Dear Mom and Dad,
Today was another stay at camp day due to some pretty cold temps, but Nana wrapped me up in my layers of sheepskin to keep me warm and did go out briefly, we met Great Papa for Friday dinner. I even ‘high fived’ him but want GG-ma to know we had a seat for her! Being out for dinner without GG is just not right! Uncle David and Aunt Kris were there with Bryan- but I have to say it’s just weird with out “A GG” at the table.
I ate well despite the fact that no one scrambles eggs like GgMa – we all missed her and Uncle Nick, Miss K and cuz Steven who were all also missing due to prior engagements.
I am so close to walking. I can do it if I just barely hold onto someones hands. I have a feeling February is WALKING month for the Guge! We will see. Maybe it will be my Valentine surprise for everyone. Who knows. Actually, I think that I am going to be … a lot of folks “LITTLE MISS VALENTINE”. All the campers for sure have me down… I expect I will wake up February 14th with a Valentine or two at the breakfast table. Nana says she used to leave each of the campers Valentines in the morning before they went to school… so I am hopeful, I will have one or two to say the least. Why not… I’m cute and love giving hugs. I wave to everyone. I smile and the entire room gets happy. I BET I WILL MAKE A darn good Valentine won’t I?
I only have a few holidays left here at Camp Nana. Valentines day, St. Patricks Day – where I get to say ” I am a McCutie?” And Easter most likely – but after that my holiday’s are pretty booked up at Fort Hood, (or Fort ?) with you and dad. I am hoping to have our first Mothers Day together and Fathers Day after that! Very exciting stuff!

Well for now I will focus on being some one’s Valentine. Do I have any takers? Send me a computer Valentine and Nana will save it up for me. Well by setting little dates between now and spring, we will get there faster… next stop FEB 14TH…. hoping time flies quickly to there… and next thing you know… it’ll be MARCH!
So here are more shots of ME, since you want to see this cute face… and wonder HOW AM I DOING… WELL DOES THIS HELP? I am fantabulous…. and I am not sure…. Nana, Poppy and the campers, are able to tell you how much fun I am having. I am making the best of this situation… and soaking up love and kisses, saving them for you and dad!

HEY…. you are looking at my butt!
I am so cute, it is hard to resist smiling no matter what angle the beast captures me…
I am playing and learning every second.
I also love giving hugs, and waving…. at dinner tonight I made so many friends, ever person that walked by, I waved to… I smiled at and really I was a very good girl, I ate well, and loved being with everyone.
You would be so proud of me mom and dad, I am not only cute, I am just as sweet and adorable in my personality. I am lucky that my campers are showing me so much love cause I am soaking it up like a big sponge, and then when you come home, I plan on sharing all my hugs and kisses with you and daddy! I will show you how much I have learned, and will be so excited to learn so many more things with you guys. I also plan on giving you a run for your money… unless something drastic happens, I am not a sleeper….. I wake up ready to go… and go go go all day long….. with itty bitty naps here and there to recharge the Guge batteries!

I hope you and daddy are well – and know that I love you both! We are almost done with January and it flew by for me since I am so busy learning and playing! Let’s hope February does the same and is easy on you both. Hugs from the mitten state where I am bundled as if I were in Alaska! As always, I am your Little Miss Adorable, your daughter,
