Dear Mom and Dad,
So Mom and Dad, I have to tell you, I have fun playing with every single thing. Today, we pulled Nana’s pots and pans out and I played them like drums, and then made “soup”. I licked the spatula when done, and it was delish!

Mommy said, I would have fun playing with pots and pans! LOOK MOM… here I am… and you were right… I love being a chef! Or in a moments notice I can switch and I am a drummer! Pretty cool huh?!
I enjoyed this little POTS AND PAN session. It just goes to show you that it doesn’t matter what is around I can make it fun and very exciting.
We captured some of me turning simple pots into TOYS, with the beast today.
I love pretending to make soup for the campers and tasting it… it is silly fun, but I love doing it…
Things at camp are the same. All the campers are really busy, I am still what one might call “sleepless in the mitten state”, with little hope for change. I am just not a sleeper.
I am however the most curious and sweet baby ever. I will tell stories to you as I explore, I will smile at you and make your heart melt. I AM MOM AND DAD – NOT ONLY YOUR POT OF GOLD, BUT as momma will remember her own Grumpy (grandfather) always SAID SOMETHING ABOUT BEING ” THE RAY OF SUNSHINE”! Well – I am a ray of sunshine in a very difficult world. NANA SAYS THAT DESPITE ALL THE CRAZINESS THAT GOES ON…. ALL I HAVE TO DO IS SMILE, AND I MAKE EVERYTHING BETTER. Nana always tells it like it is… and so in addition to all the things I have been, (A GOLD FISH MINI, A PATRIOTIC STICK, A POG OR POT OF GOLD, I HAVE LEARNED THAT I AM ALSO A RAY OF SUNSHINE! ) 🙂 WOW. Grumpy and Great Grandma think I am a ray of sunshine too! Everyone knew all about this smiling sunshine face… and how I make everything seem better? Now, I too know. Here I am playing… spreading sunshine!

Well as you can probably see, Nana was there every second watching me with the utensils… (hmmm, I am not allowed to walk with them and well the pots, well they are heavy and yea, I am not allowed to use them on the kitties) but I had a blast with them during our musical jam session/cooking session.
Today was a good day… and while my latest exploration was of Nana’s cookware…. it was fun… momma once said it would be, so I tried it.. and guess what mom… you were SO RIGHT.
I do like playing with pots and pans… and yes … I love pots and pans… Nana says… when we get older… that sometimes changes… they become “work” or boring… but today reminded her that POTS AND PANS ARE COOL, and they are fun… It’s just all in how you look at them that matters…
So this little RAY OF SUNSHINE reminded Nana today how much fun the little simple things in life can be. Pretty big job for one little wee one huh? But it was a piece of cake… in a flash of a smile and a wave of a hand, a mix of a spatula, 🙂 POOF! 🙂 and THERE YOU have IT, INSTANT RAY OF SUNSHINE! 🙂
I am told it works for people besides Nana? Is it true… ?

Until tomorrow Mom and Dad, this ‘little ray of sunshine’ sends you love and kisses from the Mitten State, where I continue to brighten the day of everyone here. I know it is a very big job, but someone has to do it! It rained quite a bit here today… the whole April showers bring May flowers thing… but by the end of the day… the SUN WAS SHINING… BIRDS WERE CHIRPING… AND I HAD ALL OF CAMP… AS USUAL feeling pretty lucky for a day of laughter and smiles DID IT WORK FOR YOU MOM? AND HOW ABOUT YOU DAD? All of my love letters each day, have been sent your way, in an attempt to say, I want to help you make it to the next day, to bring us closer to the moment you are both on your way…. and guess what Mom and Dad, WE ARE ALMOST THERE….as always your Little Miss Adorable… your daughter,

Nana sure hopes her own momma feels better soon, and me, the RAY OF SUNSHINE is sending get well wishes to Great Grandma, from Mom and Dad in the land of sand, and EVERYONE in the Mitten State especially to you GREAT GRANDMA SALLY, you have to feel better soon, you are having an 81rst birthday, and Nana says she will sing….yea…I think 🙁 !