Dear Mom and Dad,
I am writing today to say THANK YOU. Thank you to all the service men and women, who have sacrificed so much for the freedom we are able to enjoy.

Nana has used this site to tell you about every day of my life and to let you see me, but today, as she and I looked around us, it was clear just how wonderful our lives are, how much we have because of our freedom, and the amazing things that being here, on this planet, as human beings… allows us to experience.
I know that both of my parents, would like to be on beaches of sand – not a desert of sand. I know they would like to be here, with me, and instead are fulfilling a promise they made long before I ever came to be. BUT I APPRECIATE IT ALL AND SO DO ALL THE REST OF THE CAMPERS . There is not one of us who did not think about how much we wanted you here with us. The whole family together! None of us can wait for the day you return and we are all able to enjoy the blessing of the freedom we have. IN EVERY PERSON WE SAW… IN EVERY ACTIVITY BEING ENJOYED, EVERY BREATHTAKING VIEW TAKEN IN, EVERY SPLASH IN THE WATER, YOU CAN SEE THE FACE OF FREEDOM AND OF DEMOCRACY. Many of these people work 40 plus hours a week, every week, for a year or longer to afford an opportunity to enjoy a summer break. This PLACE, was a summer place for Nana and her family for more than 50 years. How lucky she was. How truly lucky. You will see why – Looking down the beach of Lake Michigan…families, couples, individuals, enjoy a bit of freedom…

Up here is where Nana used to vacation with her mom and dad, they worked very hard every day of every week to bring their children up to Northern Michigan to play in and climb on sand dunes. To swim and to spend time in a cottage. This year, the cottage is gone and has been the reason for the trips here lately, her brother had been living here, and now cannot. Today Nana shared with all the campers places and things she used to do as a child. I won’t remember any of this, but Nana hopes that the photos, and stories will be passed on to me, she says her Mom, Great Grandma Sally and her Dad, who has passed, and Grumpy now all would want all us campers to hold on to the memories and make new ones. Well you know me, I am all for making new memories… and being the center of attention… so here I go…
Me getting ready for a swim…

and here I am in the pool with my Goldfish Mini PARTNERS…. ALL THE CAMPERS AND POPPY TOOK ME FOR A SPIN IN MY FLOATIE!

Here I go…. my little feet were kicking and kicking …. I will be a Goldfish Mini pro when I get back to my swim classes. THEN I PUT MY FEET INTO A REALLY COLD LITTLE FOUNTAIN FOR BABY FEET…. WOW….

I am having a nice visit up at Grandma Sally’s old home… and here are more photos of the scenery… there are trees and vacation homes everywhere. Mostly there is blue water, and happy faces.

Nana says Grandma Sally now lives in the Pacific Northwest, and she tells Nana, that where she lives now is even more beautiful, and she is so happy to be with Grumpy there…. so, we plan on taking a trip to see. Poppy and Nana be traveling to see here after we finish up here, and I will go too so that Grumpy can meet me, and then WE WILL HAVE TO GIVE HIM A NEW NAME, SINCE NO ONE CAN EVER MEET ME AND STILL HAVE A NICK NAME OF ‘Grumpy’. He will get one look at me, and everyone will be calling him SMILEY. Great Papa and GG-ma, are holding down Camp Nana right now, but CAN YOU BELIEVE THEY ARE COMING TO SEE US TOO, they are coming and it makes Nana so happy that they will get to see where Nana spent some really happy and fun years. Even if only briefly… she is so pleased, and excited that we are all going to have a chance to enjoy all the places and memories Nana is always squawking about… don’t you worry guys, the ‘black beast’ aka Mr. Nikon is sure to capture their visit. Until then, you can check back in, and see… this face, this smile, and know… the rest of the campers and I, well we realize a few important things….

When we see, white picket fences, and shoreline of a country such as this,
We …. at least Nana , Poppy and the campers, all think ….
about soldiers, in the land of sand and elsewhere,
and hope they return to these shores, healthy, safe, and able to enjoy the freedoms that democracy brings.
I will write you tomorrow, with more of my time, and know that while I AM WAY TO LITTLE TO REMEMBER ANY OF THIS, I know mommy does, and hope it makes her smile to know, that one day she and you and I…. we will walk these shores, look for Petosky stones, and enjoy the scenery together. I love you both very much, and am very much enjoying my stay at camp. Everyone loves on me, and to be honest, I am every campers favorite… if there were an award for MOST POPULAR CAMPER, OR MISS CONGENIALITY at Camp Nana, I WOULD MOST DEFINATELY TAKE THE PRIZE!

Well, I will hopefully go swimming again tomorrow… if so… I’ll send more pics… until then I am as always, your Little Miss Adorable, your little swimmer…