Dear Mom and Dad,
I sit in my Princess Lazy Girl, with a basket of teddies, including a beanie baby bear given to you and your sisters when you became citizens many years ago, at my left and the antique chair that Nana’s grandma used as she sat and bathed Nana’s daddy to my right…. history… and in the center… a little spirit stick… who is two days away from seeing her mom and dad…. I can’t wait MOM and DAD. The campers however, are spending the very last SUNDAY with me. It is hard for them to imagine… no more ALL HANDS ON GUGE WEEKENDS… BUT … alas, it is here…. and well… as good as it is for me, and for you and dad, it is a big day here at camp. I AM A BIG FAN OF THE ALL HANDS ON GUGE DAYS!

I know you and daddy, not hocky fans, but for the time being… I am, and like my Uncle Nick said, hopefully Daddy and you will find a way to share in the fun it has brought to all of us. The day Uncle Nick was born Nana thought she would never ever let him see a hockey stick. Five sisters later he was playing… Aunt Alyx playing, Aunt Arri playing… and loving every second. Now… years later, cuz Noah, playing and very well from what I understand…. loving it just as much…. it has given so much to all of the family, GG-ma and Papa love to watch, for years Great Aunt Ida watched, and her kids played… now her grandchildren do… it is a common thread… there are those who love baseball, or NASCAR, there are those who love tennis….Nana even saw DART championships on television today… so many things to entertain us, but the reality of this whole thing… A COMMON THREAD…. THAT BRINGS US TOGETHER IN SOME SMALL WAY… California …. like Texas pretty far from the Mitten state… but the SHARKS AND WINGS GAME made us just a tad closer today….

Nana is emotional… and so my letter tonight sappy…. but really she is just trying to tell herself WE WILL FIND A WAY TO STAY CLOSE WHEN I COME HOME TO TEXAS, and we will do it through things like sports, or the little things that we don’t even realize bring us closer. It has been a year here at camp… one I surely will not remember, but it is a year that all my Aunts, my Uncle and my Nana and Poppy will never forget, and will always cherish. Are there really any words that could ever express what you and daddy have seen this past year in photos…. a year of laughter and love! When I smile, I can make anyone smile, when I learn something new, everyone here is elated, and filled with amazement at every single thing I do. I am the focus of their lives, and well, I am ADORABLE. The love letters started a year ago… with that same statement. I am…. and have been the most amazing baby…. I have so many fun things to look forward to… and yes, it is time to go home. But this letter tonight …. is sent to say…. thank you from all the campers, thank you from Poppy and Nana for entrusting me to their care…. and they hope you will always know the depth of love they have shown me in your absence. They are proud you have completed your responsibility to your country and the accomplishments that you have made. They are so happy you have been able to buy our first home, and that you are putting me first…. because in the grand scheme … the big picture… it is and always has been the dream of Nana and Poppy to see their children happy. When we enter the door of our home, the three of us, Nana’s heart will be so happy for us, and at the same time she will be watching and holding the hearts of Aunt Mikayla, Aunt Alyx, Aunt Allyssa, Aunt Arri, and Uncle Nick…. the yin and the yang of life…. all of the campers… wishing Texas and Michigan were just a bit closer… yet grateful that you and dad are home …. safe… not in the land of sand… and grateful for the time we have had.

Today was a great day…. I am doing well. Great Aunt Pam, once again, made the trip to help out Nana… and has been amazing …. she brought me strawberries, a personal fav! She is truly an amazing person ! You already know that I am sure… but let me tell you … she has been helping out at camp all year… and deserves the biggest hug ever when you see her! She’s just the best! She also brought me veggies and soup with noodles I just loved! Thanks Aunt Pam.

So tonight, as I finish this letter of love to you and dad, I am hoping that the message is clear…. hockey… yes just a game maybe, but a common thread…. one that has linked CA to MI and Flint to Farmington… a little tiny way for us to remind ourselves, that it is the little things… the things we least expect that can make us feel just a bit closer, or let someone we love know… that distance… can be minimized, and that no matter where I am, so long as I am happy with you and dad, my fellow campers are happy for me…. and they will be with me and carry me in their hearts forever… grateful for our time and the fact that you are home safe and life will be as it should in just a few days!
Until tomorrow, please know, I am anxiously awaiting your arrival, and I am as always, your Little Miss Adorable, Your sweet baby daughter,

Go Wings!