End of another month….
Dear Guillianna and Eli,
Today is Friday August 31. Hard to believe it is almost September. It seems like July just ended. This July was very different, when we usually would go up north with you and celebrate Nana’s birthday with all the family … but this year we didn’t go. There were lots of reasons why but one of them was that we felt since it was the first summer without you two here, and we were all supposed to go back, well – we figured that you’d be thinking ? about it and like feel bad if you couldn’t go or even say happy birthday. But DO NOT FEEL BAD we know you both have the biggest hearts and always made the best cards and cakes !!! Honestly – when everyone’s birthday comes and goes, we all know you really would love to be celebrating too. Grandma Sharyn turned 80 in March. And Grandma Sally 89 in April. I hope to plan a nice party for her when she turns 90… in April of 2019, and hopefully you can be there for it. ( we could try and coordinate around your school calendar even !) Uncle Nick and Uncle Dwan had birthdays, Papa just had his 82nd birthday and Aunt Liz had one too this week and well Cole is 1 this weekend – every single one of them knows how much you two love them, and each time we blow out candles or get together for anything at all – there is one thing for sure. THE NELSONS are missed and loved. Soon it will be Eli who will be having a birthday and we hope 7 is going to be a lucky ! As August ends, its crazy but we seem to still be trying to get ourselves used to having moved into a new home. It is so different from our old house, and much smaller. We know you too have experience in new homes. Finding spots for everything is so hard, but we are working on it. You likely are used to your new place now and hopefully youre very comfortable.
We look forward to a day where you can come and visit, take a vacation for a bit and hang out in the Mitten. After all it’s not far from you .. remember when there were trips made every weekend …. so I know it’s possible ! Or if they tell us there is time in your schedule we’d come there if it made things easier for your family. The condo we live in now is different that is for sure, but it is nice and truth is, Poppy and I sure didn’t need a big house, we always feel lucky we have a home. We hope you’ll always know that no matter where we go in life, no matter where we live, we will always have an open door.
I have decorated with some of the wonderful things you kids have made us. It makes it feel more like our home for sure. So I sent pictures in this love letter to show you how nice they look!
We hope you have some wonderful weekend plans, and I will not forget to take some photos of your cousins for you two while at Cole’s birthday party. I wish I could send cake!…and Ice Cream too! ??
We love you both with all our heart to the moon and back, and we hope you feel the kisses and hugs we send…
Love always and forever,
❤️Nana and Poppy❤️?