Good things, great days, happiness, and love.
Dear Guillianna and Elijah,
Poppy and I as always are wishing you good things, great days, happiness and love. We are a little more than a week away from the day we are supposed to remember gratitude. So many years ago, people who were very different, had different opinions and different ideas of what “should be” celebrated the first Thanksgiving feast, and showed mutual respect for each other. Poppy and I keep hope, if we love enough, if we wish for good things, happiness and love for you and your mom and dad, there will be many more celebrations in your future, celebrations with great grandparents, uncles, aunts, cousins, and your Nana and Poppy.
Nana knows so many people who have been removed from a place they knew as home. So many people in my 56 years of life, have been, and not all of them as babies. Some were 8 or 9 or 6 like you two, some older, and every single one of the people I know has their own unique perspective, and some have adjusted well, and others truly struggle with it. Every person with their own story, and yet some common factors. We hope you never struggle with the fact that you have not seen or heard from people you have loved and depended upon seeing in your lives daily . That you never question- did our grandparent care about us? YES, FOREVER AND ALWAYS, TO THE MOON AND BACK, we have loved and cared for you and will forever and always care for you ….
While I am so grateful for the advancement of technology so that I can create these love letters…. I am also so sad that I cannot see your faces, and tell you – face to face – how loved you are and how none of the changes you have been through in the past 11 months is your fault and we could imagine that all of it could understandably be stressful emotional or emotions pushed aside inside of you to cope and make proud your mom and dad , who may not share the same feelings you do on the Mitten or us . That is a very difficult place for a child to be. We understand and hope this site can one day be helpful – When you are grown and read this historical Journal of love , it may not take way the loss felt as little ones … but it could help you to know something very important . I wish my own children knew when their little lives began changing – love doesn’t ever leave- Loss and grief are hard to handle for everyone and everyone copes with it differently. We may not physically be giving good night wishes, kisses and hugs, hearing about your day or school, as we did in the past, and we cannot promise when we will be allowed to see you again, but we can promise this , We will love you forever and carry your hearts in ours forever!
Snipet after snipet of video, photo after photo, to show you the value we have upon you, to show you the love and special way you two touched the hearts of everyone you knew. We will always hope that one day we can hear all about the new memories being made, the love you feel, the new experiences with other relatives and new friends. WISHING YOU GOOD THINGS, GREAT DAYS, HAPPINESS AND LOVE, forever and always,
To the moon and back,
❤️Nana and Poppy❤️?