Dear Mom and Dad,
So now that you are reminded about how much you loved Nana and Poppy despite the fact that they too missed out on so much… well Nana just wanted me to say, that her love for her kids if far greater than the things she missed doing with them, it is far greater than the things she may never do with them. Her love for her kids was written like this at the end of the chapters in the story of ME that she wrote for all her kids.
AN EXCERPT of OUR STORY…. TO REMIND YOU both … ABOUT WHAT PARENTING MEANS, and how every life is unique, every life is special, and how personal sacrifice, or giving of yourself, opens doors for those you love. To remind you and keep you going…until you get home, to live your dreams.
In this journey, there have been so many road blocks, and trauma to little souls you cannot possibly imagine. Educational difficulty, or issues of abandonment loomed heavily for many years, as did all the common trials and tribulations any family faces, just multiplied by six. Silly things, serious things, health issues, and life’s challenges have become a way of life for us. We may never pay off this adoption, and in the months day and years that have passed, you may wonder, was there ‘dysfunction’, absolutely, ‘chaos’, undoubtedly and in immeasurable quantities, but when asked ‘would you do it again?’ without hesitation the answer is YES!

Yes – to a life of freedom, a life unimagined before, and impossible to have in Romania…here, they were princess’ brought to opportunity, and yes to the evolution of a son and now a brother who is truly a unique and special person for having lived this special journey. What they will all do with ‘opportunity’, and who – or how it effects those around them, is only just beginning to unfold. Six kids, six lives, six stories… and they each began with the tragic death of a mother, who did not abandon her daughters, but gave them life, and lives beyond measure. It’s a story that continues, with that unsuspecting man, who made a promise, his crazy wife, and their special family…all loving unconditionally the children who have now grown, and given back to their parents, and everyone who loves and cares for them, honor, respect, love, compassion, laughter, tears, and everything else that relationships bring. Nick now a man, spent the past year volunteering through Harvard University, to teach English on an island in the South Pacific, he continues to make a difference in the lives of people and children. He has applied to law school, and hopes to work within the realm of ‘international law’ and political science and is developing skills in culinary arts at present. Mackenzie, is a soldier, now married to a soldier, and together deployed to Iraq for a second time, serving her new country, and most importantly are PARENTS to a beautiful baby girl, for which this is told. The story of how she came to be and American, and the incredulous and unselfish gift of her Bunica Melexina. Mikayla is a senior in college, with a History major and English minor. Alyxandra, in a junior in college in pre-med, Allyssa a sophomore in college exploring journalism and cosmotolgy, with a passion for fashion and design. Arrianna, is a freshman, who hopes to become a veterinarian. Lives effected… Lives changed… Lives beginning to Unfold.

Most important, our kids, they are American citizens, with hopes and dreams, freedom and conscience. They hold the future in their hands, and as a parent, I feel lucky to say we contributed some small piece.

Since the inception of our dream, I have gotten older, I have difficulty with things that used to be simple, I tire, or feel as though I cannot go forward. I look back at my life, wondering will I have made a difference…

Still inside, lurks this young vibrant young woman, spontaneous, strong, a woman who took on Embassy’s, a Romanian adoption committee, who was a wife, a mother, maybe a little too overprotective from time to time, who without reservation faced any hurdle and even welcomed a challenge or two. She still lives deep inside, despite the exterior shell. I still remember love, passion, fun, laughter, and all the wonderful and magic moments that make a life… and my kids, my husband, they are responsible for all of them. At the end of my story, it is I who will be indebted to them, to you, my family… and especially to Rob, for all you have brought to me. The promises you have made and kept to me, to our kids, are truly the gift of a lifetime. I know how lucky I am, how lucky we all are… and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the years of loyalty and dedication you have given to me, in sickness and in health for richer for poorer, I have loved being your wife and your friend. You are and always have been a man of your word. In you… and through the lives of our children, a piece of me will always exist, as well as in Guillianna – to each and every child born to our children here after, I hope that they will always know, the ‘absoulute love’ that brought them to this incredible life.
With all our love, we hope each and every one of our children, knows how much they are loved, today, tomorrow and always…
I have written this with sincere gratitude in my heart to all the family, relatives and friends who have helped us on our journey. Who have loved us, our kids, and taken into their hearts six incredible young people, and given us the support and kindness that cannot ever be repaid! For Mackenzie and Mikayla, there will always be an irony in that it is Nicholas, who truly set the groundwork for your lives to be shared with your sisters, and us. Our appreciation for his unselfish love and compassion, can never be fully expressed in the written word, and most certainly not in my lame attempt at being the author of a ‘story’, but it is another debt, I can never repay. A debt of gratitude. Each and every child of ours, and given us special gifts, and our lives so fulfilled in having had a chance to be just a small part of their lives, and small conduits to all the things being American citizens has brought them.
How … dear sweet children, will I ever really show you, or make you feel what being a surrogate of love, and early learning… has meant to both of us…?
When you tell your children this story… make sure you remember to say… IT WAS THE GIFT OF YOUR NANA’S LIFETIME… and she relished in every single moment – it’s joys and it’s sorrows.
Great Aunt Pam came out for a visit today… and helped Nana out so much. I went with Nana and Poppy to take care of a few errands today but for the most part I worked on my princess crawl, and am making great progress. I promise to post a video when the big event happens, but I am certainly getting closer by the day. There are these awesome baby food healthy peach like cheerio things I love to eat, and tonight I have it all over my face and am chowing down on them.

Until tomorrow Mom and Dad, please stay safe, remember I love you, and I am hangin’ out here at camp and doing my job…. BEING YOUR LITTLE MISS ADORABLE, YOUR DAUGHTER,