Dear Mom and Dad,
So the Marines have a base called Camp Lejeune, in North Carolina, and well, I have been here at “CAMP NANA”, which I personally feel is a misnomer. You see, tonight I am officially petitioning to have it changed…. to CAMP LE GUGE! An awesome army brat and I use this term very loosely, as I am not fond of it, and truly not a brat, Yes, a new army brat base here in Michigan that is ALL ABOUT THE GUGE! If you read on, you will see why the petition, but first… let me tell you about my day!
Yep, I have had a stupendous and simply outstanding day here at camp. First … it started with sleeping in just a bit… ‘your welcome Nana’. And then, I ate my breakfast which was delish… and I got dressed for a special lunch, where I learned, Miss K is not moving away to Amarillo, but hangin near camp till graduate school begins… we celebrated with Tex-Mex followed by some ice cream, and basically, I had a blast. Met some other little ones at lunch, and TALKED ACROSS THE RESTARAUNT TO THEM QUITE LOUDLY FOR A WHILE… fun fun fun! Since it was just us in the place, it was all good, and I really did have fun. Any trip out of camp is a good time! Uncle Nick has school, as did all the Auntie Campers but Miss K Nana and I … we had TEX MEX! Maybe when everyone is off for winter break we can all go for CHEESY QUESIDILLAS! Yep – that is what I got, my own Quesillidilla! And it that was not enough… just wait… I went to GOLDFISH MINI CLASS TONIGHT and Poppy filled in for Uncle Nick who had school!
No, this photo above, was not taken today as Uncle Nick was at school, but since No BRAIN Nana, left the beast home at lunch… well this one from the other day got to be posted!
So after lunch, ice cream and a quick stop to pick up THE BEAST we were off to Mini Class… and Miss K… she came to cheer me on! We had a blast. I LOVE THE POOL…. tell me do I look like I am having fun?

I had so much fun in that water… that I cannot even tell you..
Poppy is so nervous but me, I didn’t cry for any of my underwater swimming, and I actually come up looking for APPLAUSE from the crowd, and I GET IT. Great Papa came to see me too. He was so impressed with my progress. When I first started, I was so tiny… and now… I am in my GOLDFISH MINI WET SUIT AND I AM REALLY LOVING THE WHOLE GOLD FISH MINI THING. One thing bad though, is that my GMP otherwise known as GOLD FISH MINI PARTNER… Uncle Nick, has late night class every Wednesday now…. Nana may try to find a class time where he can take me again, because we are buds in the water…and I miss him. Plus Poppy has a diabetes lecture series he does on the last Wednesday of each month so he cannot take me. And Nana… well she’d sink!

I went down the slide into the water and Poppy’s arms!
I came out with a smile and wanted to play in the water some more…
Want to see?
This is me… proud as can be, and lovin’ every second!
You would think this would tire a little camper out … but no..
I tend to be full of energy after my swim sessions.
My great Papa got me some dinner, and I was ready to go till all my Auntie campers and Uncle got home from their respective schools.
I told you it was a jam packed day of COOLNESS!

A special note to Uncle Nick, in honor of your new class, I want you to know Great Papa took me to dinner, and I ate thinking of you. I had some eggs, some bacon, and some pasta, and Nana says that qualifies officially as PASTA CARBONARA! Missed you much GMP!
So when I started my love letter, I told you of my plan to petition a name change here at CAMP. I am all for correcting the erroneous title of CAMP NANA, and “allowing” the use of it’s true director in the title…CAMP LE GUGE. Yes it is here in this little Mitten State, where campers are led by one GUILLIANNA… AND HERE is the supporting documentation. Please notice that after my long and full day of activity… I am not too tired to show my Auntie campers a trick or two… I like to call this drill… Guillianna Says, or FOLLOW THE GUGE!
Yep…. CAMP LE GUGE! hoo haa!
As always, I am your Little Miss Gold Fish Swimmin’ Mini, Little Miss Adorable,

The way I see it, I am 13 months old, I can get a group of adults, to do what ever I want when ever I want… and to be honest… better than Nana could ever accomplish…
So what do you think… “CAMP NANA?” or “CAMP le Guge?” Accepting votes