Dear Mom and Dad,
It is Monday still, April the 19th, and you are finally finished with your second tour of duty. MOM THANKS FOR LETTING NANA KNOW YOU WERE BOTH SAFELY HOME. All of the folks here in the Mitten State, well they are pretty darn (no ecstatically) happy about your feet landing on US soil, and you know what, Iwish I could be there now, you know if I could I would! But while you and dad, get unpacked, get our house going, and my crib ready… while you finish your Army (stuff) requirements, I am going to go on here – as normal as I can. Time for me… well it is not the same as for you ‘Grown Ups’…. it is all relative . Maybe it is Nana’s singing that makes time linger… 🙁 or maybe it is that she is waiting until our latest meet and greet is closer… but I am unaware of time and having the time of my life actually. Take a look at today…
I had fun playing, and for me … the Nana video/photos she says mommy and daddy are at work… but EVERYONE is a flutter here, and there is a sence of peace and comfort knowing that ASH didn’t keep you from flying home, that your both safe… that you finished a one of the hardest things you will ever have done in your life…
You honored your contracts, your country, and you both are promoted. I was born with so much inside turned around, and you made sure I had the very best in medical for it. Your job choice hard, but no fear shown, and you committment to me…your daughter, and princess… well it is clear.
If not right this moment… it will be, for I will have each love letter I have written, Nana has promised a book. I will have that book and I will read it …. and know… my mom, my dad, love me so!
As you prepare to bring me to my castle… I continue to brighten the lives of those who check in on me… and the campers. Do you remember I have a little THINGY GOING ON WITH NANA, WHERE SHE SHAKES THE ‘NO’ FINGER AT ME, WHEN I TRY TO TURN ON AND OFF THE TELEVISION! Well it seems my latex free cheese pads, for my psuedo gymboree at Camp Nana have an alternate purpose these days…

Yep… they block the controls to the television well, and let us just say I cannot turn on the stereo and conduct as I usually do…. THIS WILL LAST ABOUT A DAY BEFORE I FIGURE IT ALL OUT BUT … FUNNY!

Poppy… you want olive loaf… or just some chicken and potato for dinner?
I am takin’ orders here…
and yes I am the world’s most adorable baby…. STARE IF YOU MUST!
Hee hee… my poppy brought this home the other night after a long hard day, he stopped at the pharmacy to pick some tummy medicine up for me, and a cute tee too!
I am pretty lucky…
but hmmmmm, maybe that goes without saying…..

Until tomorrow Mom and Dad, I am hangin’ at camp, and depending on my awesome parents to have my castle at the Hood all ready for the arrival of PRINCESS GUGE! Nana says, have so much fun, enjoy being together, and making it all special for me. She remembers making a castle for Mommy and all my Aunts… when they arrived HOME. She REMEMBERS HOW MUCH SHE AND POPPY, prepared for the arrival, and for the new beginning… Uncle Nick and “all of the family”…. it was a crazy time, but so many years later…. as Nana is thinking about it… she is remembering …. a whole bunch of love, and well some happy days she and Poppy and Uncle Nick shared preparing for all of you to start your days as a family.
As always, I am, your Little Miss Adorable, with a shirt that proves it… your daughter…

COOL THING IS… YOU AND DAD ARE BACK IN TIME FOR SPIRIT STICK TUESDAY…. I plan on being a Wing Nut! Hugs to all…. and now I can let the cat out of the bag…. my last love letter to mom and dad… will be May 12th. Mom and Dad should arrive in the Mitten State on or about May 2nd, and Dad well he is picking up his car loaded with some Guge stuff, and Mom and I will depart…. for HOME ON WEDNESDAY MAY 12TH!