Monday in Michigan
Dear Mom and Dad,
It is Monday in Michigan, and if Nana is telling me correctly, we only have like four more MICHIGAN MONDAY’S apart before I see you again. Monday’s are busy here, everyone goes off to work and school and Nana and I … well we sit and she tells me stories about all kinds of stuff. Let me tell you – this lady can talk.. and talk and talk. If she isn’t talking she is singing, and if she isn’t singing, she is taking pictures, and sometimes she is doing all three at the same time… I try to tell her Nana, they make musical toys for that, I try saying Hey Nana who sings that song, hoping she will understand me, and I can then tell her….WHY DON’T YOU LET “WHO EVER” SING IT THEN, Nana is not one to give a microphone to, trust me, … or I try to do that thing where you pretend like your listening but really all you want is your darn bottle… I dont really have the heart to tell her ENOUGH already… enough kisses, enough singing and enough with the photo ops… the old lady is having too much fun… so I just go with it… besides, I can’t say I don’t like being the focus of attention… even if the singing is bad… it is for ME… and I like anything that is for me…
Today we talked to Tricare six or seven times, about getting my cardiology referral… we are making progress. I have an appointment with the pediatrician on Friday for my “weigh in”, and again the big day of the week will be WEDNESDAY. The princess-versary. You will be suprised to see what those are like… but you only have to wait two days before the suspense is over….
Please remember I love you both, VERY MUCH and I am doing great here in the North, EVEN IF IT IS FRIGID. I miss you and cannot wait to see you again,
Love always, Little Miss Adorable, your daughter,