Dust bunnies… ‘hare’ balls, WOW..
Hey Mom and Dad…
I hear that there are dust storms in the part of the world you are but I thought you may like to hear about my ‘dust’ story. I am just writing to say, I am about to let you in on a little secret…Camp Nana has more than it’s fair share of dust bunnies. Which makes me wonder, doesn’t a princess get to have people at their castle who take care of the dust bunnies? Hmmmm… I will have to talk with Nana, maybe she is slacking a bit….don’t worry she will do anything for a smile from me… ‘not that I have her “wrapped” or anything…. but you know how the saying goes… and I say if the little finger fits…eh hem…. then it may be – that I have her right where I want her… So about this hair thing…. Mr. Griff you know Mr. 200 pounder… well, I fear he has fallen below two hundred….
I kid you not, every day Mr. Griff is leaving behind like a pound of hair … it looks like it snowed in this place…certainly the other pets are leaving their fair share but Mr. Griff is taking – as they say – not only the cake, but the whole darn bakery! Hands down he is a winner in the shedding department. (makes a person want to come live here at camp doesn’t it)
If you try to pet him, your hand is covered in hair. Looks like you have a cashmere mitten on… ‘Tis the season for shedding St. Bernards appearantly… so Miss Arri is a Swiffering machine… no sooner do they get up several bags full, there is more! GROSS huh?
So today we went to the post office, and then back home. No big shakes here… Nana has discovered that I laugh at her when she is being silly, so she spent a great deal of her day doing silly things to make me smile. Probably good that she doesn’t have a webcam, her silliness all over the internet would be scary to the rest of the family…. for me… it’s entertaining.
All in all, the summary for the day… I was adorable, I was good, no change that to I was perfect, I love you both very much. Pretty much the same as every other day. I did get some new rattles, and some new teething key rings, I am just a two fister when it comes to holding them, love gnawing on them, and love talking. I squeal when I am really excited. It is the loudest thing… it scares me sometimes when I do it… but then I just laugh… I will go back next month for a check up in the weight department, and for a cardiology update…. but really I am just doing great. I am getting bigger because I have out grown so many outfits.
Just so you know, I don’t drive yet, and the overprotective one, well obviously according to the rest of the Aunt’s living here, you need not worry about me having too many ‘liberties’ she runs a tight ship… but all in all it is pretty much a party everyday, no real complaints… since I am officially too young for the chores, and the DOG HAIR and other doggie ‘present’, CLEAN UP PATROL, (thank goodness)…. I am skating around any of that kind of activity and just ‘livin large’ as they say. Minor exceptions…the constant NANA SONGS… WHICH ARE ABOUT EVERYTHING AND ANYTHING…and.. sharing my photo ops … but otherwise…. Life is good! As always, your Little Miss Adorable, your daughter,
Adorable in any color, but especially fond of
P I N K…