Dear Mom and Dad,
So today is March 4th, and that means I am fifteen months old. I have had a great day. I played, and rested at camp. I was the itty bittiest bit on the easily irritated side today, not so sure if it is more teeth, or just a phase, but I really love being held ALL THE TIME. I am in a phase where I want to sleep in the arms of anyone willing to hold me, and well who wouldn’t. Since I sleep in Nana and Poppy’s room, she likes to soothe me when I wake in the night, where as most other babies parents may let them fuss a wee bit, Nana gets up and holds my hand or used to give me a passy, or gives me a little “spitty” to hold on to now. I like that she is there IN a NANA SECOND! (HA) and she does it since Poppy exists on so little sleep as it is, that she doesn’t want him to wake. Often my grandparents only get a few hours a night… so each moment is precious and Poppy needs it….so anyway… it creates for me, a situation that could easily be misconstrued as “being spoiled” I like to call it and believe the POLITICALLY CORRECT PHRASE IS ‘princess pampered’. However, when awake… and not during nap time or at night during what should be SLEEP TIME….
I am walking more and more, and today had on my ‘walking shoes’. I am also hearing about this thing called six pack ab’s. (BIGGER CAMPERS ARE HERE, AS YOU KNOW) Well, let me tell you, I have ‘6 BOB’ AB’S AND LET ME TELL YOU…. they are …. cute as pie! Here is a shot of my 6 bob abs…

I excercise quite a bit … as you can see…

I am really not in need of excercise, I am pretty much princess perfect weight for my size… ( don’t freak out Nana is not over feeding me, the truth is the jeans are 12 month, and I am just crossing over into 18 month sizes some 12 month clothes fit and some 18 month fit, other times 12 months is too small and 18 months is too large) I LOVE PLAYING AND BEING BUSY…
You are both going to be in good shape chasing after me… because I pretty much am on the go constantly… unless I am sleeping..
Last night I tossed and turned more than usual, so maybe tonight I will sleep good. We will see. I just haven’t been a sleeper… not now, not ever… for a while I did like six hours at night, but it seems I stir or wake at about four hours. I do go back to sleep, but sleep is not my fav!
I am really having fun with walking, and have realized that I can check out so much more than I was able to before. I am on an constant expedition…. and there is stuff everywhere I can get into if I want… all I need do is walk… and if I had known this before, I bet I would have walked earlier. No stoppin’ me now though… I love being silly… and yes, I seem find a way to make every day a party!

I hope you and dad both know that after 15 months, I am still your LITTLE MISS ADORABLE, YOUR SWEET DAUGHTER, (a busy little bee)
