Saturday – A date with Great Grandma…

So... am I looking beautiful or what?

Dear Mom and Dad,

Tonight we spent with GG-ma, Papa, Uncle Dave, Aunt Kris, Steven, Bryan and of course our gang… we missed visiting with Aunt Shirley because she was unable to be there…..(tear)….

Me and My GG-ma!

But Poppy was able to have dinner with his mom for Mother’s Day.  I got to be adorable… and have everyone make a big deal over me, so I was diggin it… except for the flash… THAT THING IS STARTING TO BUG ME..  I keep closing my eyes… and that only leads to Ms. Camera happy to snap more shots, and I just blink more… crazy… but this is me in my party dress… looking like a princess for Mommy to see on Mother’s Day!  

I am not sleeping I just hate that FLASH THING!

I think that it is funny that Nana has such a hard time getting a photo of me with my eyes open, see I am NOT ASLEEP,

I am just thinking if I close my eyes that bright thing will stop going off..

BUT Noooooooooo!

It just keeps on going like a darn STROBE….

Can princess’ say darn?

Well I did cause let me just tell you THAT THING IS ANNOYING!


This is me, taking a break for all the company and snoozin in my seat, a favorite thing to do… still adorable when sleeping though huh?

I fell asleep and was not in the mood to visit for a bit... but when I woke up, I was adorable, WHAT AM I SAYING I WAS ADORABLE WHEN SLEEPING..

Personally I am not planing on celebrating this ‘mother’s day until we can spend it together…other than maybe a Love Letter tomorrow just to let you know I am thinking about you… WHICH I DO CONSTANTLY… sooooo tomorrow won’t be so very different…. I WILL WAKE UP THINKING ABOUT YOUR AND THEN NANA WILL SING A SONG ABOUT YOU, AND THEN I WILL EAT BREAKFAST, AND SHE WILL STILL BE TELLING ME SOMETHING ABOUT YOU… AND WHEN I TAKE A MORNING NAP I WILL DREAM ABOUT YOU…. and on and on and on… so don’t you fret Mommy… you’ll be thought of…. AND since I KNOW youre thinking of me… it’ll all be cool.  Unil tomorrow please know that I love you both very much, and as always I am your Little Miss Adorable, your daughter,



I am happy, and it shows....

Dear Mom and Dad,

Today is Friday, and we had a quiet day.   Nana and Poppy’s television broke, and Nana ordered parts, but there was no Sesame Street, and no Curious George which I enjoy in the morning.   However… it left more time for you know what… NANA SONGS…. yeah that’s what I said too….

Now wait a minute Nana, are you SURE you want to sing that one AGAIN? 


We think the part will be delivered tomorrow or Monday…  


yeah that’s what I was thinking too…

Here I am just double checking if she is certain she really wants to sing that one song AGAIN….

or maybe she should rest a bit…

but alas… no… have you ever really listened to someone sing… who technically requires oxygen when just talking… because she desats… and when she sings… the deprivation causes such an interesting effect on the pitch of the song… truly … it’s interesting….

Justice, Libby and Mr. Griffmonster… I wonder where they go during song time?

I am laughing at Nana's silly singing or silliness .... she is always acting so silly...

Here are some pictures for you and dad, it is Nana and I, and probably the closest thing you will get to seeing Nana on here… with the one exception of my party day, where she has one photo, but says she is going to remove it…  I told her no changing my love letters! 

Me getting ready to take a bite of my gugubunny!

For those of you following….. uhhhmm, yes, the Griffmonster is STILL SHEDDING, major like.    We have a dusting of snowy white fur throughout the house, and it is so bad that I saw the cat’s sneezing earlier today.   G R O S S ….   Nana says, on Sunday all of the doggers are getting tubby’s…. and I don’t mean a sub sandwich either… they are getting brushed, bathed, and trimmed.   Sounds fun?, NOT! As a matter of fact, I am filing an official petition, seeing as I am fearful that my ALL HANDS ON GUILLIANNA DAY may just turn into an as many hands as possible on the SHEDDING MACHINE POOCHES.   Definately NOT good.    Will let you know how that goes!   Tomorrow we have a field trip to take Grizzabella to the vet…. told ya … a zoo… a total zoo…. any excuse to go out though, love that car ride thing, and there is always a good chance I will get extra adoration from new folks…  happens most places I go… Nana says, not to let it get to my head, and to be humble, I say… look at this… HOW DO I DOWNPLAY THIS..?   Really Nana… how?

Such a face.... don't you just want to kiss these cheeks!

So I just have to saymom and dad, how awesome my Poppy is… he came home last night from work, and you know what he had.  A present, not from him, but a patient.   He’s been a good doctor for a long time and he has patients who have been so good to all of us… He has a patient as well as many of  her family members, as patients, she drove all the way to Poppy’s work, JUST FOR ME, and she gave me some awesome and adorable princess outfits.   Thank you so much Mr. and Mrs. L.   I hope you know how lucky Poppy feels to be able to see you and your family, and for your kindness.  Now,he too  is a GRANDFATHER, and he see’s how that is exactly now… all this time you have been grandparents, and loving every second of it, well Poppy, HE TOTALLY GETS IT …and all the family here at Camp Nana say THANK YOU SO MUCH for being so thoughtful.   I feel very lucky.

Nana, stop... you know I am ticklish stop... stop...

My mom and dad say thank you too, to Mr. and Mrs. L…. for making my time while they are so far,  so very nice, and for thinking of me.   Right mom and dad?  So before I go for the night,  I hope you know how much you are loved, and missed.   Until tomorrow, I as always am your LITTLE MISS ADORABLE, your daughter,

Me giving a kiss to Nana... or eating her hair...

Look as Nana sneaks in a kiss in on Mom and Dad’s behalf… see I told you… she gets a little crazy….. but this week I started showing off a new trick…. see, I just say RIGHT BACK ATCHA NANA…


Pears… I love pears…

You should have seen Nana, she was covered in baby food!

Dear Mom and Dad,

Today is Thursday, and I had Nana Laughing Out Loud.   You see, when we sit down and I attempt to have a little cereal, and fruit, I have a tendency to get it everywhere.   Today however I got pears for the first time… and I have to say, I loved them.   When I got them in my mouth I was so excited that I spit them all over.   Nana… thinking it was a one time thing gave me more, and again I spit them all over her… a spray of liquid pear.   She laughed and that made me think I would do it more… my lunch today was a bit of formula, some pears and some sweet potato’s,  Nana was specked with orange all over her clothes and her face… the pears, well they weren’t as obvious, but boy did she have a mess to clean, and a very good laugh.   It was soooooo funny. 


Today was GAP…Great Aunt Pam day, and yes she made the long journey just to see my face today… Nana loves this… and so do I. 


I had a great day today, and I am still missing and loving you with all my heart.   Please write me soon…. until then, I am and always will be your Little Miss Adorable, your daughter,


I am sooooooo adorable.... love these shoes!








P.S.  by the way Mr. GriffMonster… still shedding…



Meeting friends….

My friends and I .... hanging out in the party crib!

Dear Mom and Dad,

I was so lucky today, Nana was able to get me into the car and take me to Poppy’s office for a special treat.   I got to meet the Milke’s, friends of Nana and Poppy, and really good people, they were so nice.   Nana had to have x-rays taken and yes she still has two broken feet, but they are getting “bone callous’ which is good.  Sounds gross but is good.   They have been hurting her since November, so she is very happy for some good news.   

I was my adorable  self.. and I am happy to say, that I am a chatterbox and quite a laugher… Nana keeps making silly faces, and noises that make me crack up.   You’d crack up too if you had her making silly faces at you.  

So I have all kinds of faces for you, my little personality is really starting to appear more and more,

This is my   "ARE YOU SERIOUS"... face!

Can you tell what I am thinking?   There are photos of my getting ready to go in my car seat and playing with the crib toys… and to be perfectly honest, I am not a fan of the HUGE FLASH thingy Nana keeps popping in my face… more and more, so I close my eyes for the pics now, which leads to more and more photos…. a new game I have begun.

my.... I am strapped in as if I was going in a rocket to the moon face!This is me, thinking … really Nana, I feel as though Iam strapped in waiting for the rocket to launch me into space..


But I do it, and don’t complain.  I always have fun riding in the car, and get to get out of camp Nana for a bit. So it is nice and worth the hassle.


The weather here is good, it was in the seventies today, and the sun was peeking in and out of clouds, but nice.   It is supposed to rain tomorrow, just in time to reflood THE LAKE in the backyard for our backyardigans to track all through the house, G R O S S  AGAIN, simply gross!

My hair is growing...

In case you wanted to see me without the hat, yes, my hair is starting to grow a bit, and when it is washed, it usually stands straight up on top of my head.  Just like a regulation army cut dad gets…. not sure what color it will be but it is growing.

Maybe I can eat my way out of these straps!Maybe if I gnaw at them long enough,

I could eat my way through these things…

I certainly can give it my best effort…. and no there aren’t any teeth yet, not even a little sign of any coming, I just put everything in there waiting for one to pop!

Bottom Line, I use my eyes to express myself quite a bit...

Yes, the little scratches on my nose are healing. It is  impossible to keep them short enough! When it comes to this, Poppy keeps cutting those daggers of mine and still I find a way to do this… sorry mom, I know you warned Nana about it, but… well I like to be a challenge… I wonder, where I get that trait from?  Hmmmm… anyone know?   Anyway…

I am thinking hard, and learning so much...

I am learning and thinking all the time, and most of all I am loving you both, I will write again tomorrow, and please know I am today as always, your Little Miss Adorable, your daughter,
