Dear Guillianna –
it’s hard to believe the day is finally here It’s when the special day you came to this world and made it a better place now look at you so grown up and doing great things to make life extra special for everyone in your life and those who were able to share in part of it
Happy Birthday to you Guillianna. It is hard for me to believe how you’ve grown. We are so excited for all that you have done and all that you will do in this life. Your heart and soul were a gift to your mom and dad the day you were born to all of us here in the mitten and since then you’re life has touched so many in such amazingly good ways.
This photo is from our FaceTime call on your birthday last year. I love this smile. You were so happy and that makes Nana and Poppy so happy.
You will be eighteen before you know it and that is just amazing to me. I will not ever forget the day you were born and how happy it made your mom and dad. We flew in to see you the day you arrived and since that time our wishes for you and your mom are the same. Wishing you good health happiness and a world of love all around you. I hope you and Eli have fun celebrating your birthday with mom and dad.
Always know your are loved forever. And we will always be hoping and praying that both of you have happiness beyond measure. Love all around you and that you know all the family here in Michigan loves you both very much.
Before you know it you’ll be a senior in high school. Then college bound. We can’t wait to see the wonderful things you do in this life. To hear all about your dreams and to see them all coming true. Sending love to you and all your family. Never forget you’re loved to the moon and back. Forever and for always,
Nana❤️ and Poppy ?
Despite distance and time. You are in the hearts of all the family in the mitten. Every day. Every night we all wish for you and Eli. All the best. To do great in school. To plan for an amazing future and know that our love is forever. It is and always has been unconditional. For mom. For her dreams and for the family she loves. One day you will see all things lead to you – mom dad and Elijah finding peace and happiness in all you do. And we are forever cheering you on and cannot wait for the next chance to hug you and hear all about the dreams in you heart. And the those of Elijah too. Until that day I hope you will always remember that love is forever and we will always be so grateful to have been such a huge part of yours and Eli’s life for so many years. Your like shooting stars that will brightly shine and and illuminate an even brighter future than anyone can imagine.