Remember Trunk Or Treat INSIDE?

Dear Guillianna and Eli,

Last year the rain was so bad they had to move the Trunk or Treat inside!

The temperatures are still warm and summer like , but it is not too long before we are enjoying cooler crisp air and falling leaves here in the Mitten state. Remember when Poppy was Robin Hood in the forest!  Sebastian was his horse ? ? so funny right ? You guys had so much fun that night.

Rylee and Guge… best buds for sure… I saw her the other day.  She says they have written you guys and she still has her little stuffed tiger!   She misses you as well they always tried to help us with getting into dance, and being kind.   I know it was very important to your mom that we have lots of play dates, and make friends in the years you were here.   The plan was always to allow you five years, in one place for the sake of continuity.   Education, friends, extra curriculars.   We did all of the things she had asked.   Truly tried to make sure you both were happy and tried our hardest to make sure our daughter was happy.     We celebrated Halloween …… for as long as possible didnt we.   I even remember when Rylee and you went to the Friendly Forest the year before….  Yep seems Halloween was from  mid to late September through October!

In addition last year,  you and the cousins went to Trick or Treat at Grandma Sally’s, before actually celebrating on Oct.  31, and Trick or Treating on actual Halloween night.  It was so so so cold outside, remember ?  Today was like 89 degrees…. I cant imagine that in a month it could snow!

Last year you two did do a lot of trick or treating… for sure!   Carving pumpkins will surely be fun, and who knows…. maybe this year, it will be wonderful trick or treat weather …

Anyway…. hope you pick fun costumes out, and that you will get lots of opportunities to have similar or better times this year!

We love you to the moon and back FOREVER AND ALWAYS,


❤️Nana and Poppy❤️?

AT GRANDMA SALLYS LAST YEAR with your cousins !

Thinking of you on Sunday September 16, 2018

Dear Guillianna and Elijah:

Do you know what we have been thinking about…


We have been thinking how much we love you both, and how happy we are that the Birthday box was delivered safely.  I sent it early so it would not be late if there were any shipping delays from the bad weather in the Carolinas.   So many flights were changed and cancelled, that it affects every area, even if you dont live near the bad weather…. but there was no way that we were going to let your birthday gift be late.  So happy… so sweet….

We hope you had a great weekend, lots of fun with mom and dad, and feel rested and ready for a new school week.

Today we saw both of your Great Grandmothers, and Papa Alan, yesterday we saw Aunt Allyssa Cole and Elena, while Gray and Uncle Dwan went fishing….  look he has lost his two front teeth.

He’s getting big too isn’t he ?   We also saw Uncle Nick, Aunt Liz  and Bash!   When you think about how he is getting big…. it is pretty clear that so are you two.   LOOK at the images of the two of you – they were taken  long ago … look thoough, you can see….  Happiness – PURE AND JOY . They say that if you close your eyes and think happy thoughts it can make you feel better every single day!

These photos of the two of you, show your little faces, and remind Poppy and I of all the love in your hearts.    We cannot wait for a day when we can see them again.   We hope every day that you know and remember that we want you both happy, and know how much Poppy and I  loved being with you for so many days  –  days that were filled with all kinds of activities and fun.

No matter where you are, no matter what you do, our love will always live inside of you.

Dream starters, and baking, movies, popcorn, snacks and toys.   Trips to Safari Cafe, photo booths and special days.  Gymnastics and cheer, soccer and play dates…. so many things that you can use to dream about all you knew.  One day we will see you again, spend a vacation like we did up north.   Maybe one day we will come your way, stay for the weekend and play play play …


Never lose hope that things can change, you will see all of us again, and until then,  be smart, stay strong, and work hard all day long.   School is so important so keep working hard.  Cant wait to hear Eli read me stories now that he is in first, you were doing so good when you left.  And Guillianna was doing so awesome last year, I can only imagine that you continue to be earning something similar to the brag tags, or IB awards that are in your new school.


All your mitten friends and family say hello.   Joey and Annalise sent mail, Kate, Piper and Rylee did too.   We know it is likely not easy for you to respond.    They know that if you guys get to visit , we will have a party for you to all have fun.   Aunts Uncles and cousins, great grandparents too, all are sending hugs and kisses.



Love you both forever and always, hope you enjoyed seeing all these little faces…. and know that every single person here LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVES YOU BOTH!


❤️Nana and Poppy❤️?

Next Week A Birthday is Coming…


Dear Guillianna and Elijah:

Next week is Eli’s birthday, and I sent a package to you.   Inside are Eli’s birthday gifts- to celebrate how amazing you are, and a big sister gift for Guillianna, to say what an amazing big sister she has always been.   It is hard for us to pick out your favorite things, since we do not get to see or talk to either of you.   We still hope that you will like them, and have fun.   I sent them special delivery because with all the airlines having issues due to predicted storm/hurricane expected to hit in the Carolinas, I did not want to risk it being late.   I did get notification from UPS that it was delivered to your home thank goodness.

This is a video of Eli the day he was were born.  Since you arrived so early,  Nana, Poppy and Guillianna were still in the Mitten that day, and Daddy had to be in Afghanistan.  Guillianna stayed with us in the months before you came while Mommy was letting you grow big enough to come meet everyone.   And after you were born, she stayed at the hospital every minute to make sure sweet baby Elijah was doing good.  When he was able to go home he and Mommy spent time together helping Eli get bigger and stronger.

We hope this birthday is extra special for Eli and want to tell you that we would be there with you if we were welcomed to do so.   We have asked.   Please know how much we love you both, and how much we hope the birthday is full of new friends, birthday celebrations and a theme that makes you smile ear to ear.

All our love to you both, today, forever and always,


❤️Nana and Poppy❤️

Fun days ahead … and dressing up….






Here is a blast from the past- AND THIS IS ONLY A FEW OF THE MOMENTS WE HAD FUN … some adorable costume choices !  From dressing up for big dances, dressing up for Halloween and even just for fun, fall fairs, birthday parties, Irish week’s crazy hair day!   All kinds of silliness and fun.  Hopefuly you will keep those fun times in your hearts for ever. Wonder what you will chose to be this year for Halloween ? We had so much fun with costumes for all kinds of different things and sometimes for no reason at all like the face painting and silly SnapChats with your cousins. Above are just a few!  SO MANY HAPPY DAYS, SO MANY FUN COSTUMES AND SO MANY SMILES….  Nana has so many wonderful pictures for you to keep and enjoy as you grow older.   If you only knew how much love and care went into making good memories for you.   WE DON’T KNOW WHAT HAS BEEN SAID THAT YOU COULD EVER THINK ANYTHING SAD.   WE WERE SO HAPPY SPENDING TIME WITH YOU.  NEVER WERE SAD ABOUT ANY PART OF HAVING THE CHANCE TO HELP  MOM AND DAD, TO LIVE WITH YOU FOR SO MANY YEAR.  Look at just a few of the fun costume days over the past years.   These photos are but a few of so so so many….  Do you remember?

Mom and Dad have said you were unhappy here.  They say you dont want to talk to us anymore,  and oh my goodness we are so confused.   We can’t imagine what you must be thinking about all of this. For us it seems pieces of events have been altered to seem as though we have would ever do anything to hurt anyone’s feelings.   I think that when your lives changed so much last December , and you both we so sad leaving. So afraid of change. Remember when Eli’s camp called because he didn’t want to have any changes and I went to pick him up ? We know that you want so much to make your mom and dad happy and so do we. Yet things have spiraled out of control.  We truly feel you want very much to make your mom and dad happy.  You want to be happy.   You knew – they were not happy with Michigan, and even knew we eventurally stayed away when Dad was in town to give him space.    Knowing how hard this must be for both of you is why I write journal.   I hope one day you will both know we always only WANTED YOU TO BE HAPPY AND DO NOT, AND  did not, EVER WANT IT TO BE HARD FOR YOU.  
You never will have to feel you have to choose.   You are supposed to live with your mom and dad, and be happy, never be sad that you could not call, or tell us.  Just keep your happy memories safe and use them when you need to feel happy.   Keep your beautiful smiles and never feel bad about not calling, or seeing us.  Never feel bad for not seeing your cousins, or being able to be there for birthdays and holidays…. WE ALL WANT YOU TO BE HAPPY AND THIS IS NOT SOMETHING YOU CAN CHOOSE OR CONTROL.   For I know everyone here wants you to be as happy healthy and smart as you can possibly be.   Using happy memories, to feel good about your self and your life is so important.   Believe in the truth always…and everything will be okay.   Your mom and dad love you so much, and some people do not need big families around, they like to live life on their own.   They will always love you and you have people everywhere in many many places who also love you.   Grown ups are able to make decisions … how they wish to live life.   Until children are grown, parents make these choices for them.    Nana and Poppy made choices for our children, and when they grew up they made their own.   We love our family, and love being around them.  When we cannot be around them we keep them in our heart and we hope they are happy.

It is hard to understand, after all we know how you felt when you left here- loving us loving life and everything here so much , and it was so sad how hard you were both crying, not wanting to go.  Not because you didnt want to be with mom and dad, but simply because it was such a surprise and change is always so hard.   The plan all along was for you to be in the Mitten for five years total.  The move after the third year came up in November (around the time of the eye surgery) , and was made in December.   It was a shock for sure, and as a matter of fact mom even asked the eye doctor for a letter saying you can stay in Michigan.   That day was sad because all you had come to call home for so long was changing.    I remember that Mom made promises that you could “call anytime”.  That you would be back in a few weeks.  Next thing we hear, we cannot see you we cannot talk to you and you don’t want to see us . It’s even been said there is this huge problem that Nana was not good, and that you were treated badly.   Only fractions or pieces of truth then distortion or altered versions with so many things that are not true.

Ultimately this must be so hard on you both, since we do know how much you want to make Mom and Dad happy and live in a happy home.   THAT IS WHAT WE ALL WANT FOR YOU … HAPPINESS.  We don’t know if your mad that we didn’t make things so your could stay. We don’t know if your even mad at all since last we face timed Eli was sad when I said “but Eli you won’t be living at Nana’s now that Daddy was out of the army. I said “now you get to live with mom and dad all the time ” to which He then gave the “thumbs down” and was taken off the phone to his bedroom by mommy. That’s when for a moment Guillianna spoke to me and asked mom if she could call Poppy at work. Mom said “it’s 7:30 you have school ” and Guillianna asked if she could call the next day. Never did we hear another word …. So unbelievably hard to understand and it makes us wonder what has happened. For your entire lives we spoke played lived and loved having you around and felt very happy for the chance. Never did we imagine this !?

That is why we write love letters.  To make sure you know that we understand.  We want happiness for you. We don’t ever want you sad.   We have to respect our daughter needed to make changes that she felt would help your family.   In her opinion or theirs , Removing us, was the solution they felt best to solve something they believe but what we can’t understand is why they would ever think you were unhappy .   We will always try to help all the people in our family.  We always have.   When our own kids became adults they were able to choose what they felt is best.  For the two of you – We have always said, Mom and Dad are in charge – and we tried our best to make your mom and dad very happy.   Somehow they now see us as telling you that 1) you were bad kids, and 2) that we did not treat you well enough.   (They were told we forced you to do homework, and were unkind about it, -and even that Nana blames you for having no toe??? Oh my never ever has anyone said that, or felt that, or ever thought that, so we are very shocked.)   Very shocked, that pieces of reality like having no toes, turned into something so abstract, absurd and untrue.  By the time you read these letters, you’ll know about diabetes and how it was what caused me to have surgery. I do not know how this unkind and untrue seed was planted, but it could not be further from the truth.  And if for some reason anyone ever lead you to believe you should be guilty, or sad for something that is nothing to do with you, and is truly not even a problem or big deal for Nana, I am so sorry.   Please,  Let’s make sure you remember the real truths, like what you do remember me saying and doing –   “where ever you go, what every you do” kisses, will you drive us to school? Will you pick us up ? How you didn’t want us to go out and leave you home with mommy ? How is possible you went from wanting to see us be around us and so so happy ? To this ? In reality we were pretty inseparable, and you were so happy! There was always huge excitement over Eli Nana time while Guillianna had her events, Guilllianna Eli time when Eli had his… always so much fun.   The kind of sorrow we are told you have at the time of this love letter,  is so shockingly different from anything we knew to be true.

It’s also been said that they believe that we said bad things about them.   Nana and Poppy have always done their best to help Mom and Dad, and have always done our best to care for you both in their absence.  We also always told you how they were helping others and making the world a better place.  From when you were months we played you homemade videos of them and we were always making sure you knew they love you. We told you that we could all do things so that you too could be like mom and dad, like when we helped the children with cancer and dressed up like Mom and Dad.   We only ever tried to be the best grandparents we could to you both.   Why they feel the things they do, and why this has happened we cannot understand or explain to you.   Until they are able to sort out the truth, and see pieces of things they say, are not the entire truth, this will be so hard for both of you and for everyone that has been affected by such rash and harsh withdrawal from the lives you’ve always lived. For all the many people who have gone without being able to see or speak to you regularly – or at all.

This site will be a source of happy reminders for you to one day reconcile all you must feel as children, or will feel as adults.   This site is a source that Poppy and I hope will one day help you, and even help your parents, and yes even ourselves as well, to find the actual truth of what was REAL over the past nine years.    We may not ever be two people they choose to spend time with.   That is their choice, and also theirs to make for you as children.   They may like being able to not share time with extended family, or simply may be so used to the life of moving and not getting too attached to anyplace.   Maybe this is easiest way for them to cope with the life that the Army or their own past childhood issues which had been created within them.  Maybe they needed time with just the two of you after so long away.  We may not ever know.  The reality is they are your parents, and we are left without options other than to be respectful of their demands – ( we have been told that we cannot send cards, they changed all their phone numbers told us not to call -and we’ve been told we cannot visit, see or speak to you -)  Love letters for your future is all we can do as of now .  Mommy and her parents will not ever likely be able to agree on some things, …. for we will always feel this method of isolation was so hurtful to everyone, but we can hope for the day where at least being civil and showing kindness will return, and the daughter we helped, loved and believed could never do something so unbelieveable, returns, undertanding and compassion wins – and this terrible situation ends.   Until that day, having respect, gratitude for all they have done and try to do for you,  and you two showing love for your parents, is very important.    Being smart and strong and keeping honesty and gratitude and all your family in your heart as part of many great traits you already hold is so important. Hopefully you will always remember that, despite anything.

Well we are into September and with fall headed your way there will surely be fun days ahead ! Plans for trick or treat and fall festivals ? Apple picking or jumping in leaves?  New costumes and lots more smiles.

We hope that what ever you choose to do this fall  – that it is fun and makes you both smile just like the faces in these photos!

The fun times you spent in the Mitten may slip away or fade from memory with time but the photos will always be nice keepsakes.

Hope your days are full of laughter and smiles. Missing and LOVING you both always and forever,


❤️Nana and Poppy❤️?