Dear Mom and Dad,
Today Great Grandma Sally turns 81 years YOUNG. She is your mom’s mom… and if we were all together in the same room, it would be four generations of life! It is not likely we will ever see that happen, due to our proximity in this world… but last September, I got to meet your Grandma and Grumpy. It was very lucky!

Today, I am helping Nana send her mom a birthday wish… and at the same time… I am telling my mom that one day… when I am a bit bigger, and lived a little longer, I too will send you birthday wishes… and you will know that Moms and daughters love each other… your mom loves you… just like her mom loved her… it’s a great thing I hear… and I look forward to wishing you HAPPY 81RST BIRTHDAY… JUST LIKE Nana is doing here…
Dear Mom,
If I could give you diamonds
for each tear you cried for me.
If I could find you sapphires
for each truth you’ve helped me see.
If I could give you rubies
for the heartache that you’ve known
If I could give you pearls
for the wisdom that you’ve shown.
Then you’ll have a treasure, mother,
that would mount up to the skies
That would almost match
the sparkle in your kind and loving eyes.
But I have no pearls, no diamonds,
As I’m sure you’re well aware
So I’ll give you gifts more precious
My devotion, love and care.
Happy 81rst Birthday Mom!
Love Lisa…. Love to all the mom’s who give what they have to their daughters, their children, and ask nothing in return! Great Grandma Sally adopted Nana…. many years ago… Nana well she feels so lucky and tried hard to pass on to Momma and all of Nana’s kids… gifts she has received… Great Grandma has felt pain beyond measure in her now 81 years of lifetime… as all grown ups eventually do I hear 🙁 and well Nana says my momma too has had some really crazy hard times too when she was very small until life brought her opportunity to live free, and have a life with me. These four generations though… they have worked through it all, and the photos today… me with Great Grandma Sally, and below of me… show… the kind of thing… that LOVE and ‘promises kept’ can do… Nana and Poppy keep promises… that were started by their parents before them, and you and dad… well, your promises are rich in a tradition, and will be appreciated by this little princess for years to come….
Now … about me…. (it is all about me after all…right? I just wanted to help Nana out a bit… ya know she is a mush monster!)
I do have to tell you about this special day… we could not have cake and ice cream, nor could Nana give her mom a hug! I have not been able to give you hugs and kisses, and Nana knows too what that is like when we are separated by space! We all get a little help sometimes to get through missing things we want… TODAY, I TOO GOT SOME HELP to keep me from missing you and daddy. GREAT AUNT PAM AGAIN FOUND SOME THINGS THAT TAKE MY MIND OFF ‘GUGU STUFF’, like missing you two for so long….
GREAT AUNT PAM came to visit, bearing gifts once again, THE MOST ADORABLE LITTLE BUMBLE BEE OUTFIT THAT I HAD TO MODEL, AND I AM NOW OFFICIALLY A CAMPER WHO HELPS AROUND CAMP! I am so not kidding when I say… I have been having fun all day with a gift from my Great Aunt Pammy! Crazy as it sounds… GREAT GRANDMA SALLY HAS THE BIRTHDAY… BUT I GOT THE PRESENT, AND Nana says, Great Grandma would be happy for that… Crazy huh? Look at me Mom and Dad… I am just too cute!

And if you can believe it.. a mop, and a Swiffer! You think this is not the face of one happy baby… well..

As you can see, I am truly the luckiest and yes, I am sure a bit over indulged baby in the Midwest! Or possibly all the land, and everyone wants to see me smile and be happy so you and daddy know… I have enjoyed camp …. that you have done so many wonderful things for me by finishing the work you started.. and giving me the start of my lifetime here with Aunties, Uncle Nick, Poppy and Nana… the supporting crew around me… nation wide (SO MANY LIKE Miss Sherry in Florida, and friends accross the globe)… has been UNBELIEVABLE, and in these last days of camp I have been trying to show you the amount of love that has been sent to me from near and far as if to say… “WE KNOW LITTLE GUGE, there are no real toys, or ways for us to say… how special the love your mom and dad have is, but we are all here for you”… cards, letters, of love have been sent, birthday wishes from near and far… holiday gifts and ‘just beacuse’ gifts all saying… YOU GUILLIANNA ARE YOUR PARENTS DREAM COME TRUE, they would be right here with you if they could, and until they arrive… you are the baby who will want only FOR ONE THING….the safe return of her mom and dad… NOTHING ELSE WILL BE MISSED… “not a single chance to smile, not a single bob, diaper change, not a single step in the process of growing, YOUR EVERY WISH IS OUR COMMAND” THAT MOM AND DAD is what I have been given…ALL so that I YOUR DAUGHTER COULD FOCUS ON ONE THING, BEING A POT OF GOLD FOR BOTH OF YOU, and here I am to say… MOM DAD, I am as always – your Little Miss Adorable, your pot of gold, pampered in love until you return to me… your daughter,

Oh Aunt Nori… I want you to know, I did get your note, and those were just a few of the precious GIFTs I have received in the mail, gifts at the holidays, and does not come close to showing off the things you have sent me too! Bibs for my first birthday and so much more… and the list amazingly goes on and on, like a dignitary from another land I am… YOU CANNOT BEGIN TO IMAGINE THE LOVE AND SUPPORT THIS BABY GUGE HAS GOTTEN, more than 40,000 strong… strangers and family truly have come to my aide in filling in the gaps… Missing mom and dad, well, that was not something we could change… until now… SOON… I WILL BE HOME… and my smile, the adoration I have had these past months… all from loving hearts… who also await their return… IT WILL BE A GREAT and HAPPY DAY!