Dear Mom and Dad,
I have been to the pediatrician today for my nine month well baby check up, and it came rather timely. I was going along just fine … until it happened. IT HAPPENED… THE FULL NOSE DROOL … IT IS AWFUL. Last night and yesterday afternoon the dreaded NASAL DRAIN AND MOUTH SLIME came upon me like a ton of bricks. I started drooling and my head began filling with clear “slime”. It made it impossible to eat, to sleep to do anything, and made me cough and cough as it dripped down my tiny little throat making me a real Gugu ‘bear’. Your little Guillianna was so so so miserable and why… TEETH. The pediatrician checked my ears, my throat, my breathing, my lungs, my heart, my belly, everything… and told Nana that until the teeth pop thru… I am going to keep doing this….ARGGGHHHH! I am not sick, no cold, no ear infection, no sore throat, JUST TEETH…. I have to say… I hate getting teeth and you can be sure I am trying to be a good sport but GEE WIZ, it isn’t easy. I was up all night long. Nana held me upright for most of it, and I slept a bit in my car seat, (40 minutes about) and then, we walked and talked. Nana showed me every picture in the dining room, there are so many of all the campers… a lifetime of memories and she showed all of them to me!

I got a shot today…. which is the bad part(yet good for my health), and yes, I cried, but I am fine now. I have had some infant Tylenol, and am resting. Now for the good news, I am healthy, I am Princess perfect, even with my situs inversus, everything is working as it should, and the doctor is pleased. I do have to remain on my Zantac, and continue special formula, but I am growing and he could not be more pleased. He gave me an awesome book today. I am 17lbs. 7 ounces, I am 26.75 inches in length. My little head was measured too, and is princess perfect, all things we are very grateful for. I am developing as expected for an eight month old. (adjusted age) but really I have been tipping the scale and off the charts on or about the 9-10 month old motor skills developmentally. So really no worries, and you can be very proud of the work I have been doing with all the campers. I am learning at lightning speed, and really have to say I am always being stimulated. As a matter of fact, I would much rather stay up with all the campers, than sleep. Napping is for babies! Hmmmm….. littler babies. I AM NOT A NAPPER!

I stayed home – rested, drooled, chewed, cried, pouted, laughed, and smiled and waved for the rest of my day. I missed my swimming lesson tonight I was so tired, and so (dare I say it…)’ fussy‘… but I hope my little Goldfish Mini’s understand…. I will be there next week… and will be in a much better frame of mind I think. This week would have been a disaster. My best to all my little friends! Don’t forget me…. I’ll be back!

Instead, Great Grandma and Great Papa came to comfort me… I visited with them a bit, and relaxed the rest of the day and night away… I am sure a good sleep tonight would help…let’s see if my teeth co operate! There is no sign of them breaking through anywhere… where could they be… and why can’t they just pop out already!
I love and miss you very much, I hope you are both doing well, and that you are not getting any new teeth…. I think for me, it is worse than “sand boogies” that I heard about in the land of sand, and even though you are army strong…. I am not sure you could handle this, it takes one special little princess to endure this stuff and get a shot too! Worst part is… I only got a sticker out of the whole thing… A STICKER… I wanted to say, hey, lady, what am I going to do with a sticker, don’t you know my Nana, you know… NO FUN NANA…. I swear the lady pulled off a sticker, and well before I could even see what it was of, SWIPE, it was gone – something about being a souvenier …. WHAT… Personally I think it would be a heck of a lot more fun to chew, crumple or stick on a cat than to put in a baby book… but what ever! NO FUN NANA…. YOU ARE JUST NO FUN!
Until tomorrow, please know, I am doing great…(yes, a litle unhappy from TEETH I don’t see yet but are apparantly ravaging my gums) I will write you tomorrow… and will hopefully be back to my old jolly self.
Please remember, I am always, your Little Miss Adorable, your daughter,
