Last Regular Season Game…

Dear Mom and Dad,

As you probably recall from earlier love letters, the co campers here in THE MITTEN STATE, are RED WING fans.   (No cuz Noah I did not say SHARK FANS, and no Dallas fans either Mom and Dad.. just WING NUTS!

The sun is shining in the Mitten State, and me, well I am always a RAY OF SUNSHINE!

And if you recall, I am the official little spirit stick around here…. so since today was the last game of the regular season for the Red Wings… I am working today…. as a “SS” or SPRIRIT STICK.   This next photo is deceiving… I am not requiring any assistance walking… NOPE… this is what Nana calls… A RE  DIRECT… YEP  –  I was on my way somewhere I was not supposed to go… and 1.. 2.. 3… next thing you know RE DIRECT….  two arms fly out from no where and suddenly I am facing a new direction… CRAZY!    This is me being re- directed from the awesome bowl of water that Nana has for the co camper dogs in the other room!   Now personally I share stuff from my high chair with Mr. Griff , Justice and Libby ALL THE TIME…I drop morsels for them all the time…  and well so what if I want to share their water ….. or play in it… we ARE AFTER ALL CO CAMPERS… AND I LIKE SHARING… BUT NO FUN NANA… SAYS… DOG FOOD BOWLS AND DOG FOOD WATER BOWLS ARE OFF LIMITS… and yes… I get a whole bunch of RE DIRECTS!

Hope you both had a great day, since our RED WINGS WON,  and will advance into the playoffs… I did awesome job.    Nana says win or lose I do an awesome job… HOW NANA HUH?   She says if cuz Noah’s Sharks win the Stanley cup…. then the campers here will wear Shark shirts…. but if the Red Wings win, Cuz Noah should wear a Red Wing shirt!    And I think EVERYONE HOPES THE PENGQUINS DONT WIN,  I had such a battle with Mr. Penguin last year!   Yikes! 

Anyway, just a little Hockey talk to take our minds off the time….. Nana just heard an official date of your arrival to the Mitten State, and is very excitied.   She told me, but I promised to keep it secret a while longer… just until you and daddy are back to FORT HOOD, safely.   I am EXCITED, AND SINCE I AM SUCH A GOOD LITTLE SECRET KEEPER JUST LIKE BEING A GOOD SPIRIT STICK.. I will double check and triple check Nana’s love letters to make certain she is doing a good job!

I had a great day today… and the week ahead looks like more great play dates with the kitchen and who knows I think or hope for a dinner date with my great grandparents one night. 

I also have swimming class… so things here are good.  All the campers are working and have school, but they will be with me more next weekend, so that too is something to look forward to!

I always have spirit stick work to be done as well, so,

until tomorrow  – this is your little SS saying, good night, have a Great Monday, and as always, I am your LITTLE MISS ADORABLE, your daughter,

Guillianna!   (GO WINGS)

Lovin’ being ‘GUILLIANNA CHILD’!

Dear Mom and Dad,

Yep, it is true, since the arrival of the kitchen set, it is hard to keep me away… so you may just have to see more photos of me playing here.   But hey, it makes me happy so….

Try some of my home cookin’  and sorry if you get bored, Nana doesn’t seem to get bored playing with me, cause, I am having a blast…. and let me tell you… I have no problem with making believe… imagination and all that … I make soup, I eat, I drink, I feed Nana, I feed all the campers… I am the next “GUILLIANNA CHILD”!   At least for today!   Who knows what I will be tomorrow!  Seriously though, I am having fun!

Until tomorrow (which by the way is STILL THE WEEKEND, AND CAMPERS ARE HERE TO PLAY YIPPEE) I am as always your Little Miss Adorable, your sweet daughter,


Every One Is Wondering??????

Dear Mom and Dad,

Every one  is wondering… how the campers will do it… how will they say good bye.   Originally, it was thought that Mom and Dad would be in the Mitten State… and going to school nearby.   It was thought that I’d have Nana to babysit, or any of my Aunts or Uncle nearby…  at Christmas time we learned of re-enlistments, and then of a new life at Fort Hood.  Economical reasons, and changes in plan… all with the best interest of the worlds sweetest baby (ME) in mind.   So yes, it is true my co campers will indeed miss me, but they know… I belong where my mom and dad are, and where the my mom’s heart leads me, I will follow…  so Nana made me a special video.. one that answers the question every one is asking… how… will we say goodbye….

Here is the answer… this is a small part of a video Nana made for me to take back to Fort Hood.   Mom and Dad will play it for me one day….

Nana says, when you love some one (and says this applies to everyone…. not just me…. but it is meant for SONS, DAUGHTERS, GRANDCHILDREN and Parents too!) you will do what ever it takes and give everything you have…  – to make those you love happy… you will try and try  – and you will give of yourself,  no matter the sacrifice… you will love unconditionally… and you will hope that one day… they will know…. just how loved they they have been!

This morning I awakened to a present from my co campers… the Nanster knew with all my culinary skill that I would need a workspace all my own, so all the campers pitched in and got me a kitchen… and well while a video is nice…. (for older folks) I am partial to the hands on kind of play seen here… Mr. Nikon, aka THE BEAST caught me playing this morning. 

This is what I am looking at… can you believe it?  A present from my Aunts and Uncle… I am so lucky!

The truth is, Nana is a pokey joe… she is what some may say ,  A LITTLE  or (A LOT)  slow (AND yes even WHIMPY), and I AM SO VERY FAST.  She is out of shape and says if she is to fly to Fort Hood to visit… she better get on the stick and start getting in shape!

Finding a new place for me to play… where SHE CAN ACTUALLY KEEP UP WITH ME, WELL, that is really FUN  for Nana.   We can cook together for hours!   So don’t think I am being spoiled, I am not… this present from my co campers is because I am so darn cute, and adorable they just cannot help themselves, and they wanted me to have a place where Nana could play with me!

I too benefit, since now I have an entire kitchen I can play in, NO LOCKED DRAWERS,




And I am lovin’ it…

Until tomorrow, I am as always, your Little Miss Adorable, your daughter,




I’ve Been a Busy Little Chef!

Dear Mom and Dad,

So this is the thing… I have been a busy little chef … cooking and stirring and tasting… so much fun!  So if there is a guy named “Chef Boy Ardee”!   Then I am to be Chef Girl Adore – a – BEE  I am so cute!

I love singing this song about one finger and one thumb… it makes me laugh every time someone sings it to me, and I hold up one finger!

Here I am honing my culinary skills some more today….

I was truly a wonderful baby today as I am every day.   I hear that Poppy Nana and the campers have a surprise for me in the morning… I wonder what it could be?   I am going to wait patiently though, and see it when I awake.   Until tomorrow Mom and Dad, please know I am as always, your Little Miss Adorable, your daughter,
