Dear Mom and Dad,
I have been relaxing with the campers tonight. It was another celebration since Miss K is back from the Land of Cheese…and it was so nice. We had been waiting for her visit to exchange holiday gifts. It was nice to see everyone happy. We were all in casual clothes or jammies… and we just sat and had dinner, and then after presents, we watched a video of you when you were small and first came to Camp Nana! For an added bonus, I got some gorilla blocks which are like huge lego building blocks big enough to make a princess thrown, or a little castle for me. They were cool.
I am working on this standing on my own thing… and doing good at it. I am not really walking around any tables yet, so when I do, I am sure Nana and the Beast will capture some form of it. Here I am in my princess tutu again!

I am telling you, I have this WHERE IS YOUR NOSEY thingy down…
And I am pretty cute when I do it, but sometimes, I miss, and well get a little distracted, it is fun to play with those nostril thingy’s!
But still ADORABLE!

I am pulling myself up on things, and it will probably be soon that I start walking, but these little legs are the cutest thing ever aren’t they?
I am going to be getting busy pretty soon here…
Gonna get Nana to drop a few pounds chasing me I bet!
It is hard to believe that the holiday’s have passed, and your R&R has passed so quickly.
I think that the best part of that is it means that the next time you make that trip it will be to come back to stay in the USA with me! Until tomorrow Mom and Dad, I hope you had a good day, and that you enjoyed seeing me today, I know I have fun posing, and playing for you and the beast! As always, I am your Little Miss Adorable, your daughter,

P.S. Special thanks from all of the campers to Miss K for the great holiday together! We are so lucky! Nite for now… and see ya’ll in the EALY morning… BRIGHT EYED, AND READY TO GO! Who knows maybe we can watch the ‘Wiggles” together AGAIN!