Dear Mom and Dad,
How are you? I am sharing today’s love letter and my personal ALL ABOUT ME with Great Grandpa Ray. It is his birthday today. He is seventy nine. Born in 1930 from what I hear. I’ve been doin’ my homework on the 30’s. Here is what I learned. During the 30′ s Big Band and Swing became poplular. Shirley Temple began making classics, and while the Model T had been around a while, it was the Model A, Roadster, Touring and Sedans that were big sellers for about 650 bucks! Since Great Grandpa Ray, LOVES refurbishing autos, and specifically “T’s” a Model T gets top billing today on my site, it is cute, but not as cute as photos of me.
Here is the birthday Grandpa himself…

BESIDES BEING AWESOME BECAUSE HE WAS BORN, THE 30’S WERE FULL OF INTERESTING THINGS….A few worth menion, Gone With The Wind and the Wizard of Oz (the original version) were popular in the 30’s as were Clark Cable, Joan Crawford, Will Rogers and Fred Astaire. The ball point pen was invented. Electric razor, helicoptors and jet engines, all invented in the 30’s. In 1930 they invented ‘tape’, as well as the Polariod camera in 1932 and a photocopier in 1938. Sunglasses became poplular in the 30’s. Also born on this very same date in history is Actor Richard Gere…..in 1949 though.
The first drive in, for cars appeared around 1933, and by 1936 50% of Americans owned a car. In 1937 Oldsmobile released the first semi automatic transmission. In 1938 Buick was the first to implement electric turn signals. In the 30’s unemployment peaked at 28% post depression, and Franklin Roosevelt introduced Americans to ‘Fireside’ chats. Life expectancy was only 58.1 years at that time for a man. My great grandfather flew and went on Safari this past July at 78 years young. SO COOL.
Every decade is full of new things, and change, yet the one thing that is constant …. the thing that is always true even if it is always evolving… is… that we are lucky for the time we get with people like Grandpa Ray. He has made life better for so many too. He met my Poppy neary 18 years ago… and has treated him like a son. Great Grandpa has raised his kids, yet his childrens’ kids, are always home when they go to see him. It’s just that kind of place. Warm, and inviting, and full of the kind of love he and his wife (the late, Great Grandma Betty) made over the fifty plus years they were married. When you go there, you can feel it, it is like magic. Now, as you know he was all Marine, and even though you and daddy are all Army… the wish he has for you – and is pretty much the same wish that any of us have for you,( no matter whether you have been in the service or not) it is to ‘GET YOUR BUTT’S HOME, ASAP’ …and get them home SAFELY.

Hey, I want to go for a ride in one of Great Grandpa Ray’s oldie cars…
and if he is really good,
maybe I will take him touring in may shiny red convertible..
But first, I think I check out the whole Model T thing…
Think he will let me drive?
(not if he wants to stay on the road with it) If you are as cute as I, does driving skill really matter? I mean, look at my face… I am out havin’ a picnic… !

Yea, I was out enjoying the day, and my head was a spinnin’ with all the things I have learned about the 30’s with both Great Grandpa’s celebrating special birthday’s. The craziest thing of all that us Grandkid’s and GREAT grand kids learn …. is how amazing it is that we get the chance to have these people in our lives . Poppy put it best, when you and daddy deployed,

he said that Grandpa Ray has taught him so much about what being a Grandfather means and how honored he is to be a part of this family. Since Grandpa Ray kept Nana, and all of the campers in his life, when he didn’t have to, he taught all of us about integrity and character. He has been a grandfather to momma and all of mommy’s sisters of Nana’s marriage to Poppy… even though Nana was no longer married to Grandpa Ray’s son, he has always been like a dad to her. He has loyalty to his family & friends, beyond measure. We have all become a special kind of blended and unique family….. all of the Aunts and Uncles from this family welcomed Poppy, and all of my Aunts, my Mommy and Dad into their hearts too, and OF COURSE ME. Happy Healthy Birthday GREAT Grandpa Ray. I am a very lucky little girl to have you and all of the family be considered as my own family. All the older campers got to have dinner with Great Grandpa, however, Nana and I were unable to go, and Poppy had to work, but here is the group with Grandpa Ray.. not shown is Gappy, Uncle Brian, and Uncle Jim… they must be on the other side of the table. Hi to all of you from Mom and Dad, and from ME… the littlest princess of the family. (aka “the family favorite”)

Until tomorrow, Mom and Dad, please remember I am as always, your LITTLE MISS ADORABLE, your daughter,
