The doctor really helped me!

Feeling good!Dear Mom and Dad,

I am feeling good today!   My doctor gave me a special medicine for my tummy and boy do I feel better.   I am sending you a letter to say that today I ate every feeding without spitting up any of it, or having problems with “gas”.  I know that is a lot of information, and doesn’t sound like a princess, but I feel like one today.    Today Nana and I hung out at the house, and in the morning Aunt Allyssa and Aunt Mikayla were off school and stayed with me.   It was so much fun.   

After Nana bundled me up we got to go for a walk in my stroller.  I didn’t want them to leave for work… but being “adored” by both of them all morning made me feel special.  After they left Aunt Arri came and she took over where they left off…. I love all the attention!  To top off the day, Great Aunt Pam drove again across town to visit and help out Nana…

The visits with her are awesome because she knows all about PRINCESS pleasing… she holds me like a princess, she kisses me, and plays with me.  We all ate dinner together and I smiled for everyone again while they bathed me!    To all my loyal readers, today may not sound like anything exciting… for me… it was another day of happy times, and most important A DAY FREE OF BELLY ISSUES.  

I know it will come as a shock, but there are pictures of the day for you… enjoy them, and know that I am thinking of you and if you can believe it we have gotten to the end of another week already.   You will be on leave, and packing up our home in no time… then on your way to snuggle me and see how I am doing in person.   Until then, I will continue to send hugs and kisses like this hoping you will know and feel my love.  

I am learning every minute of everyday!


I am always watching and learning.  I am starting to really follow things going on around me, and my neck muscles are getting so strong.  

Look at me!

Yes, this it is me, in my PINK PARTY SHOES, and ruffled socks…

Aunt Mikayla is holding me so you could see my “think spring” outfit.

Nana says you will be here in a few weeks and hopefully it will be more spring like in Michigan.   I would not count on it though, it is Michigan afterall, and I think you should just hope we don’t get more snow when you come…

I have a few more shots for you taken today…

A picture is worth a thousand words right?   Well if that is true, I am TOTALLY convinced Nana has enough “words” for a thesis….  A VERY AWESOME AND ALL ABOUT ME THESIS!  JUST IMAGINE IF EVERY SINGLE PHOTO IS WORTH A THOUSAND WORDS… AND THEY ARE ALL ABOUT ME… we need a name for my “thesis”  too bad “The Princess Diaries” is taken… oh well, here for you to enjoy, are just a few of  pictures from today!  I LOVE YOU BOTH!

Me and my Lamb...And talking... I love to talk!

Good bye for now, and I will be sure to have more of my ‘adorableness’ on for you tomorrow.  Love always, Little Miss Adorable, your daughter,


Look at me…. am I cute or what?


If you're happy and you know it ...Dear Mom and Dad,  Today I went to the pediatrician for a weigh in.   I am doing okay,and the doctor is keeping me on this formula.  

I will keep trying this for another week, and then I will go back and see him.  He wants to see that I am not having any belly pain, and that I am growing and being the happiest little princess I can be.

Today after the doctor, I was able to meet my Grandpa. We had lunch with Nana and Aunt Mikayla at Olga’s.  I, was once again, a star attraction.   All the people in Olgas said hello to me, and they went on to say I was so cute.   My princess aura is amazing.  It does not seem to matter where I go, or what we do, people swarm me… and I LIKE IT.  

I had my usual for lunch, but have to say, the highlight of my lunch was that even though he is really a busy guy, my grandpa sat there and fed me the entire meal.  He also tries so hard to get me to burp, but I tend to be a little stingy about just burping for anyone.

I go back to the pediatrician in one week to check how I am doing with the formula one more time.   They are very nice there and are watching me carefully.  This makes Nana happy, and I know that mom would love that they are comprehensive in making sure I am closely watched. 

I am going to share a few more pictures of me from today, if you think Nana can spare em, geez…. I am telling you someone needs to take that camera away for a while.   

Do I look happy?

I think I am going to have a dimple on my left cheek… like dad! Every once in a while it is really noticable, and personally I think it  makes me even more adorable. 


And then there was this one….

Hanging in Nana's Bear Chair... This little chair is where one of Nana’s favorite stuffed bears once sat…


It is no longer the little bear chair…

It is GuGu Bears’ Chair!

Can you believe I now have my own rocking chair?  AND NO DAD YOUR BUTT CANNOT FIT IN IT, so no trying. 

Do you think the Nike people will have a problem with my Adidas attire…?

Love you very much,

Little Miss Adorable, Your Daughter, Guillianna!

Dear Mom & Dear Dad, Individual Love Letters!

Dear Mom,My mom! today Nana told me a story about you.  She told me about how much she and dad wanted to be with you and could not be for a whole year- that you were in Romania.   She told me about how she wrote letters too, hundreds and hundreds of letters, trying to get you home to her sooner.   Now,  she helps me write letters to you trying to make you and I be together even though we are far apart.   Nana says that writing letters helped and eventually the two of you were in the same place at the same time…

So today I am writing  a letter to each you and dad, so you can both feel special, like I do, cool plan huh? I thought of it myself! (okay, so Nana may have thought of it, but I am the inspiration!) 

Nana says when you were little, you were always trying to help her out.   She says you would sit in her lap and draw with her, and that once here in the United States you went shopping with her all the time.  She says you would help make salad dressing for dinner and share cucumbers with her.   I know all about how it took nearly a year before she was able to get you and Aunt Mikayla  home to live with my other aunts.  She says that while you were in Romania, you waited patiently, and you were probably so afraid she would not ever come back, (she also says you would never show it, because even then you were ARMY STRONG  and would not let anyone know if you were afraid).   But then you learned  MOM’S NEVER LEAVE THEIR CHILDREN!  A child may have to go physically with out a mom or dad,  but the love of a parent ensures that their children are never ever left behind.     No matter where a mom is, her child is always in her heart.   Nana says that sometimes it seems as though a mom may not be there.   Like when you were really small, but that your mom TRULY was ALWAYS there, SHE NEVER ABANDONED YOU but instead she saw to it that you would grow up in a free world, where the possibilities for you and your happiness would be endless.   Nana says, she ‘felt’ your mom with her, and she helped Nana find a way to get you here… and it worked….she says your mom sacrificed so much for her daughters, and now you are making the huge sacrifice to spend these next days doing that very same thing… 

ISNT THAT CRAZY, WE ARE SO SIMILAR, just like your mom did, ‘MY MOM”  is having to part with her little princess so your “little miss” can grow up in a free world, where my possibilities are endless!  CRAZY! 

Just a reminder tomorrow  at 11:15am I go back to the pediatrician to get weighed and see how the formula is working for me.   I will let you know when I get home…. but I am certain my little princess weight is perfect…

Dear Dad, 

How is My Dad!Alabama? I bet you are missing mom even more than I am, and since Nana and Pops are not there to burp you, change you, feed you and take five million pictures of you a day huh?   I hope you get back to Fort Hood soon, and safely and when you do I need you to hug mom for me.   If she is really missing me, you can try spitting up on her shoulder but you have to have formula first okay? 

So – Pops says being a “dad” is the best thing that ever happened to him.  He says a dad loves their kid(s) so much that he will do everything he can to give them the all love,and all of things they need.   (Sad for you, that in having a PRINCESS, I may not be shy in showing you  MANY MANY “REQUIRED” THINGS I NEED, none of which have the word video game on them, more like girly girly princess stuff… but you need not worry I will share things like my tiara with you!)  Seriously… he says that you are working hard right now, AND THAT YOU DO IT SO I CAN BE SAFE, FREE AND TAKEN CARE OF!  I bet that being a big tough guy all the time is quite a job too.   You probably cannot show your true self, sitting alone babbling, with huge crocodile tears streaming down, becuase we are parted…. you have to keep up that SOLDIER strong exterior.   But I know daddy, you are missing your little princess, and I am writing you and giving you a “VIRTUAL” hug… to give you all the strength and courage it takes to be without me.   If you want I can ship you formula, or something else that reminds you of me… ? 

I hear we have a date in a few weeks… I look forward to seeing you and having you rub my back ( you can get me to burp so good,  I do it just so you can enjoy the sweet smell of formula, cuz thats what a princess does, she  makes all her loyal subjects get something special out of being around her)  I also look forward to you making me laugh, and smile.   No one here can make some of the silly faces you make for me… don’t get me wrong there are some funny people here… but no one who can make me laugh like you dad…

I watch the cat you call princess all the time.   Very cool kitty.   Mr. Griff is saving some of his extra gooey and thick slime just for you when you come… and Aunt Arri says she is going to “take you” in some video thingy. 

Until I write again, please remember BOTH OF YOU, that your princess is doing just fine… and ” little miss” adorable, loves you both…

Here's a silly face for dad!

Your daughter, Guilliana

(put your mouse over my picture!)

P.S.   Still no joke, this state is shaped like a mitten, just so that you remember to wear them if you live here…. VERY COLD… 

Seems my clothing even serves an educational purpose NOTE: outline of MITTEN ON FRONT OF ME TO remember bring the darn mittens where ever you go….

Cute as a bug!

Yes, I AM cute as a bug!

Dear Mom and Dad,

Here it is Monday night and this is what I look like now…

I am “TUCKERED” out… hey that was funny… but I bet Dad is tired too, and since today was another busy day of eating and sleeping and smiling and being adored, well I am just plain exhausted from it all. 

I went to visit the “Papa’s”  today at their office.   And yes, I was CUTE AS A BUG,  and I wore my party shoes!  We brought Pops some lunch since he didn’t have time to eat today.  Nana also wanted to drop off a little Thank You note to Miss Sheila, who gave Nana and Pops an awesome picture frame, so they can put “one of their favorite photos” of  ME into.  The perfect gift for them seeing as they are both a little obsessed with the darn camera… they take one look at me and they can’t help themselves.  WHO COULD BLAME THEM THOUGH, I am afterall, “adorable”.  Take a look at today’s photo and tell me  do you think Nana could get much closer with that thing? You can almost count my tastebuds for goodness sake.  

I ate well, and still feel improvement with formula, but not 100% just yet, they say give it a few more days… so we will.

I went to the post office too… so we had a pretty busy day.   My aunts are off from college this week so it is nice they are home much more, and keeping me entertained.  So you say you want more photos, well lets see… I wonder if Nana has any more?  Thats like asking if there is water in the ocean… there is a never ending flash in my face…

CUTE AS A BUG ….  A little lady bug!

I hate to be burped....My head shot!

I am "tuckered" out...

As you can see, I am “tuckered” out, probably just like dad.   I bet he is tired of Alabama, and will be happy to be home with you soon mom.  

I love you very much, and hope that your doing well.   We are another day closer to seeing each other and I will write more tomorrow.   All of my love and my lady bug kisses… Little Miss Adorable, your daughter,

