Sharing our Memories

There are so many good memories!

Tonight Poppy and I went to dinner together and we were thinking how much we love you both!

The photos we have from before you left pop up and we will sit and look at them with happiness. So I thought I would share pieces of the happiness with you both.

Love you both to the moon and back …


Love – Always and Forever

❤️Nana and Poppy❤️?

Tuesday August 21

These kids all went back to school today. They surely miss you both. I can’t believe how big everyone is getting.

Poppy and I hope your school days are going well. We really hope you both love your new teachers. I also hope the lunch love stickers I sent were a fun surprise.

When Sebastian comes out this week I will capture some new photos. I thought maybe you’d like to see him. With Coles party coming I can get more of him too !

I don’t know if your in gymnastics baseball cheer soccer or what ever after school activities you could be involved with but I hope they are so so so fun. we will be excited to hear all about them sometime.

We hope every day to see your faces hear how your days are and make plans to visit … until then you can be sure you’re loved so so much. That we keep you so close in our hearts and we never have ever said anything different than what is true. You are the best kids and we have had the best memories. Never let anything change your memories and this journal will keep them safe for you one day. Hope you’ll always know that there are so many people in Michigan sending wishes for fun times and happiness.

With back to school and fall activities coming up it will be fun for you to decide what you will dress up as for Halloween, and Elijah will have a birthday in a few weeks. I can’t believe it. 7 years old! So there are lots of things to look forward to and be excited about. Stay sweet and kind … thinking of you both !


Love always and forever

❤️Nana and Poppy❤️?

Today I visited old friends …

Today I was lucky to be asked to help Ms. Beth – it’s the day before Notre Dame returns to school here in the Mitten. Seems Rylee Liam and Haleigh needed something to do and I was given a chance to visit. So I hung with them for the day. Oh how Rylee misses Guillianna and Liam misses Elijah. We all hope you’ll come visit soon, and I told them whenever you did come we would have a play date for sure.

They wanted to go and eat crab legs for lunch and then we went shopping. I think they had a fun last day of summer – at least I hope so I know it was so nice for me to spend some t me with them.

We know school there started a bit ago but it also gets out before school here does. Wondering how your days are going. And hoping they are full of laughter and smiles.


You are in our hearts on our minds and forever we are holding your hands sending hugs and smiles today and always.


Love always and forever

❤️Nana and Poppy❤️?

Sunday was always Funday!

Dear Guillianna and Eli –

We always are hoping you’ve had a great day and that you did something fun.

Do you remember how we would have breakfast with Poppy? There was Gymnastics and just enjoy time together And for a while we would have cheer too. Busy busy right ? ?. I hear today was the day that all the Notre Dame kids went to find out who they have for new teachers and when I learn I can’t write and tell you. There was some discussion that Ms Stuk would teach 1st grade this year and Mrs.Kriesel would do kindergarten since Liam K was to be a first grader. But I am not sure if that happened.

I am going to help Ms.Campbell out tomorrow and will see Rylee Liam and Haleigh. Poppy and I hope you will remember some of these fun times I sent photos of. We hope you have a great day and remember WE LOVE YOU TI THE MOON AND BACK


love ❤️ always and forever

Nana and Poppy