The Beast (aka Mr. Nikon) Got Up Close …

Dear Mom and Dad,

Today was Goldfish Mini swim class …. and I just love it so much.   It is probably my favorite thing to do all week.   It was just me and mini friends Connor and Alex.     We had fun, and I know the number of weeks at Goldfish Mini Swim School are few, but what I have left, I enjoy.

I also hung out with Nana all day, and was an angel.   I think she is going to be lonely when I go to Texas, since the other campers go to work or school all day.   She will have to take photos of the Zoo Campers!   But I don’t think any of my readers will come to see photos of drooling shedding Zoo animals, unless of course Nana can find clothes and dress them up to look like me!  Ha!

I hope you and Daddy had a great day.   I did.  They say the Mitten State is due for a warm up this weekend, and some of the snow and ice will melt away.   I hope that the weather here changes before you come to pick me up because I look forward to nice warm days and stroller rides around Camp Nana…. it was a fav all last spring summer and fall….but winter here… well Nana bundles me up so, that I cannot possibly move!   So a snow bunny I am not!   Learning to walk on snow or ice… not so nice… so yeah, I never really got to go out in it at all…. bring on warm weather less bundling and new plants sprouting up and I am a happy camper!

Well the beast got up close and personal, so you could have some close ups of this little face to kiss goodnite, and I hope you know I am happy, doing well, and LOVE YOU BOTH VERY MUCH.   I had a great day today, and swam so good.   I do all the things a mini has to do to pass to the next level.  I am a great Goldfish Mini!  I am also as always, your Little Miss Adorable, your daughter,


Why Can’t Nana Say NO?

Dear Mom and Dad,

I am such a big girl now.   I have so much fun playing with Aunt Allyssa’s baby doll.   I love to walk with her and hug her and give her kisses!

Here I am walking MY babydoll.   I know it was Aunt Allyssa’s but now what is at CAMP NANA IS MINE, I am the princess of the camp, and what I claim as my own, well it just is.

Nana is still no fun.   She makes me put away toys when I am done.  She makes sure that I am learning as I go, and hopefully will not be spoiled when you come back.   She is teaching me about this inside voice thing… and yes she actually said “no” to me the other day.  

No is not easy for Nana…. she likes to make me smile and keep me happy, but will not let me play with the outlet….. so she said no… I cried.


but was a little shocked that Nana said NO to me?   She says the outlet is an OUCHIE… BUT SINCE I HAVE NO CLUE WHAT AN ‘OUCHIE’ IS, I still want to play with it.  

The face Nana loves to see…. happy!    So when Nana holds up her index finger and shakes it side to side… I know… I am not supposed to do something… but I smile at her …. and usually try to do it anyway… just to see what happens…. DON’T WORRY I PLAN ON TRYING THIS METHOD OUT WITH YOU GUYS TOO… checkin’ out just how far I can go…. before you say ‘NO’.   It’s fun…. bet you and Mommy did it too!

So here I am being dramatic… and posing… maybe I will be a dancer…

Who knows for sure…

I know this, I love music more than anything…

Yesterday when we were in the car, I started singing to a song… very loud, and very clearly to the song…

It was a song by a guy named..James Blunt, called ‘Same Mistake’… and the chorus goes….


Let’s just face it…. I am so good all the time …. saying NO to me is not a real issue.   The only time it comes up is when I am EXPLORING, AND ACCIDENTLY FIND SOMETHING REALLY INTRIGUING… AND THEN SOMEONE SAYS.. WHOOOA NELLY, LITTLE MISS…. so hearing them say ‘No’ is not something a little Princess is used to hearing… and lucky for me… Nana is not a fan of saying it!   Just a wave of her index finger and I know… I am in uncharted water… and after I swim around in it a bit… I smile like this… and she smiles back!

 So this was me today… and when you look at me in these pictures you can see, I am now a little toddler, and doing great.   I am testing the waters, and learning about all kinds of things, I take really good care of my baby doll, and sing all the time.   I cannot wait for you to come back to me and see how many things I have learned since we were last together.   Nana tries to describe for you each day, but being here will be even more fantastic than any words she could write.   I hope you smiled today, and that you have dreams of me and my princess personality…. I love you both, and as always, I am your LITTLE MISS ADORABLE, your daughter,


Playing, Walking and Lovin’ Life!

Dear Mom and Dad,

I am here at camp, and today is the very first day of March 2010.

I know how hard this has been on the two of you, (at least Nana says she knows, really I don’t really get the whole thing, but that is good, cause, it means I don’t have to be sad)so I have been working hard at being not only ADORABLE, SO VERY GOOD, AND SO VERY SWEET, but I am really starting to cruise these days.

I love walking about, it makes me feel super happy and proud.   I still bop on my bottom a bit, but I get back up and keep on trying to go farther and farther everytime.

Here I am, walking and squealing at the same time.  See I am a multi-tasker!   I think that my fellow campers are more nervous about me falling over than I am… but there is always someone ready to catch the Guge!    It is crazy that once I started this walking thing… I have just started to find so many things that I want to get into now.   I love it!

So you can tell, I am one proud little walker, and love the attention I get when I take a few steps.  I get everyone cheering for me, and well, I feel like a superstar!

Do you remember a year ago, Nana and the beast would take photos of me laying on my Boppy, or in a crib, unable to lift my own head!  I have worked so hard, and learned so much!

Not only do I sit up, and roll over, but I stand, I walk and I can help do all kinds of things at camp!  I help all the time!

Nana and the beast have captured all of it and she is currently trying to put it all together into a journal for you and daddy to keep forever!

Here I am at the filing cabinet,  LOOK HOW TALL I have gotten.  I am two drawers tall!

I had a busy day today, we had all kinds of Nana stuff to do… and when done Nana was very happy to be back at camp!

Great Grandma Sally and Grumpy sent me some photos of Aunt Arri and Aunt Allyssa’s trip to visit them, and I am going to share them with you and daddy so you can see your grandparents.  They send their love and wish you a safe return soon.

and since Great Grumpy took this photo, here is one with him for you to see…they went to downtown Seattle which is about two hours from where they live to have this photo taken!  Hey Momma your GRANDPARENTS LOOK GREAT DON’T THEY!

I think they had a very nice visit!   One day maybe you and daddy and I can go visit them together!  Quite some time ago, I wrote in my love letter about a patient of Poppy’s who gave me a present, a little ferris wheel.  I love this ferris wheel.  It plays happy music and sounds of people laughing…

I JUST LOVE IT!   So Mom and Dad, that was my day at camp.   I hope you and daddy are well, and enjoyed seeing me today and a bonus photo shoot with GREAT GRANDMA AND GRUMPY and their little dog Brodie.

Please know you are in my thoughts and I am dreaming about SPRING AND YOU BOTH COMING BACK !  As always, I am your Little Miss Adorable, your daughter,
