Adorable As Ever!

Dear Mom & Dad,
Today is Monday and all campers work or are at school so it’s just Nana and I !  This means that there were tremendous amounts of singing time  🙁 for us and believe me when I say nana makes the most of it. I took a very good nap today because nana held me the whole nap. Now she knows that she shouldn’t but today she let me sleep in her arms the whole time and it’s was really a good nap!   Wonder if that means I won’t sleep good tonight?   Either way it was nice and peaceful, and I must have needed a snuggle, cause it did the trick and I slept great!

I woke up and played.  Here is todays photo shoot!

I am so wanting to walk… and feel like any time now I am going to just TAKE OFF, but not today…

Look out though, when I do, I have a sneaking suspicion that you will have a very hard time keeping me down… and sitting for anything…

I am so busy… and lets just say I MULTI TASK!

Look out Nana better take some vitamins!

The Guge is about ready to start being on the MOVE!

Until tomorrow, dear Mom and Dad, I want you to know that I love you and am awaiting your safe return.  As always, I am your Little Miss Adorable, your daughter,


So Here I Am….as promised!

Dear Mom and Dad,

Nana promised you that she would take a photo everyday.  Today’s photos are next.  Nana is super tired today, so my love letter is super simple so she can get some rest.  All is well, and we are counting down the days till you will hopefully be back from the land of sand.  Nana knows not to say when in my love letters to keep things safe for everyone.  But believe me, I am counting down.  It will be good to go home and be with you and daddy!   I love you both and am as always, your Little Miss Adorable, your daughter,


P.S.  I heard Miss K is traveling tomorrow early in the morning to a special meeting… hope she has a safe journey, and that she  knows she will be awesome, I am hoping she gets what she wants from life… all the campers wish her happiness  – and WHERE EVER LIFE TAKES US… friends and family can make it all work if they want to!  However I do recommend “sparkly shoes”!   (keeping in mind, I am really only12 months old and not really the best to be giving advice in this department)


BIG NEWS…. after the short love letter was done… guess what happened…? YES IT IS TRUE… I took a few steps tonight… yes with a little help from my shopping cart, but I DID and here it is for you to see…. just like Nana promised!

Back In Pink (and Purple)!

Dear Mom and Dad,

How are you guys?  Good I hope, today was a great day here at camp.

Great Aunt Kris was a big help to Nana, and I did my usual, playing.

I am quite a lot of fun, and love playing with the campers on weekends! Aunt Arrianna got her hair cut today!

 I ate some new foods, and love the Peach Granola baby food I tried.


I love you and miss you both!


Life is good, I am awesome, and I hope you are as well. Unil tomorrow, I am as always, your Little Miss Adorable, your daughter,


Where is the Pink?

Everybody CLAP!  Me clapping!

Dear Mom and Dad:

So the snow thing was not too bad… 4-6 inches at best.  It is however blowing and cold, and a for me a “stay in” at camp day to be sure!

Here I am wearing my new shirt from UNCLE ALLEN.   For as long as Mommy can remember Dr. Allen sends all the campers MICHIGAN TEE’S, and now… look mom… I have my own MICHIGAN HOCKEY JERSEY!  I have only one question…. WHERE IS THE PINK?  

I look adorable no matter what color… and the maze and blue of Michigan.. well, I wear it proudly… who knows maybe when I grow up, I will be a student there like Dr. Allen was, or like Miss K!   Who by the way, has an awesome photo shoot of us working together on her computer! Here are a few of the shots! Me working on the computer... cool huh!

Lot’s of fun stuff to do though, since my big birthday, and the holiday’s I have plenty to keep me busy.   I am eating well, and dare I say sleeping a bit better.  I am saying Cat, Dog, and I sing with the Wiggles, a song called Rock a Bye your Bear!   I hold my finger up to my lips and it touches my nose, and I say SHHH! SHHH! SHHHHH!  Sometimes, it looks like I am pickin’ but really I am just singin’!

Rock a bye your bear, bear is now asleep... shhhh shhh shhh!

 I play so hard… and have so much fun… here I am just hangin’ and playing at Camp…  can you recognize me in my skinny jeans and NO PINK?

Ready or not... here I come!

So happy when I play!

Hey... how is things in the land of sand... need me to send some toys?

Concentrating on playing... no time to pose!

Hey, look at me.. such a big girl!I am really learning so many things, and having so much fun with all the stuff at camp.

I talk even if no one really understands EVERYTHING I am saying, I talk talk talk…ALL THE TIME!

I can totally call out to any of the campers when I want them to do something… and it works… they come, or know I am calling them.

I pull myself up on everything and can balance myself pretty good, but am not walking just yet… Nana says she thinks that when I start walking… I WILL BE RUNNING!   I have had so much fun… I hope you enjoyed visiting with me today…. I love you both and until tomorrow, I am as always, Your LITTLE MISS ADORABLE, your daughter,

Love you both...and hope you had a good day!


Here is a cheek for you to leave a kiss on!

Most kissable cheeks ever!   Still think Nana should have a limit!

Yea… about that whole kissin’ the cheek thing…. Nana’s should have a limit on how many…Now she says she gets extra since I am fixin’ to leave camp IN A FEW MONTHS… SHE SAYS SHE HAS TO GET EXTRA IN… how fair is that?   I am going to be lucky if I have any cheek left when she is done… YOU THOUGHT GRIFFY SLOBBERS…. Nana is a kiss-a-holic!  And for anyone researching or doing any kind of  BABY KISSING STUDY… THE FACT THAT I AM NOT WEARING PINK TODAY HAD NO BEARING ON ANYTHING STILL A BAZILLION KISSES!