During Nap Time….

Dear Mom and Dad:
Today was another CAMP NANA day without any other campers than of the ANIMAL KIND. Yep, just Justice, Liberty, Griffy and I with Nana and the Beast today.
Not too exciting… here are some photos of me at Nap Time…
Yep the animal”campers” are snoozing… but the GUGU BEAR CAMPER… eh, yea, not interested in sleepytime/schmeepy time! I am going with the play play play thing for now…
Hey can you get that for me? I am not done playing yet… and like I said, I will let you know when and IF I am ready for that sleeping thing.
I am quite the singer these days… Nana got me a new Wiggles DVD, and let’s just say, I am LOVIN’ IT! I am not much into napping, or sleeping… but I do love playing, and talking on the phone… pressing buttons… calling Japan most likely… nah… not really… but yes I prefer anything to sleeping.
I went to Goldfish Mini Class tonight, and missed some of my little mini friends. Miss Etta is leaving the class, and Maddie and Colin were sick! I miss them! Poppy took me swimming and I went underwater over and over, without any tears, and I think Poppy was the one who was nervous! I have had a great day Mom and Dad. I love you both, and hope your day was good too. Until tomorrow, please know I am as always, your Little Miss Adorable, your sweet daughter,