Happiness …


Never forget the Nana you two always loved is always wishing you happiness and love !

And so does your Poppy … ❤️   TODAY TOMORROW AND ALWAYS…..



Dear Guillianna and Elijah

Today’s love letter is to remind you how important it is for us to see you both happy! We hope life with mom and dad is so much fun! That you are doing lots of good work at school and enjoying all kinds of activities!

It’s true we wish we could see and talk to you – and everyday we wonder how your day is going … but we also want your mom and dad happy. We want them to build trusting loving relationships with you both. I think it was very hard on them being away so long from both of you. Poppy and I love our whole family- every single child with all our heart and soul. We have learned that all our children grow up to follow their own dreams. We hope they will make good and safe choices. We hope they will learn to love others and treat others with kindness. Follow direction so they don’t get lost on the road thru to adulthood. That is what parents do- and eventually their kids get to choose, they can choose to stand by the family values and appreciate the love and protection. And often they can choose to find an entirely different path that best suits them. Your mom and dad have made decisions that make them the most happy. They find the path they feel is best for them and what hey want. Some families are very close. Others are not. Your parents have made clear that they don’t like being around Poppy and Nana and they feel they have good reasons. They love both of you very much and we are hopeful you will always be loving kind and respectful of them so that you can grow, healthy happy and learn what will make you happy when you’re a grown up.

These love letters and thousands of photos and memories over ten years time will remain inside of you. They are posted here for you to remember clearly truth and what was real for both of you. And all of your tomorrows are full of new memories that will be equally fun and special.

I used to tell my kids – to be mindful and REMEMBER who they are and the values Poppy and I tried so hard to teach them, to not let the Army or non army life change their course and to always know that they must be careful to choose “good” and “kindness”. To love and respect those who love them . We also hope the two of you will always listen to your heart and be true to your passion in life, and believe in the love we have always had and will always have for you both . What ever your life’s passion is … make all your efforts good,  be compassionate, and always keep a heart full of gratitude.  Every person you know and love in the Mitten, is wishing you happiness today and always.

Love you both, always and forever,


❤️Nana and Poppy❤️?

We Can’t Understand but HOPE you’ll KNOW ….k

Dear Guillianna and Elijah:

A new week begins and as you both know like every Monday Poppy is at work. About a month ago we emailed your Mom and asked her if we could please come to visit you. POPPY SAID ANY DAY ANY TIME. HE WOULD DO WHAT EVER DAY SHE SAID COULD WORK. At first she said you had baseball, and track which we explained that was fine we took you both to all your activities for three years and loved every second – we said we would love to come and see- but she then said no. No way would they allow it. We had hoped to take you for dinner or swimming at our hotel for the weekend- or during the week since you were not yet in school – anything at all – but they feel that your time in Michigan was not good and have said you two do not want to see us. They said some very unusual things that are not making any sense ti us but I what I do think is that they want you to have a easier time adjusting to your lives living together. We can’t really be sure what has happened or what they are thinking, but we know that you were both very happy when here so it makes us very surprised to hear anything different.

Mainly in this letter we hope you will one day know we tried to come see you. And we still will. Any day they say we can we will come. As of this moment – We hope that by Eli’s birthday they will change their mind. It seems unreal to us that after all these years – this is happening. When you left Michigan the last thing we were all told was that you two can call anytime. You would be back in a few weeks for a post surgery doctor appointment right? However since then there are stories of both kids saying that they were not happy in Michigan? I really believe that they love you both and want more than anything to make you happy and have you better connect with daddy and since you both know how he and they feel about us it makes it very hard for them to do that. The sad part is that you kids are in the middle and for that we are so sad. Not sad with you. Sad that you are likely hurting and feel torn being in the middle. We will always be your family. We will always be your moms parents and we will always love you all. We cannot make choices for your children. We know mommy is married to daddy for a lifetime and when you grow up our children become grown ups and are free to make choices. We can only hope those choices bring them happiness for all of you. Yet no one can change the heart and love In the hearts of Poppy and Nana –

The last time I got the chance to speak to you and Eli – you both seemed so happy to be able to talk to me and I heard mom tell you when you asked to call – that you couldn’t call Poppy at his office that night because it was 7:30 – but then said you could call him the next day. That was end of April. No calls and we have tried so many times since then to reach you – but they changed all the phone numbers.

We have sent over 50 cards to you and little gifts and packages which I have copies of you’ll one day see …. But never hear back. No calls on holidays or birthdays. Only one call to Aunt Allyssa to Face Time her kids has been allowed in nearly a year. It’s all so sad and we want you to not ever feel bad for it since it is not something in your power.

So we cannot explain to you what is happening but we can promise that we love you both. We will always love you. We will continue to write you love letters. Helping you one day to see that you are valuable important people to all of us in Michigan. We will always keep hoping that what ever has been the cause of this can be fixed soon. Until then be good, respectful, kind and work hard at school and your favorite activities that make you happy.

I know for certain that you both were very much in love with your grandparents. With your great grandparents and your cousins and aunts and uncles. We can’t begin to imagine what could make either of you not want to see or speak to us. Other than you will clearly want to make mom and dad happy. As ALL KIDS DO, and as you should. We understand how important it is for you to feel loved and make parents proud and we will ALWAYS understand that you are good kids WHO ARE making the best of a very very hard situation. WE WILL NOT EVER WANT YOU TO DISHONOR THEM or be disrespectful. We want your long term happiness and based on how unusual and polar opposite this current situation is from anything you have even known in the past we write love letters hoping this traumatic time will be eased knowing all of these letters were written to show or love and support of you



❤️Nana and Poppy❤️

Grandparents Day 2018

Today is grandparents day and I wonder in your your new school they have a scheduled day where in your grandparents are able to come like at Notre Dame? If so whether it is today or any other day … we are there with you! We live in your hearts.

Forever … there is no amount of time or distance that changes a persons memories. Today I unpacked boxes at the storage facility. I found so many memories. Letters to poppy and I from your mom when she was small. Photos and box after if box of memories. All will be preserved and kept for you guys to one day see. I also found the wedding dress I wore when I married poppy. The train of the dress is now little bears. You may remember that you asked me to make sure Grandma Sally didn’t cut up the dress. So she didn’t. It’s also kept with all the other special things Poppy is saving. Grandparents day is every day really. If we see our grandchildren or if we don’t we ALWAYS will love them to the moon and back. All of them. So don’t worry – we know and have so many beautiful cards and letters from you to keep us smiling until we see each other again. Never worry about if you are loved by us, Never worry if you are missed , and never worry that the path you’re on makes it hard for you to see your other relatives. We all know you’re busy and we all love you – forever and always


Love to the moon and back…..

❤️Nana and Poppy❤️


Dear Guillianna and Elijah,

Sending you both hugs…. and love.   Wishing I could know you’re both doing good.   I know that you must wonder so many things.  Depending on what you have been told or not told, we are always worried for how you handle the very hard and difficult road of not seeing us after being with us every day for so very long.   I know that it is not easy, and I am hopeful one day soon things will be better and you will both be comforatable and happy like these photos again.



We just wanted to send you both a hug today – let you know we love you.. and hope that today brings you lots of smiles a good day at school and fun that brings laughter !

We don’t really know that you will ever read our love letters, until your grown but it is is important to both Poppy and Nana to let you eventually know how everyone you loved in the Mitten- still loves you and always will –


Love you to the moon and back, forever and always,

❤️Nana & Poppy❤️?