Hey Daddy-O! Look I’m driving my Zamboni!

Hey is this a Zambonie?

Hello  Mom and Dad…

Dear Mom and Dad, today I got to hear from daddy and  guess what I was awake for him when he called.   I even squealed for him too… so when you call me mom I will try to talk with you too, just so you can hear how loud I can do it… it is soooooo cool. 

I love both of you very much, I can’t believe it, that all the way in Iraq you are able to call me here at CAMP NANA, I know there are so many people who wish they could hear from daddy, but I am lucky that he was able to share a moment with all of us here in Michigan and say he is okay, and that he is hanging in there… Well it means a lot, and I wanted Nana to pass on to all the people who read my love letters, how much daddy probably wishes he could call everyone, but PRINCESS’ take priority right daddy?   I hope everyone who loves my mommy and daddy, that reads my love letters  also knows that daddy says he is doing good, and he is taking care himself, and doing his work and he will be home as soon as he possibly can.

Today was a another Red Wing Playoff Game, and yes, I wore my jersey today to cheer them on…. however in addition to the red party shoes, Nana had me in red and white polka dot flare pants….  do you think this will be a new fashion for the team Nana?  Really, RED HOCKEY SHORTS WITH WHITE POLKA DOT’S…. hmmmmm….. I am thinking the chances are …. not so good Nana, but it works for a ‘Little Miss’…

My Great Grandma and I, hanging out at the Victory dinner.... Go Wings...

This is me thinking about the Chicago Blackhawks… nah, just really wondering how long before that bottle is warmed.  Ha….

I am honestly the cutest little fan ever....

So we met up with Great Aunt Ida, and Cousin Nancy, and crashed their Red Wing viewing party to have dinner with them, and let me just say, mom and dad you would be so proud of me when I go dining… I am a little rock star, and I would make you both so proud.   Today, a lady from another table came over to say hello because I was being so good.   (AND did I meniton ADORABLE) When she did, Nana and Poppy said you were both in Iraq, and she said to be sure to say THANK YOU for your service.   So I am passing on the message.   Thanks to you both, from so many people who really do realize what a sacrifice you are making.   Tomorrow is Memorial Day, so lots of people have the efforts of service men and women on the brain… and in the heart… I love that I have a dad and mom that are truly making my world and everyone else’s a home of the FREE and are being so brave to be so far away… Poppy and all the Aunties will spend tomorrow adoring me, and taking care of my every need.   So… until then, as always, I am your little Miss Adorable, and I love you both from the bottom of my heart, your daughter,


Super Saturday….

Hello Mom and Dad, here I am!Dear Mom and Dad,


Today not only did Great Aunt Pam come a visiting, but she brought GUBBY.   Who is like one hundred feet tall… and when he holds me, I can fit into the palm of his hand….  nah, he’s not really one hundred feet tall, but his heart, is so big and so cool.  He came to visit with the neices, and ME!    I went to Baby’s R Us for formula, and to Michaels to get letters for the back of my Red Wing jersey.   They were missing the ‘N’ in Nelson, so Gappy is going to look at the Micheals by her house.   Then I went to the grocery with Nana, and was a perfect angel the entire time.   Smiling every step of the way, and really avoiding the whole napping in the car thing these days.   When we came home I was also just plain being good, and after my day of errands, and tubby time, I went to sleep.  Here are photos for you to see and enjoy.  

Nana is so silly sometimes she just CRACKS ME UP!



Here I am

cracking up

at silly Nana and loving

the attention!






After that…

I am figuring what I can do next... I never stop thinking...I decided to blow bubbles…. a new thing I love to do…


and make sounds while blowing them, which also makes me crack up…


I am so cute!



More of me!

Do my cheeks look fat?   I think they are just perfect don't you?

My cheeks are so kissable… this is where Nana plants a bazillion a day, and says, they are  all from you…. I am so on to her… but it’s fun… so I say have at them Nana…

Do you know what I am thinking...?

I see a bottle coming with my name on it… YUMMO!


And, if these aren’t cute enough, there are more….here I am, and I am in the middle of telling them a long story, some thing, I love to do more and more of these days…. and I love when I squeal so loud… it makes me smile and I do it over and over and over again….

I have a million expressions and Nana is trying to capture them all for you!

There were so many cute things I did today, that Nana and the Black Beast… also known as “Mr. Nikon”,  had a field day….

I still love the lady bugs on the wall...I think it so cool these little lady bugs and butterflies …


They are so entertaining to me,  and now I try to reach for them. 

Nice of Poppy to let his room be a nursery huh… he doesn’t mind a bit hanging out with EVERYTHING PINK and EVERYTHING PRINCESS.   I have officially converted the master suite into the Guillianna dorm.   But my absolute favorite are the Lady Bugs.  Good choice mom… I love them.   Nana got them because you said you picked them for me… so thank you… THEY ARE THE BEST!

Hoping you are both doing okay, and that you know you are loved...

As you can see, I am still Little Miss Adorable, and very happy, and serious when the situation calls for it.   Like right now… I am serious when I tell you, I feel good, am doing great, and every second of every day, I am loving both of you for being so brave and taking care of things.  I WILL BE RIGHT HERE…. ready for your hugs and kisses, and until tomorrow when I write again, I send my love and kisses to Iraq. Love you bunches, your daughter,

Me and a drip of formula....still the cutest thing ever...


Freaky Friday & the Number 50

Hello Mom and Dad.... it's me Little Miss!

Dear Mom and Dad..

What a day we had today.  You see today was the last SENIOR SKIP day of six kids in Nana’s house.  Aunt Arrianna, who is graduating in just a few days, was staying home today, and Nana and Poppy were secretly conspiring to try and meet Poppy between his morning and afternoon office hours for a surprise GRADUATION LUNCH.   I was going along with it all, and Aunt Arri would have had a great time only… right when we were getting ready to go… something happened.

Nana was changing me, and she had Aunt Arrianna get my diaper bag into the car.  She did, and opened the garage door too.   When she came in Nana was you guessed it SINGING TO ME ON THE CHANGING TABLE, and getting ready for Aunt Arri’s surprise.   There is a reason Nana stays home all time. …. try to change her routine and chaos emerges.   The door in the laundry room opened, and all three dogs got loose.   Justice (Bubba), Liberty, and Mr. Griff were gone…  I half dressed, was laid into my crib where Aunt Arri stood and NANA  who now has three broken bones and a hip that is so painful was on a mission to find them all…  AND SHE DID, BUT NOT ALL AT ONCE… first she found Mr. Griffin… and tried to get him into the car… he is good at putting his two front paws in, but you have to lift his rear… and let’s just say, the neighbors most likely were enjoying the efforts Nana made, finally….. she did it, and she drove him home.   Unloaded him and went to look for the other two.    Aunt Arrianna and I waited about 10 minutes later, Nana returned with the other two.  Unfortunately Bubba found a man walking his dog ( a large dog that Bubba was trying to go after, and the man got between them), and Bubba is believed to have bitten his ankle.   Yes, there was a mark on it, and Nana flipped out.  Now, we don’t know what will happen.   The animals had in fact taken over the zoo… so Nana called Poppy who came home on his lunch break , and visited the man, who seemed fine, but angry that our dogs got loose, Aunt Arri feels bad, and Nana, well, she is  N A N A and that says it all to anyone who knows her… can we say ‘drama’!   Don’t get me  wrong, it’s all  so upsetting, but, she snapped today…. and is afraid they will have to get rid of Bubba…. I just don’t know.  Aunt Arri never got her surprise lunch, and I … just sat through the whole episode looking – really adorable, which made Nana smile even when sad.  In other news, I have been good, all day, I just figure Nana could use a break and so I was just a little angel for her sake.  But then again, I always am!

So here are some awesome photos for you mom and dad… and don’t worry one little bit.   I am ALL PRINCESS under this jersey!

This is what a 'WING NUT' looks like!



Me in my game day garb.


Princess Power Play!


Nana took a bunch of these so she can update Uncle Nick’s site too.


Mom… you said I can’t play hockey, you never said I can’t watch it…. THIS IS ME WHEN I AM NERVOUS DURING A GAME… I JUST CLOSE MY EYES!

I close my eyes when I get nervous!





Come on….






I even have my own Red Wing watching red seat!


Ready for the game!Hey, I am wondering wear are my skates?



Nana, do hockey fans wear ruffled socks?




I mean, really…

Well I guess it makes me a Princess Fan…


Hockey Ruffles, not Hockey Skates mom!

50 is an interesting number.   50 dogs –  bad,   50 mosquito bites- bad,   50 dirty diapers – smell BAD!   Yet, 50 kisses…. good, 50 perfectly heated bottles, better!   50 – smiles, awesome!    My point is…

My great grandfather, Papa Alan, I had mentioned was going out of town this weekend in an earlier letter.   Tonight he is celebrating 50 years since he graduated podiatry school.   He has been working for 50 years with his patients, and taking care of his family.   While you and dad now have learned about how much we all sacrifice and how hard we work to take care of our families, I wanted to say


CONGRATULATIONS to Papa from you both and from me, Little Miss Adorable, on HIS FIFTY YEAR REUNION.   We are all very lucky as are so many of your patients that you made the choice to be Dr. A.   Come home safe… and bring back GG-ma… I miss you both,

Mom and Dad, that was today, tomorrow, hopefully Nana will be recovered, and until then, I will always be your Little Miss Adorable, your daughter,

  Love you both very much!   Don't worry mom, no plans to be goalie or anything...



Gappy and the Mall!

Nana made a boo boo and now you missed a few good pictures... sorry mom and dad! Dear Mom and Dad,

After my field trip to the mall with Nana, and my photo shoot at the rainforest… safari trip…. GAPPY, (Great Aunt Pam) just had to see for herself.  She visited, (it’s Thursday ya know) and we met the whole family after their late night at work, at the MALL.   I was strolled around, and yes, finally after nearly SIX MONTHS of looking we found the ONE THING I HAD BEEN MISSING FROM MY WARDROBE FOR MONTHS.  

Everyone here, (sorry cousin Noah) is RED WING CRAZY… OR AS THEY SAY IN THE MOTOR CITY this time of year, ‘cup crazy’.   Everyone had tried to find, baby sized Red Wing attire, preferrably PRINCESS style, but even in little prince wear… but nothing… nothing at Babies R Us, nothing anywhere Nana or Poppy looked.   They had wanted to put up a photo on the site Nana does for Uncle Nick while he has been in the South Pacific… (yeah she’s crazy like that, my site for you two, and a site for Uncle Nick too…)  but in honor of his favorite team of all time, being in the playoffs, and being that he would be missing all his favorite games… they wanted at least one shot of me in some form of RED WING ATTIRE…. no such luck, until tonight.

Gappy says she has seen things, but seriously… the whole family here has been keeping their eyes peeled, and nothing… until now.    But you have to wait until tomorrow… they have a game tomorrow night, and I plan on wearing my special tribute then so check me out tomorrow night okay?  

So… last night Dad, on that show you and mom were watching, American Idol, Kris, beat Adam… yep, Aunt Arri said you would want to know.

I was very good today at NOT SLEEPING.   My sleeping through the night streak has ended, and my napping, well it has been minimal this past week.   I sleep during the day for 5 or 10 minutes, and then up, I call those my little ‘Nana Naps’ .   That’s because I don’t want Nana to be bored or lonely for too long… right Nana?   I mean you never know when Nana may need a little hug or kissing time…. so I keep them very brief and few during the day, and just to make sure she is not to lonely at night I check on her these past evenings about every 2 1/2 hours!   I find it odd though that with Poppy, and two of the three dogs sharing sleeping space on their bed, (MR. GRIFF USUALLY SNUGGLING RIGHT BETWEEN NANA  AND POPPY) that she can get so lonely… but don’t you worry mom… I got it covered.  In a bit, when I am just a little older, I will break Nana’s little neediness… and will start sleeping through the night all the time.

Here I am kissing my Monkey good night.... maybe I will sleep too!

So I am just writing to day, to say, I love you both.   I still am not rolling over, and if Nana can, she will video tape it for you.   While I am drooling a bit, and gnawing like crazy, I don’t have any bumps that would indicate a tooth will be coming through the second it happens, you can bet the black beast will be in my face, to show it off to you both immediately.   Nana is pretty confident that you will not miss a day of my life while she is on duty, or so long as she can help it.   Internet issues, power issues, black beast issues, exclueded of course, but she is trying to make it so you will be able to see me in some shape or form every day of my life.   (or at least give it her best effort)  I will write you tomorrow with more news of the day!  Today however, was just another camp day until the dinner with Gappy and all the Aunts.   I sat with elephants, and watched rainstorms and enjoyed the RAINFOREST CAFE.   Nana felt so bad for visiting so many times without eating there, that we finally did, and it was so nice.  

I am sooooo laughing out loud here!

Today and every single day, I am – your one and only, your Little Miss Adorable, your daughter,



 And about dinner, Thank you to Great Aunt Pam, (GAPPY), it was a blast, tell the rest of your family they were missed, and my GUBBY, ( Great Uncle Brian) he was awesome to send me a text message with his photo, and remind him that I am available for Fillet Mignon with bearnaise..at the Royal Park anytime!   Or … the Ball Park… and ball park franks for that matter….LOL.   Love GuGu.