It is Snowing in the Mitten State!
Dear Mom and Dad,
I am here at Camp in the middle of a snowy day ! One of the biggest snow days this winter! Aunt Arri and Aunt Allyssa left for vacation at five am this morning in the middle of this storm! CRAZY! But the plane left safely, a little late, but out of the snow and on its way to the west coast! When Great Grandma moved out there so many years ago, each grandchild has been trying to get a chance to visit, about five years ago Aunt Alyx and Aunt Mikayla have made it there, but – you mom, Uncle Nick, Aunt Arri and Aunt Allyssa have not… so TODAY IS THE DAY, two more, Aunt Arri and Aunt Allyssa FINALLY GET TO SEE GREAT GRANDMA AND GRUMPY IN WASHINGTON STATE! Poppy and Nana took me last September. I am quite lucky to get to go before all the other campers…. but being so little has it’s advantages. For a while it looked like Daddy could have possibly gotten stationed at a fort in Washington State. Since time or leave is hard to come by, Nana knew it may be the only chance I get to visit them, so I got to go first. All of the other campers had just started school, and well traveling as huge family is so hard (especially since Great Grandma’s house, most likely could not fit all of Nana’s kids!) So little by little each grandchild will hopefully get a chance to go… Aunt Alyx and Aunt Mikayla went several years ago.. and they saw whales…went to Mount Rainier and had a great visit, I too had a great visit even if we were only there two days! Uncle Nick is likely to go on his break from school in a month or so…. and right now… Aunt Arri and Aunt Allyssa are in for a great visit! We spoke with them tonight and they arrived safe and are already having fun. I am going to miss them! Aunt Arri always dances with me, and Aunt Allyssa makes me smile… so there will be a little less dancing and smiling here at camp! ( OR NANA WILL GLADLY OFFER SOME OF HER SINGING AND DANCING TALENT, AND TRUST ME… it will not end up in my love letter…NANA CANNOT DANCE! IT IS RATHER FRIGHTENING ASK ANY OF THE CAMPERS 🙁 yes, it is true dancing… that could scare just about anyone and traumatize them for years! ) YEARS!

I hope Aunt Arrianna and Aunt Allyssa can get a chance to visit me on the computer just like you and Daddy do! From the SNOWY MITTEN STATE TO THE LAND OF SAND, AND THE GREAT NORTHWEST HERE I AM. AND TO ALL THE PLACES IN BETWEEN, AND ACCROSS THE GLOBE, since I have family and friends everywhere. Check out my visitor map its quite busy… and use the little “hand” or expand in different types of view points to see all my friends…. it is pretty amazing mom and dad, people everywhere are waiting and hoping , they too cannot wait for you and daddy to come home and for us to start our lives together in our new home at Fort Hood. They send me messages all the time, most Nana doesn’t post, leaving disk space for PHOTOS OF THE GUGE, but people everywhere, and family in so many places all look forward to seeing you two return safe, and for us to be happy. To live our lives together, and have peace, good health and happiness!
Please know Mom and Dad, I am as always, your Little Miss Adorable, your daughter, (by the way, this is me learning how to blow you kisses)