Dear Mom and Dad,
It is the first day of your’s and daddy’s block leave, from Fort Hood, and Mommy told Nana you had trouble getting everything ready to go, but now Nana says you are on your way to see me before you deploy, and all the car issues are better! Be careful, watch for motorcycles, and deer when driving… (which is what NANA always tells all her kids) She is like a broken record isn’t she… but we love her and keep her around anyway! Besides she takes really cute pictures of me… even if they are too close.
Good news here, THE SNOW MELTED as fast as it came. Better news, Nana says this is Michigan and who knows we could have sun and warmer weather by the time you arrive? (OR NOT)… either way it doesn’t matter because we will be together….
I am feeling good. I have another doctor appointment coming up, and Nana made it so we can all go and you can meet my MICHIGAN pediatrician for while I am at ‘CAMP NANA’. Aunt Arrianna is off of school next week so she can visit with you too… This is going to be a great week!
Today I went and saw Nana’s friends at the post office… she visits there so much. From when you were in Iraq the first time, and with Uncle Nick being in the South Pacific, they know her AND ME, the minute we walk in, and they always make Nana smile. Today we sent Uncle Nick a care package, and when you deploy, they will help me send you care packages too!
I ate really good today, oatmeal, and formula, and I have a feeling that my pediatrician will be very pleased with my progress.
I know you won’t be able to see me while driving on the road to your POG (pot of gold), but I will write you anyway, because Nana wants you to see me every single day!
Tonight my Great Aunt Pam, well she came to visit me again, and Nana is so very appreciative that she did. Let’s face it, Nana, is old, and yes, it may be true she is not as old as she looks, (i.e old enough to be Poppy’s mom) she is a bit lazy sometimes… and tonight, Aunt Pam brought over dinner for the family… and she stayed and made everything great. THUS THE NAME GREAT AUNT PAM! Camp Nana, is truly a TEAM EFFORT… lots of help from everyone… all my Aunts, Poppy, and all of the people who love Mommy… and are finally going to get to meet Daddy! Even the people at the U.S. Post office … they help make things easier on Nana… (seems Nana has been sending things to the APO-AP addresses for several years for one kid or another… in a few months Uncle Nick will be back from his year long trip and then it will be you and Daddy we will be sending bundles to…Hope the post office isn’t sick of Nana and I yet! WHO AM I KIDDING , WHO COULD GET SICK OF SEEING THIS FACE?
I love you both very much, and I hope all my friends reading will say their prayers that you and daddy drive up safely. I know we are…
Love always, Little Miss Adorable, your daughter,