Dear Mom and Dad,

The weekend is upon us, we have made it through another week and are a week closer to being together for good. I am also very excited because, weekend’s mean, less NANA SONGS, 🙂 AND MORE CO CAMPER TIME 🙂

Today was a very good day. I got my first pair of real walking shoes… actually two of them, in EXTRA WIDE, if you can believe it, my little princess feet are extra wide! Hmmmmm…. who knew?

Tomorrow is Aunt Alyxandra’s birthday… I don’t know thatvshevis really that into birthday’s seems between hr physics , anatomy and physiology and then biochemistry she has no time for anything other than labs! But birthdays still come so you know what that means… HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO THE GUGE AND CAKE FOR ME! So exciting. I can’t wait! It’s been hours since I last had some of Aunt Allyssa’s cake.. and well MY BIRTHDAY song… so I am just happy to be doing it again tomorrow.

I was very good on my trip to buy shoes. I have two new pair of walking shoes in two sizes… so when my tootsies grow, I can have a spare pair. I am so close just taking off, that Nana wants to make sure I do it with the kind of shoe Poppy recommends for a little princess. When I wear them, I don’t walk on my toes. It is good!

Great Grandma Sally is still recovering from her surgery. Nana is worried about her… but she is doing a bit better. Great Grumpy is taking care of her and that is good. Great Papa is now back with Great Grandma Sharyn, and I think Nana and Poppy will try to catch up with Great Grandpa Ray in the next week or so…

Uncle Nick is on a fast track to finishing his culinary arts degree…. somewhere between October and December, and made the deans list. So he will be going to get a job somewhere, and that could be just about anywhere… from a cruise ship to a hotel, to a diner where ever an apprenticeship takes him.

Aunt Mikayla started student tutoring at Rochester High, and and observation class at Holly High, as part of her secondary education training…. turns out … she has a student WHO IS MARRIED TO A FRIEND OF YOURS! The student knows both you and Daddy, but is married to one of daddy’s friends! Small world.

Aunt Allyssa is doing well too, she is doing both her journalism program and her cosmetology programs but is pretty tired.
Aunt Arrianna, is not loving her first year of college, but is doing good and HATES THE FRENCH CLASS, but we knew she would since she has always hated French.
Mr. Griffy, still drools, and sheds, and Justice is still a barker, and Liberty well she is still quiet and sweet, but tends to chew my toys if they get left out.. not all toys, only my litle duckies, and my little “spitties” if they have been folded and left on the table…. weird, and I don’t know why since she never used to chew stuff.
The kitties here, are all good, Grizzy still on Prozac but is happy, and Layla, Kozy Kat and Mr. B are all fine and dandy.
Poppy… he is doing good, and taking care of all of the above. We all send our best, and are awaiting your safe return from the land of sand. Everyone here is really making the most of our days together. They are growing shorter and shorter. Nana has some things all set for you to set up at our home, things that are familiar to me, things that I love, and am happy to see. Some things will depend on the amount of space we have at our new home, and can be shipped to me later. If there is no room, then she will hold them here for my visits back to camp with you.
Until tomorrow Mom and Dad, I hope you know I love you, and that as always, I am your Little Miss Adorable, your daughter,
