Dear Mom and Dad,
Today I drank from a big girl sippy cup for the first time. Nana grabbed a quick photo of it with her phone! I loved the sippy cup. We didn’t really do anything much new today other than get some diapers and formula… but I worked on learning to crawl. Aunt Arrianna took a little video for you. It is long and most likely boring to most (BUT ENJOY ANY WAY THE SIMPLE THINGS LIFE BRINGS US, it is far too short not too), but for you and daddy it is three minutes of joy. Three minutes of the ho hum everyday kind of stuff I know you both miss so much. It is me, being your beautiful baby girl, and three minutes will seem like three seconds. Just like the time Nana spent with you Mom, and all the other campers…. only her minutes have now turned into your entire childhood – which has blurred by her, in what feels like just a few minutes of time…
So here is my what time at camp is like – and since it is all about me… WELL REALLY WHO CAN BE BORED? IT TOOK NANA QUITE SOME TIME TO GET THIS LITTLE VIDEO TO WORK… and yes there are those who will say they do not have three minutes to spare. Or why did you post this, it’s not anything important. Since I am not making any ground breaking progress or doing a silly thing to make you laugh! Nope, I am being me, just hangin’ with my Aunt Arri, and working on the process of growing. SIMPLE every day stuff, that we ALL OF US so often take for granted. WE who are here that is. Nana knows you and daddy, well you would sit and watch me for hours if you could, would not matter what I was doing, you would hang with me, and just smile at the site of me in the same room with you. Nana says, this video is the stuff my days are made of… and she wants you and daddy to hang with me for a few minutes and feel how much you are both loved! She wants you to know how much your parents love you guys, and how far you two have gone from the days where you learned to crawl, to being parents yourself now. Remembering all the while, that in that time, some twentyplus years, all the wonderful things you have done, the places you have been, and the lives you have begun. I AM ONLY BEGNINNING HERE AT CAMP, and I am saving all the AWESOME stuff for you to do with me… who knows – maybe I will wait to crawl for you when you come visit me? ONLY I REALLY KNOW FOR SURE, and I am not telling. If I crawl before then, well it only means that there are bigger and better things on the horizon for you to share with me, like maybe snow skiing? Or parasailing? Trips to Disney, or even to the park to play some catch. I told you before I am making a list and there will be so much stuff on it for us to do together, that you better be sure your calendar is OPEN FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIVES! For now while we are apart… here I am, and let’s spend the next few minutes together… pretend you are sitting on the couch or floor next to me… this is what it would be like…
WORKIN’ ON THE CRAWL …. starring Guillianna!
I hope you and daddy are well, and that you see that we are getting into October, and you know what that means…. yep…. closer to having my first birthday…. which is so exciting since we hope to be together near that time for your R&R. HOW AWESOME IS THAT! I know we cannot say exactly, but it will soon be less than months, and then it will be weeks away, and before you know it, DAYS AWAY.. AND I WILL BE IN THE ARMS OF MY PARENTS… I will be ready to give you the FULL ROYAL TREATMENT, or do I mean you should be ready to give your princess the full ROYAL treatment. I have Nana and the campers pretty well trained. I have offiicially begun the phase where I cry for most everyone but Nana…. it’s nothing personal. TOTALLY A PHASE, BUT IT WORKS WELL BECAUSE… IT IS ALL ABOUT ME AFTERALL RIGHT? Seriously… this is the age according to all the literature that I can get a little fussy… so between teething and this new separation anxiety thingy… I have good excuse. Nana hopes it passes quickly… but no promises… they say it lasts a bit, maybe to about 12 months… I don’t really like to follow everything written, because I am after all unique and an individual. I do most everything in GUILLIANNA TIME, AS IS APPEARANT WITH MY LACK OF DESIRE TO CRAWL… but rest assured, I know what I what, when I want it, and EXACTLY how to get it, all while being your LITTLE MISS ADORABLE, your daughter,

(Here I am in my sparkly shoes, my Detroit Tigers jacket, and hangin’ with the campers… it’s gotten cold here in the mitten state…
but it should not come as a surprise,
I am ready!)
Until tomorrow Mom and Dad, please remember, that I am as always your princess, your LMA,