Turkey prep day ? On Thanksgiving we … are thankful !

Dear Guillianna and Elijah:

Today is likely a travel or meal prep day. Wishing you lots of happiness and fun for these next few days as the Thanksgiving holiday weekend begins. You have had so many turkey days with Nana and Poppy! For that we are so thankful ! This year may be spent with Daddy’s family which could be a super fun change for you, or maybe the two of you will help mom and dad with making some “Guguberry Pie”… or a special Pumpkin cake ! No matter what the plan is, we will be thinking of you with smile on our faces hoping you feel happiness and make some fantastic memories to add to your memory book. We have a few pics here that will bring smiles for sure !   Look how little…. Oh my goodness….

Next thing we knew …. you’re 9 and 6 years old at our house,

hard to believe Eli is now 7 and Guge is turning 10! CRAZY ! Love you both to the moon and back, forever and always , wishing you the best Thanksgiving break where ever you go, what ever you do….


❤️Nana and Poppy❤️?

How LONG is a day? How DEEP is the ocean ? How MUCH are you loved ? WHERE does love go?

Dear Guillianna and Elijah –

How long is a minute ? 60 seconds !

How long is an hour ? 60 minutes!

How long is a day ? 24 hours !

How long is a week ? 7 days !

How long is a year ? 365 days!


There are some things that you can measure or count …. and some that you cannot ….

How deep is the ocean ? ??????? Depends on where you measure it I suppose ! But not deeper than the love we have for both of you !

How much love does Nana and Poppy have for both of you ? Pretty sure you cannot measure that! The love we have for you cannot be measured. It cannot be explained and it is endless!

Maybe you wonder, Where does love a grandparent has for a grandchild go ?

This I know for sure …. Love for grandchildren doesn’t ever leave , it cannot and will not ever go anywhere… it’s forever !

The fact is , grandparents look at all the days of their life, all the children they raise, they think about every decision they made, with their own children, every event they did with their own children, every obstacle ever climbed with their own children…. every joy and every success! They know that the decision to have family allows for their own children to have their own families! – yes they always think of the love they have for their children and as they think – the love they have had year after year and the dreams they have had suddenly blossoms OR GROWS into a new love, the love of a grandchild!

And that love never goes away either, not when the grandchild grows up, not when the the grandchild moves away, not when the grandchild is a teen or goes to college, not when the grandchild gets married, not when grand children have children of their own . It just keeps growing ! Just like the love they have as parents but different in that the role we have as grandparents in your lives is different than the role we had as parents ! It is true – For the two of you living in the Mitten with us for so long we definitely built a very special bond, simply out of the amount of time spent and the role we had during your mom and dad’s absence. There is no question – we loved every second of our time together and are always going to treasure it.

Grandparents ( and great grandparents ) sadly cannot promise that they will live forever… but they can promise they will LOVE FOREVER – And that is the truth. We will love you forever and always, to the moon and back,


❤️Nana and Poppy❤️?


Tomorrow is Poppy’s birthday, and Thanksgiving fast approaches…

Dear Guillianna and Elijah,

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We have had so many birthday’s together, I am certain, it feels weird to you when you cannot celebrate with us, but we want you to know something, we understand.    When we are not able to see you, or share your stories, of the day at school, or new and exciting things in your life, we are able to think back to times where we were so very close.   When we say listen to the little voice in your heart, that says how special the days in the Mitten were, it is because we want you to be happy and be able to cope well with all the changes in your world.   After much discussion, and help from others, we use those happy moments, to help us too.   So it is kind of like “Where Ever You Go, What Ever You Do… ” we too are going through this together.

Here are some photos that popped up on our digital memories, hope you will enjoy them and that you know you are missed and loved very much, forever and always,

(tonight they lit up the city of Rochester, this photo is from prior years when we took you both there… but it is that time of year) and yes, our love goes from Rochester “here” to the moon and back,

Nana and Poppy