Tuesday August 17th…. Aunt Arri is coming!

Today my Aunt Arrianna came to visit me! 

I sent to Nana photos of me, and now all my friends can see AUNT ARRI BE A CAMPER AT CAMP LA GUGE!

I am so happy you have no idea!

Well Aunt Arri arrived from the Mitten State, and since it is over one hundred degrees here at the Hood, she will not need mittens….

I have some great ideas on how to spend our days….. someone pinch me…. is this real?

Love, Little Miss Adorable, Guillianna!

Back at the HOOD!

I am back at Ft. Hood!   I had a good trip to the Mitten state, and I was  very happy to see mommy at the airport.   Nana and Poppy flew me home, and then got on a plane and went back to the Mitten State.   So sad that Texas and Michigan are so far apart.  

I hear from Nana…. that a person is only as happy as their most unhappy child….. hmmm…… ( and for those without kids, like me…. well we are only as happy as the ones we love like our mom and our dad) it was a very sad ending to a very nice week for everyone at Camp Nana.   Good Luck to all the campers…. Good bye to all my fellow campers both the furry ones, and the non furry ones…. and good bye  to Nana and Poppy.

Packin’ for Fort Hood and My Last Day at Camp Nana!

Dear Mom and Dad,

Today was my last day in the Mitten State.. and Nana and Poppy though I may like to go to the water park.    I agreed, just to please them.

I was so anxious to go…. but had to wait for everyone to change into bathing suits…. hmmmm….. by the way, mommy packed me several bathing suits, Nana even bought me one before I came, I have five of them AT CAMP NANA, BUT NOTICE…. I am not wearing one…. nope, not wearing a bathing suit because someone forgot to bring the bag with the suits in it… Nana?   HOW MANY FINGERS HAVE STRINGS TODAY?  Yes mom it is true, I went swimming in my Onsie… oh my!   Poppy got me little swimmers but Nana forgot my bathing suit… YIKES! 

I had Aunt Arri roll up my sleeves so I looked adorable anyway, but geez Nana… I am glad you have a lot of people who take care of you… cause, if I didn’t know better I would wonder how you remember to put on your clothes!   (Scary)

We all got ready and into the park we went.  It is an indoor water park by Camp Nana, there is fountains of water spraying everywhere, and luckily Nana did remember Mr. Nikon for your viewing pleasure.  I had fun, it was really cool and I think I really didn’t mind that I was wearing a Onsie…. I still looked like a princess.

Here I am testing the waters!

It is just right… and I am looking pretty cute despite Nana’s inability to pack my swim suit!

There is water behind me that gurgles up just a little, and big huge sprays of water around me, but I was fearless, and be warned…. I love thrills….

This water park was huge, and I wanted to explore everything.

And I did…

My little fingers and toes are sure to shrivel before I want to leave this huge tubby!

Look at all the photos of me in the biggest tubby ever!

Too bad I was not having fun…. right…. I have a feeling they may have a hard time getting me out of this tubby!


(and Mom incase you are worried that Nana is really losing her memory, don’t, she did pack my suit in the diaper bag, we just have TWO DIAPER BAGS, AND BROUGHT THE ONE WITHOUT THE BATHING SUITS!  I was just getting her goat, as they say, what ever that means)

I have Elmo Little Swimmers that are pretty stylish and the only thing that really matters to me…


I had fun and I am ready to go now…. I have to finish packing up because I leave for home in a few hours… and I, your little Miss Adorable, will be back in your arms soon…. I miss you and love you very much, all my love….


Fantabulous, funtastic FRIDAYS ARE FOR ME!

Dear Mom and Dad,

It is Friday, and as with most of my Friday’s spent here in the Mitten State…. I had a fantabulously funtastic Friday.   My day started early  I got dressed, hair done and yes watched a little bit of my absolute favorite show.   Then I had a super breakfast where “I “, yes ME, I was a HUGE surprise for one of my loyal GUGU BEE followers – Ms. Sherry!   Yep she was here in the Mitten State visiting the same time I was visiting… and she didn’t know I was about to barge in on her breakfast with Nana, GG-ma and Great Papa.  BUT IT HAPPENED… AND WE HAD A FANTABULOUS TIME! 

Miss Sherry was sooooooo happy to meet me in person, but when you think about it, who wouldn’t be….. I am allowed to say that about myself since I am still small, still absolutely adorable, and allowed to be loved on like a princess!  I was so busy and was  of laced with Princess charm.   I walked through greeting patrons with my “Princess wave”.   Now you would be seeing thisentire thing pictorally, if  my “Never Remembers” Nana would have brought THE BEAST, aka, Mr. Nikon with her.  But no such luck… all you get instead – is this less than adequate non visual description of my morning.   Say sorry Nana…!    Poor me, no photo of me with Ms. Sherry.   But, alas, our memories will have to serve as our photograph – for I enjoyed entertaining and left Ms. Sherry with hugs and smiles!    However since we having any photos to post of this event, you are forced to see my serious face… funny how the beast is there capturing this moment and not at breakfast!   Hmmmmm………..   Want me to tie a string around your finger to help you remember the beast Nana?  

After that I went to help Nana pick up her Nana shoes that help her walk better… yep special old people shoes to help her walk, along with a string around her finger to help her remember the beast… and who knows what other Nana things she has goin’ on that I’m not old enough to yet understand…I am thinking maybe she remembers to sing way too many songs, and forgets all the important stuff like pictures of ME!   We also had an appointment with the pediatrician today… who was awesome and YES I was even more awesome, I got my throat, my ears and nose checked, since right before I came, I started getting a little sick….(you were right mommy I saved it for Camp Nana)  so before I fly home to Texas, we got my ears checked.  He gave me some medicine, and I will take it for a few days so that I am good as new when I get home.   After that… it was back to Camp Nana and we all drove for FRIDAY NIGHT DINNER WITH THE FAMILY…. AND GUESS WHAT… more presents…. Great Great Aunt Ida, and Cuz Nanc drove all the way in to say hi to me… and yes gave me a new book and a dvd…. I am pretty much the luckiest kid ever…. I came with one suitcase… and will need several more carry on’s just to get my presents home!  

I had dinner with a special treat, Poppy fed me some dessert….. kind of…

I will not see GG-ma or Great Papa again for some time so I took a moment to pose for the BEAST, which we luckily had ….( yay Nana!)

I will miss them very much, and wish I could have seen more of the relatives.  Great Grandma Sally is all the way in Washington State… so that wasn’t happening this trip… but one day…. one day soon.   And my love letters are up for all the family to enjoy, and see Little Miss Adorable.   I am going to be home soon mom and dad, and while that makes me very happy, it was hard to say good bye…. but here is one more good bye to my GG-ma.   I love you and hope you like our photo together… thankfully you will not have to rely on my description of us smiling… the beast was on hand.   Here we are… GUGU AND GG-MA, until we meet again… IT WAS A BLAST!  I will be packing up tomorrow, and on my way back home soon, being certain to write one more love letter before I go.   Until then, please know I love you and am so grateful that I got to visit the Mitten State… I had a fantabulous time….love your Little Miss Adorable, your daughter,
