Dear Mom and Dad,
So today I had a totally awesome day…. here is how it went down. I nearly slept through the night, only up twice. I then woke up at 07:30 am and went back down for a morning nap about an hour and a half later… AND SLEPT TILL TEN! Crazy… unheard of for me! If that weren’t enough, I also took a nap in the afternoon for almost two hours. I must have been exhausted! Nana kept checking on me, and checking on me, and checking on me… and yes, checking on me… but I was fine, and just had a little catching up to do I guess. Now it is late, and Nana is thinking… I will be up a bunch tonight.. but she’s cool with it… she has all her ‘p-u-ter’ stuff to do. Yea, I said p-u-ter… cause let’s face it, I AM only eight months.

So today I indoctrinated Uncle Nick and Aunt Allyssa into my the ‘GUGU HAS ROSES FOR POOH POOH CLUB”. Yes an awesome club for all the campers to eventually join! Auntie Alyx and Auntie Arri are next. They’ve been avoiding it since February. Today however was SO FUNNY, I wish I had had the ‘black beast’ aka Mr. Nikon, myself. I know I sure was laughing and it is a very good thing Aunt Allyssa and Uncle Nick don’t understand baby lingo… cause they may not have had the same appreciation for my humor… (still laughing about it but don’t tell). See, Daddy called today… (HEY THERE DADDY-O!), and Nana was talking with him for the first time in a while, so … that means she was her usual long winded self, and a phone hog… but while she was talking… I decided, hey, I am bored, lets have a little fun with this… and oooopsy daisy… PRINCESS PRESENTS for Uncle Nick and Aunt Allyssa… THEIR FIRST EVER! Uncle Nick self admittedly says, yes, he has been a butt sniffer in the past… and then when needed PASSED me on to Nana for the ‘quick change’. He has gained a totally new perspective, and has officially noted that an actual quick change – produces an entirely different bouquet!

Once the two of them realized that I needed the quick change… and well they didn’t want to bother Nana and Daddy, so they figured they would take on the challenge. Uncle Nick grabbed the diaper bag, and Aunt Allyssa, who self proclaims she will never be a “homemaker type” and refuses to touch most anything that grosses her out, and also self admittedly states she gets nauseous at even hearing words like cluster, or saggy… Trust me when I say SHE IS NOT A FAN OF SAGGY (odor laiden) DIAPERS, AND SINCE FEBRUARY HAS done an awesome job of skirting this particular event. She too, has NEVER CHANGED – EVEN ONE. As a matter of fact, if standing in close proximity to Nana, whilst Nana is changing me, she would be the first to go get a glove on to transport the wet diaper, into the diaper genie, which sets next to the changing table… and still only touch it with two fingers! So you are getting the picture I am sure.
Aunt Allyssa and Uncle Nick decided to go upstairs into Aunt Arri’s room to do this, as Nana was where my changing table is..in Nana’s bedroom. They didn’t want to disturb the call from the land of sand.. so up we went. Aunt Allyssa was carefully maneuvering me, by carrying me under my arms with my legs dangling a bit, so as not to ‘squish’ the sag… by the time she reached the top of the stairs, her ‘guns’ were exhausted, so she SAT ME DOWN (hmmmmm), on Aunt Arri’s bed, where I then laid back and rolled about a bit while they organized their supplies(double hmmmmm). Aunt Allyssa began to unveil the presents I had bestowed upon them, and was surprised to find they had now extended up my back to just below the my NECK…. eeeewwwww, at this point, had some been handy, they both would have donned HAZ-MAT suits…. and as a matter of fact I even heard Uncle Nick describe the removal of my clothes to Nana, where he clearly said, they kept it ‘CONTAINED’…. ‘Contained’…. what is it TOXIC WASTE! Nana has told me I smell like roses! Yes, to all reading, I did in fact have a luxury bath… and they did an awesome job cleaning me up for my date with the GG’s. (Great Grandparents) No Haz-mat Suits required.. just lot’s of lovin’ and enjoying our visit on Friday’s are Fundays! We had a very nice time, and Nana who is wrapped a little tight lately… loved spending time with them. And yes… NANA JUST POSTED A LOVE LETTER ABOUT YOU KNOW WHAT ON THE INTERNET… she clearly has no shame…. but figured mom and dad would get a smile… so… at the risk of being crude, she did it… I will try my best to hold her back… on love letters containing “a little too much info”…. but you know her she is a loose cannon sometimes… it’s all I can do to reel her in… and if this is a day for “dirty diaper” stories, we may as well get up close and personal (while protecting princess privacy without doubt) and give you a glimpse of TUBBY TIME!

A personal fav! Now, I even have friends to take my tubby with, a member to represent the Army, Air Force, Navy and Marines!

What will Nana think of next? I am looking pretty adorable aren’t I? 
Had a blast with the armed forces in my tub… wow…. who knew plastic ducks …in the service…! (leave it to Poppy to get me plastic ones not rubber for Nana and I to use, woo woo)
So I discovered a new toy in MY playroom …. one of the other campers toys I am assuming, but look daddy what I found…I am not sure what it is, but I am soooooo interested in it…. do you know what it is ?

Yes… I know what this is ….. the big campers use it from time to time…

and I know just what I want to do with it…


Well now you have seen me during another day at camp. I am doing very well, and am sorry I cannot talk to youon the phone yet, but don’t you worry based on my awesome vocal skills, and the frequency of them, Nana say’s I will be hard to shut down once the lines of communication are broken though… there will be NO STOPPING ME… most likely I won’t be playing twenty questions… I PLAN ON HAVING A MILLION … ABOUT EVERYTHING ….exploring, and keeping up on EVERY SINGLE THING AROUND ME is my forte’. You’ll see. Until tomorrow, I wish you sweet dreams, and a great day, and as always I am your Little Miss Adorable, your daughter,

Just incase you need one more glimpse of me before we part…

Love you both very much, and wish I could ship you a Princess Lazy Girl chair like mine….
It’s really quite cozy and it rocks too…
Here I am explaining to the other campers, that it’s not their size… and while I am all for sharing, mine is the butt that fits best…
XOXOX Guillianna!
And … incase anyone is wondering… just how tired Nana can get… well she started this love letter at about tenish Eastern Standard Time, and as she finished, accidently hit the delete key and deleted the entire thing… SO NOW IT IS ALMOST 2 AM, luckily this time she SAVED ME and all of my cuteness … Nana says sorry to mom and dad if they were trying to check me out, and it was not done… Nana didn’t mean to be a slacker… but a sleep deprived Nana has trouble keeping her eyes open sometimes…so … we are both sorry for late love letter for the day… okay? Hugs and Kisses from your Guillianna Bear….