"Happy Princess-versary to MEEEEEE, Happy Princess-versary to me!"

Dear Mom and Dad,

It is May 4th, 2009 and I am five months old.  I AM, and it feels good.   Today, I took a lot of photos for your princess-versary present, since we could not mail you anything.   Nana says she can’t wait for an address, and her friends at the post office, well they too want us to get one soon so we can send care packages… AND I CAN GO WITH HER TO VISIT all her friends at the US post office.    Uncle Nick is coming home in less time than it takes for things to arrive to him so we have curtailed our POSTAL SERVICE visits… so sad… I love them, they always make a big deal when I come in… but then again everyone always is making a fuss over me…

Am I cute or what?

Today, Nana was missing Poppy so much, that she loaded up my stuff, and off we went to see him at work.   When she was young, and full of energy she used to bring him care packages at his work, little picnics or a treat of some sort, today she got all sentimental tried to be “young” again.   I say… leave that stuff to the young people Nana… your too old to be thinking like a 27 year old now…  Not that I am pushing you towards a cane, walker or anything, but geez… you’ve been married nearly two DECADES already… but no… Nana still misses Poppy when every they are apart…  I say… G R O S S …  

Yes, I took a lot of photos today, but ... it's your five month-versary!

 The good news however is that even if Nana acts like a love sick goof… I got to go out in the world and was adored by Papa Alan, Uncle Dave, all the staff at their office, and patients too!    AWESOME HUH…. (sorry GG-ma, you got the suprise visit last week, and now Papa got one) Something about being fair I guess…  so we brought some bagels to everyone because Nana says, she thinks that Poppy is so lucky to have so many wonderful faces working there, for so long, and she remembers working, and how much she loved it when people noticed the hard work.  Well Poppy does notice, and tells her all the time – so she picked up some bagels, some cream cheese and WELL THE BEST PART, me to visit of coarse, and then we came back to CAMP NANA!  So I was looking pretty spiffy…and had a blast visiting today…. Nana, well she had a blast seeing Poppy… “GROSS, MUSHY GROSS”….  but, I will focus on the baby adoration, and she can focus on her McDreamy.   I hope you are doing okay… and maybe you can come back sooner than later.  It’s a Princess-versary, we can all close our eyes and WISH… right?   Nana says anything is possible.

Me and my Gugu Bunny sitting in the chair!

The last time I sat in this chair, I was sooooo small and I could barely sit… now, I am lovin the whole ‘sitting up’ thing… and holding up my head, even though my cheeks are quite heavy… I do a darn good job… but, I am not so keen on sharing the spotlight with GuGu Bunny, but … whatever I did, … here is one last shot of me in my 5 month old princess-versary hat and some really beautiful eyes, I am going to close them and make my princess-versary wish!  I hope it tides you over till my next picture which will be… hmmmmm, let me see, TOMORROW!   By the way, I ate good today, I rode in the car awesome, and took a massively fun bath tonight, camp is good… hope you are both well, and we look forward to hearing from you soon.  Love always, Little Miss Adorable, your daughter,

BIG BLUE might be my new nick name....


Saftey First at Camp Nana – ya think?

This is tummy time...

Dear Mom and Dad,

Not to complain about camp or anything, but did someone forget to mention some overprotective tendancies of the camp director…hmmm. I am just saying… that Nana puts enough pillows around me for my photo shoot that … well  again…let’s just say, do we remember the snowbundle she used to wrap me in that could have had me in a walking or standing position at 1 month old… well, the pillows are towering so that they have me sitting….. and they are keep me sitting… no real chance of tumbling over… because just incase there isn’t enough cushion surronding my little butt, there are a pair of hands at every inch of the circle that surrounds me …Supported enough, ya think?   there is a radius of hands around me at any given moment! 

Silly Nana!

We went shopping this morning. Poppy, Nana and I, and let all the Aunts have a sleep in day.  We stopped at the store for much needed things at Poppy’s work, and then we went back to Camp… all my Aunts were up and waiting for me to come home.  Since then I have been fed, played with, strolled, held, and rocked.  It has truly been a nice day… I am going to rest because tomorrow, I have a princess-versary.   I will be five months old tomorrow!  I can hardly believe it.   5 PRINCESS MONTHS, and look at me… I don’t really look a day over 4 months… Usually I give mommy her princess-versary present, but since she is not at A SPECIFIC ADDRESS yet where she can get mail, I will take a special princess-versary photo for her tomorrow.  Until then, I hope you remember, I am your Little Miss Adorable, your daughter,

Tummy Time... not a favorite, but I do it...





still… extremely Glam and  with cheeks that are simply irrisistable!




GAP – and in Blue!

Can you believe it, I am wearing blue!   Makes my eyes gorgeous!

Dear Mom and Dad,

How are you doing?   I hope you have been able to see my love letters, and that they are making you smile.   Today is Saturday, May 2nd, and am not wearing PINK.   It is rare that I don’t have something pink on… and today was that day…

GAP  –   you know what that means… GREAT AUNT PAM!    She came to see me today, and hardly recognized me in blue!   

She took all of my Aunts to the mall today…and Nana and I just hung out at home, since Nana’s hip is sore.   I personally think it was an excuse and that Nana just wanted to play with me… she is like that…. always getting her kisses in, and watching baby Einstein and stuff.    I had a great day, took one great nap… which is odd for me, I am not usually a big napper… but today I was, hee hee, wonder if that means, up and party in my crib tonight?   Here are some photos of me today… and  I am looking as good in blue as I do in pink… what do you think?

Me cracking up... LOL... I find so many things funny these days.Sometimes I just laugh out loud and crack myself right up…


Here I am enjoying the setting sun here in Michigan and another day at it’s end here at Camp Nana…

Aunt Alyx has been doing her reading in Parent magazine, about all kinds of things babies like, and I reap the rewards because she pays so much attention to me.

Aunt Mikayla, Aunt Allyssa and Aunt Arrianna are all seeing what things make a VERY SOON TO BE FIVE MONTH OLD LAUGH… they are good Aunts.   Aunt Pam, too even with having one of thier cars in for repair, she still found a way to get out to me. THANK YOU SO MUCH!

I am still laughing, and enjoy the fact that spring is finally here!

The sun is setting in the background, and there are flowers blooming but the most wonderful thing about this photo…. yep you got it, ME! 

Nana sent photos of the seasons to Uncle Nick while he has been gone this past year… and now she is sending them to you …. after spring /summer passes we will send you some of fall and then it will be winter again, and you will get some R&R, counting seasons, seems to be better than counting days… there are less of them… and they come and go quickly here in the MITTEN STATE.

I am using my leg muscles in the next shot and showing you how strong I am.  What do you think guys… could I pass you both up in PT…?

Checking out what is goin' on!

I am allowed to stand up here cause Poppy has me…

and what I am really thinking is…

Darn… I am too cute…

Blue, purple white … I have it all goin’ on…

Don’t I?

Tomorrow is as you well know by now…


Clearly a favorite day of the week for me…  and I plan on making the most of it…. Until tomorrow please know that I love you both, that I am today as always your Little Miss Adorable, your daughter,

Little Miss.... Serious... and inquisitive!



P.S.   (a little note added late this day…. YES… it was party in my crib… 2am, 3am, 4am) 

 Thinking maybe…. that was one big nap… because let me just say… I WAS NOT TIRED TONIGHT… NANA and I had a party… all night!   Who says, Nana is too old to have fun…. LOL…. she may look a little weary for my all hands on Guillianna Sunday… but we had fun…

Friday in Farmington…

Up close and personal... get a good look at your little princess, I am still so sweet and so adorable, Nana can' stop with the close up pictures...

Dear Mom and Dad,

Incase you forgot what my eyelashes look like, Nana got a photo so you can practically count them…

I am a bit tired, but still... have the brightest blue eyes ever...

I spent the day in Farmington today, visiting my GG-ma and Papa Alan.   Aunt Audrey and Uncle Mel, stopped their entire day, just to come and see me… it was so nice.   I was very good on my field trip and we had a dinner with Poppy and all my Aunts at a fun place that fits us all soooo good.   My Aunts had FLAMING CHEESE, and I had my usual, Nutramagen which was delish!   I may be looking a little wide eyed here,

INCASE YOU DIDN'T KNOW, CAMP NANA = ZOO... WAY TOO MANY PET THINGS HERE...thankfully only one princess...

But, incase you were not fully aware, I am not the only thing being baby sat here at Camp Nana…. thankfully I am the only princess, but there are several PETS running the circus….. Nana  has had Mr. Bauer at camp since Uncle Nick departed for the South Pacific…. and Mr. Bauer, while being very cool, is on a strict schedule so that Nana doesn’t make him FAT  while Uncle Nick is away.    She also posts for Uncle Nick on Flickr.   Keeping him up to speed with things back at Camp Nana, and not only does she post my love letters, but his flickr photos.    She has posted the change from summer to fall for Uncle Nick and from Fall to Winter, and today…WE WENT TOGETHER on our field trip to take photos of what is happening in Michigan this first day of May.  


While spring has been here … in the Mitten State as elsewhere since March 21rst… the snow and ice, and hail have jaded me on what SPRING meant… today however, there are signs of spring everywhere and Nana has the photos to post for Uncle Nick.   I helped her out getting them since we do most everything together.   Really though mom did you know about this pet zoo thing… three dogs  (uh does it still count as a dog if it is the size of a small pony?YEAH I AM TALKING  ABOUT YOU MR GRIFF- WHAT EVER YOU ARE), four cats, four Aunts, soon one Uncle, and certainly –  last but not least ONE PRINCESS… how do we spell  CRAZY again…can anyone out there   GIVE ME A “N”  , GIVE ME  AN “A” , GIVE   ME  A ‘N’ .GIVE ME AN ‘A’ ….  what does it spell CRAZY…   So today I had a break from what we should no longer call CAMP NANA, and now call either Zoo Nana, or ‘Habitat for all things any time any place… any kind of critter’…   which while not as simple and easy to remember as CAMP NANA, is by far the most accurate title.   Hey Nana…. how about a group shot with all of us in the photo… let’s see if you really have what it takes… all of us here at camp, all smiling, all with our eyes open, and in one shot… okay maybe three tries… what do you say.. you up to the challenge?

Clearly this challenge may take a while since Uncle Nick is not due back for a bit yet… but  it should be a riot/zoo trying to make it happen… LOL! 

Tomorrow is clean the subdivision day, and two Aunts were assigned to that duty… I still fall under the choreless princess clause in my camp contract… so I am golden… I will try though to have photos for your enjoyment of the Aunties laboring during spring cleanup!  Until then, as always, your Little Miss Adorable, your daughter,

Such a face!
