Dear Mom and Dad,
Today was my last day in the Mitten State.. and Nana and Poppy though I may like to go to the water park. I agreed, just to please them.
I was so anxious to go…. but had to wait for everyone to change into bathing suits…. hmmmm….. by the way, mommy packed me several bathing suits, Nana even bought me one before I came, I have five of them AT CAMP NANA, BUT NOTICE…. I am not wearing one…. nope, not wearing a bathing suit because someone forgot to bring the bag with the suits in it… Nana? HOW MANY FINGERS HAVE STRINGS TODAY? Yes mom it is true, I went swimming in my Onsie… oh my! Poppy got me little swimmers but Nana forgot my bathing suit… YIKES!
I had Aunt Arri roll up my sleeves so I looked adorable anyway, but geez Nana… I am glad you have a lot of people who take care of you… cause, if I didn’t know better I would wonder how you remember to put on your clothes! (Scary)
We all got ready and into the park we went. It is an indoor water park by Camp Nana, there is fountains of water spraying everywhere, and luckily Nana did remember Mr. Nikon for your viewing pleasure. I had fun, it was really cool and I think I really didn’t mind that I was wearing a Onsie…. I still looked like a princess.

Here I am testing the waters!
It is just right… and I am looking pretty cute despite Nana’s inability to pack my swim suit!
There is water behind me that gurgles up just a little, and big huge sprays of water around me, but I was fearless, and be warned…. I love thrills….
This water park was huge, and I wanted to explore everything.
And I did…
My little fingers and toes are sure to shrivel before I want to leave this huge tubby!
Look at all the photos of me in the biggest tubby ever!

Too bad I was not having fun…. right…. I have a feeling they may have a hard time getting me out of this tubby!

(and Mom incase you are worried that Nana is really losing her memory, don’t, she did pack my suit in the diaper bag, we just have TWO DIAPER BAGS, AND BROUGHT THE ONE WITHOUT THE BATHING SUITS! I was just getting her goat, as they say, what ever that means)
I have Elmo Little Swimmers that are pretty stylish and the only thing that really matters to me…

I had fun and I am ready to go now…. I have to finish packing up because I leave for home in a few hours… and I, your little Miss Adorable, will be back in your arms soon…. I miss you and love you very much, all my love….
