,000 plus that have been injured, and those who have been taken in other areas of the world in recent months.   It does not account for military persons from other countries, nor civilians and Iraqi’s.  The numbers are beyond imagination – the pain and heart ache incomprehensible for those who have lost loved ones…

So, mom and dad, with all of that having been said, we all wish for your safe return… for all the soldiers safe return to thier families…  I know Nana puts so many silly things in my love letters, like things about me and Giselle, or fake Chipmunks to distract you, to make light… but make no mistake about the fact that YOUR MOM AND DAD, AND THE REST OF THE CAMPERS are very aware, and that we are are THANKFUL for your safety thus far.   Know that no matter what else is happening in our world here at camp… you can count on YOUR SWEET BABY to pose for thousands and thousands (OR MILLIONS IF THAT IS WHAT IT TAKES) of photos for you!   WHAT EVER IT TAKES FOR YOU TO GET THROUGH THIS ALL, AND HOME TO ALL OF US HERE IN THE STATES.  

So this is my pre – THANKSGIVING (since we are all thankful every day not just in November)note of love, to say to you once more…. I love you both, and admire that you are both trying to keep promises to each other, to me, to our country, and that one day soon…. you will hold me in your arms.

The BLACK BEAST/aka Mr. Nikon… Nana, and I with all the campers have work to do… and we will keep on doing it… each and every day….   happily, and with love in our hearts and souls for all who have sacrificed so much.   I am hoping this deployment will not last more than 12 months, and that you and daddy will also be HERE sometime soon for a visit.   But no matter what Mom and Dad, your little spirit stick is always ready for a photo op…. is always willing to take video… just to tide you over, until we are together again.   As always, your LITTLE MISS ADORABLE, your daughter,

The face... the beautiful and sweet face of innocence!


P.S. (and to lighten this up just a bit for you…)

Do you think I could get a job as an EYELASH MODEL… below is me making my wish for you to smile today…. I will write you again tomorrow, until then, we all send …. Love from Michigan and from all the other states and countries watching us… and reading my love letters!


The Campers Keep Dressing Me Up!

What a profile.... cutie patooty!


Dear Mom and Dad,

Here in the states today the news was full of special reports on terrible bombings in the Land of Sand… it was very good to hear from you both today. 

In light of all the seriousness, Aunt Allyssa took her shot at dressing me up today, and snapped a photo with a cell phone, so it is not really clear, but you can see Aunt Allyssa all over this get up… SCARF… BOOTS… if I didn’t know better I would swear I am ready for a trip to the Middle East… but you know No Fun Nana, she says the place for a baby is here in MICHIGAN!

Silly huh?

As silly as it is, I love dress up, and left this thingy on my head for ever… it was fun!  The boots however… well, they lasted only seconds.

I spent the day working on the crawl, and getting ready for Halloween… again, No FUN NANA, IS NOT A FAN, and has special plans for Halloween, something about “trick or treat” at family and friends, so if anyone wants a visit from me, they better let Nana and Poppy know…. cause they plan on bringing me to see some folks around town.  The rest of my family and friends will get a special photo shoot from me that day, so they can see me in my special costume mommy picked for me!   But I understand the other campers will be here passing out CANDY to little trick or treaters…so I practiced that just to see how it all works.  As you can see, I am in need of some practice, but considering it was a first time effort, I did great!

and yes, I am still working on the ‘Princess Crawl’…  here I am, hope you love watching this… Aunt Arri is not really holding anything… I just like someone down here with me… and yes it is true, everything is better when I am the center of attention.




 The Girls of Camp Nana...cute huh?  Uncle Nick and Poppy are here, just not in the photo!


Uncle Nick and Poppy are to the right of Aunt Allyssa…

SORRY BOYS, SEEMS GIRLS RULE… AND YES SOME OF US DROOL… and to the boys of Camp Nana, you and I get our turn next time.

Hey Mama, Do You Remember This?

I found something at camp Nana that used to belong to Mama!

Dear Mom and Dad,

So, I was exploring at camp today, and guess what I found… when Mama was a little girl, she used to always wear this fleece when she was cold.

Me in my Mama's fleece!

Yep, I played dress up with Mama’s fleece… and had a blast!

Look at me... pretty adorable wouldn't you say... and warm too!

I cannot wear this thing to crawl that is for sure, between fleece jammers, and Mama’s old fleece, there is no chance I could catch a cold that is for sure!  The beast captured my cute little personality today, so here are a few shots to show you how much fun I can be…. I cannot wait until we can play together… and maybe if you are good, I will let you have your warm fleece back…YOU WILL NEED IT since by the time we see each other it will be below freezing here in MICHIGAN.   I must say, it sure is pretty here right now… everything gold, red, and yellow.  The autumnal colors are fantastic!

My little personality is so cute, you will love playing with me!

Do I look like Trouble with a HUGE 'T'

I crack myself up sometimes!

So after having a blast playing dress up like mama, I spent quality time with the campers, since Nana was a bit under the weather today.  I have learned to clap… and if you ask me to clap, I will…

Here I am clapping for you!   It is my latest trick... I love clapping!

I promise you I am still working on the crawl thing… but am NOT A FAN!

I KNOW THIS IS HOW TO DO IT, but I choose not to is all!

We went to get groceries today, and we played all afternoon.  I am not tired, yet, but all the Aunties and Uncle are ready for bed.   Does that tell you anything about how it will be guys… I AM HOPING YOU ARE NOT SLEEPERS EITHER, cause I figure 24 hours in a day is just not enough… Nana says no… all babies need lots and lots of sleep… I SAY WELL  NANA, I AM NOT JUST ANY BABY!

Oh by the way.... I discovered something...

I am LITTLE MISS CURIOUS, AND LITTLE MISS INQUIZATIVE…(and incase ANY OF MY FANS have information on this, an all points bulletin has been issued for a pair of missing sparkly shoes..   🙂   and the person in possession, well he or she…. gets dinner on me when they find their way back to MICHIGAN!)  By the way… it’s the PERSON who is wanted, not the shoes… I have plenty… so… PERSON… where ever you are… travel safely back to Michigan… you’re smile is missed by everyone at camp!

WANTED: "person" in possession of sparkly tennis shoes!

I hope to have an awesome day tomorrow, since it is Sunday and we get to spend it together.   It is fall here, so leaves need to get raked and patio furniture will be put away for winter, but after that, it is PLAY PLAY PLAY all day!  Until tomorrow Mom and Dad…. know that I am doing so good, I am very happy, and love you both very much.   As always, I am your little Miss Adorable, your daughter,

Until tomorrow MOM AND DAD, I LOVE YOU!
